21+ Best Essential Oils For Breathing Better And Healthy Lungs

essential oils for breathing better

“When the breath is unsteady, all is unsteady; when the breath is still; all is still. Control the breath carefully. Inhalation gives strength and a controlled body; retention gives steadiness of mind and longevity; exhalation purifies body and spirit.” The quote by Goraksasathakam might have a spiritual connotation, but the restorative power of each deep … Read more

Top 16 Essential Oils For Rashes: Remedy And Precautions

essential oils for rashes

Skin rashes, any type of skin rashes, are uncomfortable. No matter what the underlying causes of these rashes are, they are uncomfortable. And more than uncomfortable, they are embarrassing. No one wants to keep scratching their skin in public. And the scratching can cause burning, swelling and even bleeding. What is the solution? Of course … Read more

Tea Tree Oil For Nail Fungus

Tea tree oil is the most commonly used essential oil in skincare and healthcare. It contains various medicinal and therapeutic benefits that help in overcoming many skin conditions and health issues. Tea tree oil has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties that help in fighting many infections. Nail fungus is a common skin … Read more

Best Oil Massage For Face – Essential Oils And Carrier Oils

Myth buster – Let’s start this article by busting two common myths – oil massage on the face cause acne breakouts; and oil massage on the face is only for those with dry skin type. No they are not. Oil massage must be inculcated into regular skincare regimen alongside exfoliation and facials. The best oil … Read more

Using Tea Tree Oil For Lice Treatment (With Witch Hazel Recipe)

Your children are back from school and started doing their assignments. You are happy with their dedication. You see them scratching their head and wonder what they are thinking so hard about. You go near them and ask what’s bothering them and their answer shocks you. They are scratching their head because something is biting … Read more

5 Best Essential Oils For Pancreatitis

If you are someone who suffers from pancreatitis or bad pancreas health, you know firsthand how painful and debilitating this condition can be. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, an organ located behind the stomach that is responsible for producing important hormones and enzymes that aid digestion. While there is no cure for pancreatitis, … Read more

10 Essential Oils For Foot Odor With DIY Recipes

essential oils for foot odor

Oh! Our poor, poor feet. The least cared body part. It lifts the whole body weight the whole day in different situations and different environment. Sometime it has the right footwear, but most times the footwear itself becomes the problem. One such problem encountered by the feet is odor, medically termed bromodosis. Foot odor and … Read more