Best Essential Oils For Warts Removal | Get Rid Of Warts Naturally


Warts, those pesky little skin bumps caused by the human papillomavirus, can be a source of great discomfort and annoyance. Warts are raised bumps on the skin that can appear anywhere on the body. Thankfully, nature has provided us with a plethora of solutions, with essential oils standing out as effective treatments for various types of warts, including plantar and flat warts. Many essential oils are known to have properties that can be used to reduce the appearance of warts. 

In the below article, we have discussed essential oils as a part of home remedies for wart treatment. 

What Causes Warts?

HPV, the human papillomavirus, is the primary cause of warts. Warts are contagious and can be contracted through direct skin-to-skin contact or by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. Warts are more likely to develop in individuals with weak immune systems or damaged skin, as the virus finds it easier to enter the body through small cuts or scratches. Warts can cause pain and discomfort that can be alleviated by using essential oils. 

What Are The Different Types Of Warts?

Warts, those common yet bothersome skin growths, are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus infects the top layer of the skin, causing it to grow rapidly and create the rough, sometimes painful bump known as a wart. HPV enters the skin through small cuts or scratches, and different types of warts can emerge based on the strain of the virus and its location on the body. Here’s a comprehensive look at the various types of warts and what causes them.

1. Common Warts (Verruca Vulgaris)

Common warts are the most typical type and can appear anywhere on the body. They often have a rough surface and a rounded top. Common warts usually grow on fingers, hands, and elbows. These warts are caused by HPV types 2, 4, and 7.

2. Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are hard, grainy growths that appear on the heels or balls of your feet. They can be painful due to the pressure of walking. Plantar warts are caused by HPV type 1 and enter the body through tiny cuts and breaks in the skin.

3. Flat Warts (Verruca Plana)

Flat warts are small, flat-topped, slightly raised lesions. They can vary in color, from pink to light brown or yellow. Flat warts often appear on the face, arms, or thighs and can spread rapidly in clusters. They are caused by various strains of HPV, including types 3, 10, 28, and 49.

4. Filiform Warts

Filiform warts are thread or finger-like projections that usually grow around the mouth, eyes, or nose. They are the same color as the skin and often have a rough surface. Filiform warts are caused by HPV types 1, 2, 4, 27, and 29.

5. Periungual Warts

Periungual warts appear under or around the toenails and fingernails. They can affect nail growth and cause painful ingrown nails. Periungual warts are commonly caused by HPV type 1.

6. Genital Warts (Condyloma Acuminata)

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted infection caused by certain strains of HPV. They can appear on the genitals, in the pubic area, and even inside the vagina and anus. Genital warts often appear as small, flesh-colored bumps or clusters of growths. HPV types 6 and 11 are the main culprits behind genital warts.

Best Essential Oils For Warts 

1. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree oil is renowned as a popular essential oil used to treat warts. Its potent antiseptic properties make it a powerful remedy for skin irritation caused by warts. To use, mix tea tree oil with a carrier oil and apply it directly to the wart. Applying tea tree oil is the best treatment for all types of papillomas and plantar warts. 

2. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil is a powerful oil that is very commonly used. Its calming fragrance offers a gentle yet effective way to get rid of warts. Its antifungal properties make it an ideal solution for various types of warts. Dilute lavender oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the affected area. The oil not only helps in the disappearance of warts but also promotes healthy skin, leaving no trace behind.

3. Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil, rich in vitamin C, is a popular choice for treating warts. Its acidic nature aids in dissolving warts, especially flat warts, without causing harm to the surrounding skin. Use it directly on the wart after diluting it with a carrier oil. Regular application can lead to the gradual disappearance of the wart, restoring the natural appearance of your skin.

4. Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense oil, steeped in history, is an effective treatment for warts. Its astringent properties help dry out warts and promote healthy skin regeneration. Mix it with a carrier oil and apply it directly to the wart. Continued use ensures that the wart is gone, leaving your skin smooth and blemish-free.

5. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus oil, known for its refreshing scent, is a potent antiseptic. It can be used to treat various types of warts effectively. Dilute eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil and apply it directly to the wart. The oil’s powerful properties aid in the natural removal of warts, providing relief from skin irritation caused by these bumps.

Additionally, eucalyptus oil brings immense relief for sunburnt skin thanks to its cooling, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving abilities. Its soothing properties make eucalyptus one of the best essential oil for sunburn treatment and healing.

6. Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano oil is a potent essential oil with strong antiviral properties. Its use in wart removal is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness against the human papillomavirus. When diluted with a carrier oil, oregano oil can be applied directly to the wart. Regular use can help eliminate the wart, preventing its recurrence and promoting healthy skin.

7. Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress oil is known for its ability to regulate skin conditions. When it comes to warts, its astringent properties help in drying out the wart, leading to its disappearance. Mix cypress oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the wart. This oil is particularly effective against plantar warts, restoring the natural texture of the skin.

8. Thuja Essential Oil

Thuja oil, derived from the thuja tree, is a powerful remedy for stubborn warts. Its natural compounds penetrate the wart tissue, aiding in its removal. Due to its potency, it should always be diluted with a carrier oil before use. Apply the mixture directly to the wart, ensuring that the oil seeps into the affected area. Regular application ensures the gradual disappearance of the wart, providing relief from discomfort and restoring healthy skin.

9. Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme oil is a natural antimicrobial agent, making it an effective treatment for warts. Its powerful compounds fight against the human papillomavirus, preventing the wart from spreading. Dilute thyme oil with a carrier oil and apply it directly to the wart. The oil’s antimicrobial properties ensure that the wart disappears, leaving the skin healthy and wart-free.

10. Clove Bud Essential Oils

Clove oil contains analgesic properties that help in relieving the pain caused by warts. Clove essential oil contains antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties that help in treating infections. Warts are an infection, and applying this oil can help treat warts. This is a good choice for treating painful warts. 

Benefits Of Using Essential Oils For Warts

1. Natural Wart Remedy 

Essential oils offer a natural and chemical-free approach to wart removal, ensuring that your skin remains free from harmful substances. Unlike conventional treatments, essential oils do not cause skin irritation, making them a gentle yet effective solution.

2. Effective Treatment 

Essential oils contain potent compounds that target warts at their root, ensuring effective and long-lasting results. Regular application ensures that warts shrink gradually, leading to their eventual disappearance.

3. Promotes Healthy Skin Regeneration 

Besides removing warts, essential oils promote healthy skin regeneration. They aid in the healing of the affected area, ensuring that your skin remains smooth and blemish-free after the wart is gone.

4. Gentle and Non-Invasive 

Essential oils offer a gentle and non-invasive way to remove warts, making the process painless and comfortable. They are particularly suitable for sensitive areas of the skin, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

How To Use Essential Oils To Remove Warts: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Choose the Right Essential Oil 

Select an essential oil that suits your skin type and the type of wart you want to treat. For example, tea tree oil is excellent for various types of warts, while oregano oil is particularly effective against stubborn warts.

2. Dilute with a Carrier Oil 

Always dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil to prevent skin irritation. Mix 3-4 drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil. This dilution ensures that the essential oil is safe to use on your skin.

3. Prepare the Wart 

Wash the wart and the surrounding skin with mild soap and water. Pat it dry gently with a clean towel. Ensuring the area is clean enhances the effectiveness of the essential oil treatment.

4. Apply the Diluted Essential Oil 

Using a clean cotton swab or a fingertip, apply the diluted essential oil directly to the wart. Ensure that the entire wart is covered with the oil. Do not use excessive pressure, as warts can be sensitive.

5. Cover with a Bandage (Optional) 

For added effectiveness, you can cover the area with a bandage after applying the essential oil. This ensures that the oil stays in contact with the wart, allowing it to work continuously.

6. Repeat Regularly

Apply the essential oil to the wart 2-3 times a day. Consistent and regular application is key to the gradual disappearance of the wart. Patience and persistence are crucial for successful wart removal.

DIY Recipes Using Essential Oils For Warts

Recipe #1 – Tea Tree and Coconut Oil Blend


  • 3 drops of tea tree oil
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil


  1. Mix the tea tree oil and coconut oil in a small bowl.
  2. Apply the blend directly to the wart using a cotton swab.
  3. Cover the area with a bandage and leave it overnight.
  4. Repeat daily until the wart disappears.


  • Tea tree oil’s antiviral properties combat the human papillomavirus.
  • Coconut oil softens the wart and promotes healthy skin regeneration.

Recipe #2 – Lemon and Olive Oil Mixture


  • 3 drops of lemon oil
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil


  1. Combine the lemon oil and olive oil in a small bowl.
  2. Apply the mixture directly to the wart and leave it for a few hours.
  3. Rinse off with mild soap and water.
  4. Repeat twice daily for effective results.


  • Lemon oil’s citric acid dissolves the wart gradually.
  • Olive oil nourishes the skin and promotes healing.

Recipe #3 – Lavender and Castor Oil Potion


  • 3 drops of lavender oil
  • 1 teaspoon of castor oil


  1. Mix the lavender oil and castor oil in a small bowl.
  2. Apply the potion to the wart and cover it with a bandage.
  3. Leave it overnight and repeat nightly until the wart vanishes.


  • Lavender oil’s antifungal properties combat various types of warts.
  • Castor oil softens the wart, making it easier to remove.

Recipe #4 – Eucalyptus and Jojoba Oil Blend


  • 3 drops of eucalyptus oil
  • 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil


  1. Combine the eucalyptus oil and jojoba oil in a small bowl.
  2. Apply the blend to the wart and cover it with a bandage.
  3. Leave it for a few hours and repeat daily until the wart disappears.


  • Eucalyptus oil’s refreshing scent adds to its antiseptic properties.
  • Jojoba oil’s gentle nature makes it suitable for sensitive skin.

Recipe #5 – Thyme and Almond Oil Mixture


  • 3 drops of thyme oil
  • 1 teaspoon of almond oil


  1. Mix the thyme oil and almond oil in a small bowl.
  2. Apply the mixture to the wart and cover it with a bandage.
  3. Leave it overnight and repeat nightly until the wart is gone.


  • Thyme oil’s antimicrobial properties combat the human papillomavirus.
  • Almond oil nourishes the skin, promoting healing and healthy skin regeneration.

Risks And Precautionary Measures For Using Essential Oils 

Essential oils, being natural sources, are usually considered safe to use. However, there might be some side effects or allergies due to the use of essential oils. So, below are some risks and precautionary measures to adopt before using any essential oil. 

  • Essential oils should be diluted before use. Undiluted essential oils are highly concentrated, and they might irritate your skin or result in redness or itchiness. So, to avoid these risks, it is advised to dilute the oils with carrier oils like coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, etc. Avoid using undiluted oil directly to the skin. 
  • There are also chances that essential oils might cause allergic reactions in some people. So, it is suggested to always conduct a patch test before using it on the desired or affected area. 
  • If you have any health condition, it is recommended to consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils. 
  • Avoid using essential oils if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Keep essential oils out of reach of children. 
  • Always purchase pure essential oil to ensure its quality and safety. 


Essential oils are one of the best natural remedies to treat warts. Essential oils, with their natural healing properties, offer a safe and effective way to treat various types of warts. By choosing the right essential oil, diluting it with a carrier oil, and applying it consistently, you can bid farewell to warts and restore your skin to its natural, healthy state. Remember, patience and consistency are key when using essential oils for wart removal. So, embark on this natural journey to smooth, blemish-free skin and experience the transformative power of essential oils.

Frequently Asked Questions

What essential oil will get rid of warts?

Essential oils like tea tree, lavender, lemon, frankincense, eucalyptus, oregano, cypress, thuja, thyme, and clove bud oils will help get rid of warts. 

How to use essential oil for warts?

Dilute the selected essential oil with any carrier oil and then after cleaning the wart apply the diluted oil on wart with the help of cotton swab or finger tip. Repeat this 2-3 times a day. 

Can you put tea tree oil directly on wart?

Tea tree oil needs to be diluted with any carrier oil before applying directly on wart.

Does lavender oil remove warts?

Yes, lavender oil contains antifungal properties that help in effectively removing warts. 

Is coconut oil good for warts?

Yes, coconut oil contains antiviral properties that help in treating warts. 

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