Can You Ingest Essential Oils? Are Essential Oils Safe to Ingest? Let’s Find Out

Essential oils have gained significant popularity in recent years for their potential health benefits and aromatic properties. Whether you’re looking to enhance your well-being through aromatherapy or explore holistic remedies, essential oils offer a wide range of options. But when it comes to ingesting these potent plant extracts, questions arise about their safety and proper usage.

In the field of aromatherapy, certain essential oils are celebrated for their versatility and potential benefits. While the question of whether to use essential oils internally is a subject of ongoing debate, it’s essential to explore the safety issues associated with such practices.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the topic of ingesting essential oils and answer some of the common concerns surrounding their internal use. We’ll explore the concept of using essential oils orally, the potential benefits and risks involved, and the necessary precautions to ensure your well-being. So, if you’ve ever wondered whether you can safely consume essential oils or if they should strictly remain as aromatic additions to diffuse, keep reading.

Understanding Essential Oils

Essential oils, often referred to as nature’s aromatic wonders, have surged in popularity for their diverse applications in aromatherapy, skin care, and holistic wellness practices. Essential oils are extracted from different parts of plants like leaves, roots, stem, flower, fruit, etc. Essential oils are sourced from plants through meticulous extraction processes, and thus carry the distinctive fragrance and properties of their botanical origins. 

For ages, essential oils have been used for varied purposes and in many different manners. It is widely used in aromatherapy, skincare, hair care, medicinal purposes, and for promoting overall wellbeing. So, it is not wrong to say that, essential oils find diverse applications, from enhancing massages and infusing delightful scents into our living spaces through diffusers to being incorporated into cleaning routines and craft projects.

In certain circles of aromatherapy enthusiasts, there’s a trend of incorporating essential oils into recipes, mixing them with water, or placing them under the tongue. While some advocate for these internal uses, it’s crucial to note that such practices may not always be safe and could pose potential harm to our bodies. Caution and informed decision-making are essential when considering the ingestion of essential oils.

It has been seen that this is a common question among many people “Are there essential oils that are safe to consume?” Opinions on the safety of ingesting essential oils abound, but the crucial question remains: Is it genuinely safe? In this article, we are going to find the answer to this question. 

Can You Ingest Essential Oils? Is It Safe to Consume Essential Oils

Essential oils are high-quality oils extracted from the plant material with precision, ensuring purity and efficacy. Ingesting essential oils is a debated topic. Some say it’s safe, others think it’s not. So, can you really eat them? Well, it’s a bit tricky. Essential oils are super concentrated, and swallowing them might not be safe for everyone. It’s crucial to be careful because some oils can cause harm or irritation if not used correctly. If you’re thinking about trying it, talking to a healthcare pro is a good idea to stay on the safe side.

When considering internal use, it’s generally advisable to limit intake to one or two drops, ensuring a cautious approach. 

Now, let’s dig further and see some factors based on which one can decide whether ingesting essential oil is safe or not.

1. Concentration Matters 

Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts derived from plants, containing potent aromatic compounds. While these compounds contribute to the therapeutic properties of the oils, they also underscore the importance of cautious use.

Ingesting essential oils in their undiluted form can pose risks, as their concentrated nature may lead to adverse reactions, irritation, or even toxicity. Research indicates that improper ingestion can disrupt the delicate balance of the digestive system, potentially causing harm.

2. Biological Variability 

The impact of ingesting essential oils varies from person to person due to differences in individual physiology. Factors such as age, underlying health conditions, and medications can influence how the body processes and responds to ingested essential oils. This variability underscores the need for personalized guidance, as what might be safe for one individual could pose risks for another.

3. Scientific Research and Safety Guidelines 

While anecdotal evidence and personal testimonials abound on the internet, it’s essential to turn to scientific research for a more robust understanding. Existing studies highlight both potential benefits and risks associated with ingesting essential oils. However, it’s crucial to note that the majority of research is still in its early stages, and more comprehensive studies are needed to establish clear guidelines on the safe ingestion of essential oils.

4. Safe Practices and Professional Guidance 

In cases where individuals choose to explore the internal use of essential oils, adherence to safe practices becomes paramount. This includes proper dilution with carrier oils, adherence to recommended dosages, and a keen awareness of individual tolerance levels. Seeking guidance from qualified healthcare professionals, such as aromatherapists or nutritionists, can provide personalized insights based on individual health profiles.

So, the question of whether one can safely ingest essential oils is complex and requires a nuanced approach. While some may experience benefits, it’s imperative to recognize the potential risks associated with their concentrated nature. As research evolves, individuals are encouraged to exercise caution, prioritize safety, and consult with healthcare professionals to make informed decisions tailored to their unique health circumstances.

What are the alternatives to ingesting essential oils?

The method of use plays a crucial role in maximizing the benefits of essential oils. Following are some of the alternative ways to use essential oils. 

1. Aromatherapy Diffusion 

One of the most popular and safe methods for enjoying essential oils is through aromatherapy diffusion. Using diffusers disperses the aromatic compounds into the air, allowing you to inhale the fragrance. Inhalation, through the dispersion of aromatic compounds, offers a delightful aroma experience. This method not only provides a pleasant environment but also offers potential therapeutic benefits by promoting relaxation, stress relief, and mood enhancement. 

2. Topical Application 

Applying essential oils topically, when properly diluted with carrier oils, is a widely accepted and safe alternative. This allows for the absorption of the oils through the skin, offering localized benefits. Common areas for application include pulse points, the temples, or the soles of the feet. However, it’s essential to adhere to recommended dilution ratios to prevent skin irritation.

3. Steam Inhalation 

Inhaling essential oils through steam inhalation is another effective alternative. Adding a few drops of essential oil to hot water and inhaling the steam can provide respiratory benefits. This method is particularly useful for addressing issues like congestion or respiratory discomfort.

4. Room Sprays and Linen Mists 

Creating homemade room sprays or linen mists is a safe way to enjoy the aromatic qualities of essential oils. By combining water with a few drops of your preferred essential oil, you can spritz the mixture in your living space for a refreshing and uplifting atmosphere.

5. Scented Sachets and Potpourri 

For a more subtle and continuous release of fragrance, consider using scented sachets or potpourri. Infusing these items with essential oils allows for a long-lasting, natural scent without direct contact with the skin or ingestion.

6. Essential Oil Roll-Ons 

Pre-diluted essential oil roll-ons are convenient alternatives for topical application. These ready-to-use products often combine essential oils with carrier oils, making them safe for direct application to the skin.

7. Incorporating into Skincare Products 

Mixing a few drops of essential oils into your regular skincare routine can provide additional benefits. From facial serums to body lotions, incorporating essential oils allows you to enjoy their properties without direct ingestion.

8. Personal Inhalers 

Portable personal inhalers filled with essential oils offer a discreet and controlled way to enjoy aromatherapy on the go. These inhalers allow you to experience the benefits of essential oils without the need for diffusion or direct skin contact.

How To Ingest Essential Oils Safely?

Ingesting essential oils can be a potentially beneficial practice when done safely and judiciously. Here are a few tips on how to ingest essential oils safely:

Choose High-Quality Oils 

Selecting high-quality, pure essential oils is paramount. Ensure that the oils are sourced from reputable suppliers who adhere to rigorous quality standards. This reduces the risk of contaminants and ensures the therapeutic benefits of the oils.

Know Which Oils Are Safe for Ingestion 

Not all essential oils are safe for internal use. Some oils have properties that may be harmful when ingested. Research and identify oils that are generally recognized as safe for consumption. 

List of Essential Oils Safe for Ingestion:

  1. Peppermint Oil: Known for its refreshing flavour, peppermint oil is commonly used in culinary applications and can be ingested in small amounts.
  2. Lemon Essential Oil: With its bright and citrusy profile, lemon oil is often used in cooking, baking, and beverages. Ensure it is food-grade for ingestion.
  3. Lavender Oil: While renowned for its calming properties in aromatherapy, high-quality culinary lavender oil can be used sparingly in recipes.
  4. Frankincense Oil: Considered safe for internal use, frankincense oil can be diluted and ingested for its potential health benefits.
  5. Oregano Oil: Due to its potent antimicrobial properties, oregano oil is sometimes ingested in controlled amounts for immune support. Dilution is crucial.

Essential Oils to Avoid Ingesting:

  1. Eucalyptus Oil: Ingesting eucalyptus oil can be toxic, especially in large quantities. It’s best reserved for topical or aromatic use.
  2. Wintergreen Oil: High in methyl salicylate, wintergreen oil can be toxic if ingested in significant amounts. It’s safer for external use.
  3. Cinnamon Bark Oil: Cinnamon bark oil is potent and can be irritating to the digestive system. It’s advisable to avoid internal use.
  4. Thuja Oil: Due to its thujone content, thuja oil should not be ingested as it can cause adverse reactions.

Dilute Properly 

Essential oils are highly concentrated, and ingesting them undiluted can be risky. Dilute the essential oil with a suitable carrier oil or mix it with food or a beverage. This not only reduces the intensity of the oil but also aids in its even distribution within the body.

 Follow Dosage Guidelines 

Adhering to recommended dosage guidelines is crucial. Essential oils are potent, and even a small amount can have a significant impact. More is not always better; exceeding safe dosage levels can lead to adverse effects. Consult with a healthcare professional or aromatherapist to determine appropriate dosages based on your specific needs.

Using Essential Oils for Culinary Purposes  

Incorporating essential oils into culinary endeavors is a popular method of ingestion. Add a drop or two of a suitable oil to recipes, beverages, or even salad dressings. This allows for a controlled and enjoyable way to experience the flavors and potential health benefits of the oils.

When it comes to flavoring culinary delights, adding one or two drops of basil or other food-grade essential oils can impart a distinctive taste. The food and beverage industry has witnessed a surge in interest in cooking with essential oils. 

Consider Capsule Form for Internal Use

For a more controlled and measured approach, encapsulating essential oils in a vegetable capsule is an option. This method ensures accurate dosing and minimizes the risk of irritation. However, it’s essential to use only oils recognized as safe for internal use.

Seek Professional Guidance 

Before incorporating essential oils into your internal routine, consult with a qualified healthcare professional or aromatherapist. They can provide personalized advice based on your health history, ensuring that the chosen oils and methods align with your well-being.

Be Mindful of Potential Risks 

While some individuals may experience benefits from ingesting essential oils, it’s crucial to remain vigilant to potential risks. Certain oils may interact with medications or exacerbate existing health conditions. If you are pregnant, nursing, or have underlying health concerns, exercise extra caution and seek professional guidance.

The decision to take essential oils internally or use them in different ways depends on a combination of personal preferences, health considerations, and a thorough understanding of each oil’s properties.

Pros and Cons of Ingesting Essential Oils

The following are the pros and cons of ingesting essential oils. 

Pros Cons 
It has potential digestive benefits. Risk of gastrointestinal upset. 
Ingestion in traditional practices. Lack of robust clinical evidence. 
Convenience and Ease of Use.Lack of Regularisation and Standardisation.
Possibility of Supporting Immune function. Inaccurate dosage and dilution.

Alternatives Considered Safe for Using Essential Oils

There are numerous safe and effective ways to enjoy the benefits of essential oils without ingesting them. Essential oils have many health benefits as well as skin benefits. Here are some popular alternatives to utilize its benefits:

1. Aromatherapy Diffusion 

Utilizing diffusers is a widely favored method for enjoying essential oils. These devices disperse the aromatic compounds into the air, promoting a soothing or invigorating atmosphere depending on the chosen oil. This method is excellent for relaxation, stress relief, and enhancing mood. Some essential oils that should never be ingested due to their composition can still offer therapeutic benefits through diffusers or topical applications.

2. Topical Application 

Applying diluted essential oils directly to the skin is a common practice. Mix essential oils with carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, and apply to pulse points or areas of concern. This method is useful for targeted benefits, such as alleviating muscle tension or promoting skin health. For those who prefer topical application, ensuring that oils are properly diluted before being applied topically is essential for both safety and efficacy.

3. Steam Inhalation 

Inhaling steam infused with essential oils is beneficial for respiratory support. Add a few drops of oil to hot water, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam. This can help with congestion, and sinus issues, or provide a sense of clarity.

4. Room Sprays and Mists 

Creating homemade room sprays or linen mists with essential oils is a delightful way to refresh your living spaces. Simply mix water with a few drops of your favourite oils and spritz the mixture in the air or on linens.

5. Scented Sachets or Potpourri 

Infusing sachets or potpourri with essential oils adds a natural and long-lasting fragrance to your drawers or living areas. This method is a subtle way to enjoy aromatherapy without direct contact with the skin.

6. Essential Oil Roll-Ons 

Pre-diluted essential oil roll-ons are convenient and ready-to-use. They often combine essential oils with carrier oils, allowing for easy application to pulse points or areas needing attention.

7. Personal Inhalers 

Compact and portable, personal inhalers filled with essential oils offer an on-the-go solution for aromatherapy. Inhaling directly from the inhaler provides a discreet and controlled experience.

8. Incorporating into Skincare Products 

Mixing essential oils into your skincare routine can offer additional benefits. Add a few drops to your favorite lotion, serum, or facial oil for a personalized and aromatic touch. It is important to proceed with caution when using essential oils for skincare. 

9. Bathing 

Adding a few drops of essential oils to a warm bath creates a relaxing and aromatic experience. Oils like lavender or chamomile are popular choices for their calming properties.

10. Massage 

Combine the benefits of aromatherapy with massage by incorporating essential oils into massage oils or lotions. This method enhances the overall experience, promoting relaxation and tension relief.


In conclusion, if you consider ingesting essential oils, it would require careful consideration and needs to be used safely. It is safe to use essential oils for culinary purposes, but, it is important to know which oils are suitable for ingestion and to consult with professionals for guidance. It is important to ensure essential oil safety and this can be done if you have the right knowledge of essential oils and their properties. 

While some oils are safe when used topically or aromatically, the decision to take essential oils internally demands caution and consideration. It is crucial to recognize that the safety of ingestion depends on the person, taking into account individual health conditions and tolerances.

Dilution, patch testing, proper storage, and being mindful of personal sensitivities and allergies are vital for safe usage. Essential oils should always be kept out of reach of children and pets. By following these safety measures and expanding your knowledge about essential oils, you can enjoy their benefits in a responsible and informed manner. Remember, safety should always be prioritized when using essential oils.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which essential oils are safe to ingest?

Essential oils like peppermint, lemon, lavender, frankincense, and oregano can be taken internally after diluting it and with proper precautions.

Which essential oils can not be taken internally?

Essential oils like eucalyptus, cinnamon bark, thuja, and wintergreen oil can not be taken internally as they are highly toxic and can irritate your digestive system.

What happens when you take essential oils internally?

Essential oils are highly concentrated and may cause adverse reactions, such as irritation, digestive issues, or toxicity. However, there are few essential oils that can be taken internally but with proper guidance and precautions.

What happens if eucalyptus oil is ingested?

If eucalyptus oil is ingested, it can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and feelings of dizziness. In severe cases, it can cause seizures too. It is important to consult a medical professional before ingesting eucalyptus essential oil.

Is lavender oil toxic if ingested?

Lavender oil, when ingested in small amounts, is generally considered safe for most adults. However, consuming large quantities can be harmful and may cause nausea, vomiting, and other digestive issues.

Is peppermint oil safe to ingest?

Yes, peppermint oil is safe to ingest in small amounts after dilution.

Is lemon essential oil safe to ingest?

Lemon oil is used in many food and beverages and thus can be ingested after diluting it.

Can eucalyptus oil be swallowed?

Eucalyptus oil should not be swallowed, as it can be toxic when ingested. Always use eucalyptus oil as directed and avoid internal consumption.

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