Pink Eyes & Conjunctivitis | Best Essential Oils For Pink Eyes | How To Use Essential Oils For Pink Eye Symptoms

Pink eye, known medically as conjunctivitis, can turn even the brightest days into uncomfortable experiences. The irritation, redness, and discharge that often accompany this eye infection can be a real downer. But what if there was a natural and soothing remedy that could help you find relief?

Enter essential oils. These potent extracts from nature’s bounty have gained recognition for their potential in addressing a variety of health concerns, including pink eye. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best essential oils for pink eyes and conjunctivitis, revealing how to harness their power to alleviate symptoms and promote healing.

From the anti-inflammatory properties of lavender and tea tree oil to the soothing benefits of coconut oil and beyond, we’ll uncover the natural remedies that can help soothe pink eye symptoms. Whether you’re dealing with viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, there’s a solution here for you.

What Are Pink Eyes? Is It Viral Conjunctivitis? 

Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is a common eye condition characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva—the thin, transparent layer covering the white part of the eye and lining the inside of the eyelids. This inflammation can cause the blood vessels in the conjunctiva to become more prominent, giving the eye a pink or reddish appearance, hence the name “pink eye.”

While pink eye can result from various causes, including allergies, irritants, and bacterial infections, one prevalent form of conjunctivitis is viral conjunctivitis. Viral conjunctivitis is primarily caused by viruses, such as adenoviruses, which are highly contagious and can spread through contact with infected eye secretions or contaminated surfaces.

Common symptoms of viral conjunctivitis include:

  1. Red or pink appearance of the eye
  2. Watery discharge
  3. Itching or burning sensation
  4. Sensitivity to light
  5. Swelling of the eyelids
  6. Tearing

It’s essential to distinguish between viral conjunctivitis and other forms of pink eye because the management and treatment may differ. Viral conjunctivitis is typically self-limiting, with symptoms improving over time without specific antiviral medication. However, it is highly contagious, so precautions to prevent its spread, such as frequent handwashing and avoiding eye rubbing, are essential.

If you suspect you have viral conjunctivitis or pink eye, consulting with a healthcare professional or ophthalmologist can help confirm the diagnosis and provide guidance on appropriate management and care to alleviate symptoms and prevent its transmission to others.

Can You Use Essential Oils For Pink Eyes? Natural Remedies To Treat Pink Eyes? 

Pink Eyes or symptoms of pink eyes may cause irritation to many people and the treatment of it might be challenging, as any mistake might lead to pink eye infection. 

One of the best ways of treatment for pink eye is the use of essential oils. Essential oils have the power to reduce inflammation and all type of pink eyes or conjunctivitis. Let’s go over 5 best essential oils for pink eye treatment:

1. Lavender Essential Oil:

Lavender oil, like peppermint essential oil, is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Dilute a drop of lavender oil in a carrier oil and gently apply it to the skin around the eyes, avoiding contact with the eye. Lavender essential oil also has soothing and antimicrobial properties, which may provide some relief for the discomfort associated with pink eye.

However, when considering the option of using of lavender oil for pink eye, it’s essential to follow due diligence. Only use it in a highly diluted form, but even before that consult with an eye specialist. You can formulate a lavender oil-infused warm compress. The gentle warmth and lavender’s potential antimicrobial effects can offer comfort to the affected eye. However, pink eye can have various underlying causes, including infections, so it is imperative to consult with an ophthalmologist.

2. Myrrh Essential Oil: 

Myrrh oil, or clove essential oil, is one of the best remedies for pink eyes. It can cure the inflammation of the conjunctiva, and reduce the swelling and inflammation. Again, using myrrh essential oil (or any essential oil) for pink eye should be approached with caution. Myrrh may be known for its potential antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, but always consult with an eye specialist before any self-treatment for pink eye, as the eye condition can have various underlying causes, including infections.

When you start using, myrrh oil can be diluted in a carrier oil and applied topically around the eye, but it should never come into direct contact with the eye itself. You can ask your family member to apply the diluted oil with care.

3. Tea Tree Essential Oil: 

Tea Tree Oil is a popular oil known for its anti-inflammatory usage. It’s potent antimicrobial and properties make it a potential natural remedy for pink eye (conjunctivitis). When diluted properly and applied cautiously, it can help combat infection, reduce inflammation, and provide relief from itching and discomfort associated with pink eye.

Using tea tree oil for pink eye should be approached with caution and do it only after consulting an ophthalmologist. While tea tree oil is known for its potential antimicrobial properties, it’s crucial to remember that the eye is a highly sensitive area (that’s something new you learnt today). Never apply undiluted tea tree oil directly to the eye. It should always be diluted with a carrier oil and used in a compress, applied carefully around the eye. But never in direct contact with the eye itself.

4. Chamomile Essential Oil: 

One of the best essential oils for bacterial pink eyes is chamomile essential oil. It doesn’t just relieve pink eyes, but also provides soothing relief from the discomfort and inflammation caused by bacterial conjunctivitis. Its gentle, calming nature makes it a popular choice for managing this eye condition naturally. Chamomile essential oil has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

However, it’s crucial to use it with caution and only after speaking with an eye specialist. After getting approved by the specialist, chamomile oil must be diluted with a carrier oil and used in a warm compress. The mild warmth and chamomile oil’s calming effects may provide comfort to the affected eye. Always remember – never apply essential oils directly into the eye.

5. Eucalyptus Essential Oil: 

A few drops of Eucalyptus essential oils for treating pink eye can be remarkably effective in alleviating congestion and promoting clear breathing. The use of eucalyptus essential oil for pink eye around the eye should be done carefully and after approval from an eye specialist as pink eye (conjunctivitis) can result from various causes, including infections.

The eye is a highly sensitive area and so the eucalyptus oil should never be applied directly to the eye. It should first be diluted with a carrier oil and used in a compress and then applied around the eye. Never apply it directly to the eyes.

Benefits Of Essential Oils When Used For Pink Eyes 

1. Lavender Essential Oil:

Benefits: Lavender oil soothes eye irritation, reduces redness, and promotes relaxation when applied around the eyes. Its calming properties can help alleviate discomfort around one or both eyes. Lavender is known to solve the irritation caused by pink eyes. 

2. Chamomile Essential Oil: 

Benefits: Chamomile oil’s anti-inflammatory properties make it effective in reducing swelling and tenderness around your eyes. It can provide relief from the discomfort associated with pink eye.

3. Tea Tree Essential Oil: 

Benefits: Tea tree oil’s antimicrobial properties make it effective against bacterial and viral causes of pink eye. It can help combat the underlying infection and reduce symptoms. 

4. Eucalyptus Essential Oil:

Benefits: Eucalyptus oil offers relief from itching and discomfort thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. It can provide a cooling and soothing effect when applied around the eyes.

5. Peppermint Essential Oil: 

Benefits: Peppermint oil alleviates itching, cools the eyes, and provides a soothing effect. Its refreshing sensation can help reduce eye irritation.

6. Myrrh Essential Oil: 

Benefits:  Myrrh oil supports the healing process, reduces inflammation, and offers antimicrobial properties. It can aid in the recovery of the affected eye area.

7. Frankincense Essential Oil: 

Benefits: Frankincense oil’s anti-inflammatory and soothing properties help relieve pink eye symptoms. It can contribute to reducing redness and discomfort.

8. Geranium Essential Oil: 

Benefits: Geranium oil’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it effective for pink eye relief. It can help reduce inflammation and combat infection.

9. Helichrysum Essential Oil: 

Benefits: Helichrysum oil speeds up the healing process, reduces pain, and inflammation when applied around the eyes. It can promote recovery from pink eye.

10. Clove Essential Oil: 

Benefits: Clove oil offers analgesic properties to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with pink eye. It can provide relief from the painful symptoms of conjunctivitis.

5 Best Carrier Oils That Are Best For Inflammation & Irritation 

1. Jojoba Oil: 

Jojoba oil closely resembles the natural oils produced by our skin, making it an excellent choice for soothing and moisturizing irritated skin. It’s non-comedogenic and absorbs well.

2. Coconut Oil: 

Coconut oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It can provide relief from skin irritation and redness, making it a popular choice for various skin conditions.

3. Sweet Almond Oil: 

Sweet almond oil is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, making it effective at reducing inflammation and soothing irritated skin. It’s gentle and suitable for sensitive skin.

4. Grapeseed Oil: 

Grapeseed oil is lightweight and non-greasy, making it an excellent choice for those with oily or acne-prone skin. It helps soothe inflammation and provides antioxidants.

5. Avocado Oil: 

Avocado oil is rich in oleic acid and vitamin E, making it highly effective at hydrating and soothing irritated skin. It can alleviate dryness and redness.

DIY Blend Recipes With Best Essential Oils For Pink Eye Treatment

Let’s go over some DIY essential oil blend recipes that can be used for pink eyes.  

Recipe #1 – Soothing Lavender-Chamomile Blend


  • 2 drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops of Chamomile essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil (e.g., coconut or jojoba oil)

Mix the carrier oil with the essential oils used and gently apply around the closed eyes, avoiding direct contact with the eyes themselves. Use this blend to alleviate inflammation and discomfort associated with pink eye naturally.

Recipe #2 – Tea Tree and Myrrh Pink Eye Relief


  • 1 drop of Tea Tree essential oil
  • 1 drop of Myrrh essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel

Combine the essential oils with aloe vera gel and apply a small amount to the skin around the affected eye. This mixture can help combat the infection and provide soothing relief.

Recipe #3 – Eucalyptus Steam Compress


  • 2 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil
  • A bowl of steaming water

Add the Eucalyptus essential oil to the steaming water, and with your eyes closed, lean over the bowl while covering your head with a towel to create a steam tent. Inhale the steam for a few minutes to relieve congestion and reduce discomfort.

How To Use Essential Oils For Treating Pink Eye Symptoms

Obviously, with all the toxic elements and their harm, there is a certain way to use essential oils. If you use these oils without any knowledge of it beforehand, then there are chances that you might end up hurting your eyes, with some common eye infections, or other problems. Therefore, it is important that you understand how to make use of the many essential oils available in the market that are used to help treat pink eyes.

1. Topical Application

By following any of the recipes mentioned above, you can create a beautiful recipe of essential oils that can not only cure pink eyes, but improve your eye health in general.

The most important thing to remember is that essential oils should never be directly applied to the eyes. The oils are very concentrated and have the potential to cause serious problems if applied directly to the eyes, therefore, follow these tips to enjoy the benefits of using essential oils. 

  • Wash your hands
  • Choose your essential oils
  • Dilution (A safe dilution ratio for essential oils around the eyes is typically 1-2 drops of essential oil per 1 teaspoon of carrier oil. You can adjust this ratio based on your comfort level and skin sensitivity)
  • Select a carrier oil of your choice
  • Follow a proper ratio of essential oil with water and carrier oil. 
  • Do a patch test. 
  • Apply.

2. Warm Compress with Essential Oils

A warm compress is a simple yet effective method for relieving discomfort associated with pink eye. It can help reduce eye irritation, redness, and swelling. Here’s how to create a warm compress:

  • Prepare a warm, moist cloth.
  • Boil a pot of water and let it cool slightly until it’s comfortably warm but not scalding. You can use distilled water for added safety.
  • Soak a clean, lint-free cloth or sterile gauze pad in warm water. Wring out any excess liquid to avoid dripping.
  • Ensure the compress is not too hot. It should be warm enough to provide relief without causing discomfort.
  • Place the warm compress over your closed eyes for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Repeat this process as needed throughout the day to alleviate pink eye symptoms.

3. Aromatherapy

Use diffusers. These diffusers can come in various forms, such as ultrasonic diffusers, nebulizing diffusers, or traditional oil burners, and they are designed to create a fine mist or vapor containing the essential oil’s fragrance and therapeutic properties.

Safety Precautions To Take When Using Essential Oils For Pink Eye Treatment

  1. Ensure that the essential oils are properly diluted before using them for treatment of pink eye or it will cause irritation.
  2. Use gentle and non-evasive application methods to ensure that essential oils do not come into contact with the eyes themselves. 
  3. Maintain proper hand hygiene before and after handling essential oils.
  4. Clean and disinfect any tools or containers used for essential oils. Its important to use clean tools for better treatment.
  5. Seek advice from a healthcare provider before using essential oils as a remedy for pink eye.
  6. Be aware of any allergies or sensitivities to certain essential oils before use.
  7. If irritation or allergic reactions develop, stop using essential oils immediately.


In conclusion, essential oils offer a natural and soothing remedy for pink eye symptoms, providing relief from inflammation, discomfort, and itching. Popular essential oils like lavender, chamomile, tea tree, eucalyptus, and myrrh, known for their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, can be blended with carrier oils to create effective treatments.

However, it’s crucial to follow safety precautions, such as proper dilution and avoiding direct contact with the eyes. While essential oils can offer relief, they should complement, not replace, professional medical care for persistent or severe pink eye symptoms. Always consult a healthcare provider when necessary.