Best Oils For Dermaplaning – DIY Blend For You To Try

The Significance of Natural Oils in Dermaplaning

The face, a canvas of an individual, holds its unique stories outlined by its lines, expressions, and textures. Caring for this complex look is not merely a routine, but an act of reverence, embracing the essence of self-care and nurturing our skin’s innate vitality.

In a world overloaded with skincare solutions, the allure of natural remedies continues to captivate, offering a holistic approach to facial self-care. The quest for a blemish-free, supple complexion often leads us to explore the therapeutic prowess of natural oils, particularly in the art of dermaplaning -a time-honored technique that unveils a radiant, smooth epidermis.

The Essence of Facial Care

Our face faces a myriad of problems daily including environmental pollutants, stress, and the natural aging process, all of which leave their mark on our skin. However, for aficionados prioritizing facial care transcends mere aesthetics; it’s an ode to self-love and a pledge to honor one’s skins health and its resilience.

By picking natural remedies for skincare aligns with our body’s need for ingredients sourced from nature itself. These oils, extracted from seeds, fruits, and other parts, embody a rich blend of nutrients, antioxidants, and nurturing properties that harmonize with our skin, bestowing it with rejuvenation and radiance.

Dermaplaning: An Art of Facial Care

Dermaplaning, although sounds scary, is a gentle exfoliation technique known for its ability to result in a revitalized complexion by delicately removing dead skin cells and vellus hair. (Okay, so what is this vellus hair? Vellus hair refers to the fine, soft, and often barely noticeable hair that covers most parts of the body.

This type of hair is typically shorter and lighter in color than terminal hair (thicker, longer, and more pigmented hair, like on the scalp).) At the heart of this skincare ritual lies the pivotal role of oils, selected meticulously for their innate qualities that complement the dermaplaning process.

Choosing the right oil for dermaplaning is akin to finding a key that unlocks the skin’s potential, infusing it with moisture, nourishment, and a revitalizing touch. These oils serve as more than mere companions; they are essential partners in the journey toward a luminous, rejuvenated complexion.

A study published in 2011 concluded that dermaplaning along with other skincare routines including use of sunscreen and lifestyle modifications can be beneficial for skincare regimen. [1]

The Best Oils for Dermaplaning

The natural oils boast of a diverse array of options, each possessing distinct virtues catering to various skin types and needs. From lightweight, non-comedogenic oils perfect for sensitive skin to nutrient-rich varieties offering deep hydration, the choices abound to support and enhance the dermaplaning experience.

What Is Dermaplaning?

Let’s get a bit technical, shall we. Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a sterile surgical scalpel to gently exfoliate the skin’s surface. During the process, the scalpel is delicately brushed across the skin, removing dead skin cells and fine vellus hair, commonly known as “peach fuzz.” Got it?

Typically, this procedure is performed by a trained skincare professional or dermatologist in a controlled environment. It’s considered a non-invasive and safe method to rejuvenate the skin’s appearance and texture. The primary goals of dermaplaning include:


By removing the top layer of dead skin cells, dermaplaning reveals a smoother, brighter complexion. This exfoliation can improve the skin’s texture and tone.

Peach Fuzz Removal

The fine, light hairs on the face can trap dirt and oils, leading to a dull complexion. Dermaplaning effectively removes this vellus hair, providing a smoother canvas for makeup application and better product absorption.

Enhanced Product Absorption

By eliminating the barrier of dead skin cells and peach fuzz, skincare products can penetrate the skin more effectively, maximizing their benefits.

Minimal Downtime

Dermaplaning typically involves no downtime, allowing individuals to resume their regular activities immediately after the procedure.

Note: It’s important to understand that while dermaplaning offers numerous benefits, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with active acne, skin infections, or certain skin conditions should avoid dermaplaning. Consulting a skincare professional before undergoing the procedure ensures its suitability for specific skin types and conditions. Dermaplaning is often part of a comprehensive skincare regimen and can be combined with other treatments such as chemical peels or facials to get optimal results.

Is Dermaplaning good for the skin?

Dermaplaning can be beneficial for the skin. It gives quick improvements in skin texture, brightness, and a smoother complexion by exfoliating dead skin cells and removing vellus hair. However, it’s a non-permanent solution and might not be suitable for everyone, especially those with some skin conditions. Therefore, consulting a skincare professional before undergoing the procedure is advisable to ensure its compatibility with individual skin types and needs.

Is Dermaplaning good for the hair?

Dermaplaning removes fine vellus hair (peach fuzz) from the face, resulting in a smoother skin surface. However, it doesn’t affect the hair follicles’ growth or thickness, so it’s not a treatment for hair growth or hair density on the face.

Side Effects of Improper Dermaplaning

Improper dermaplaning can lead to potential side effects, including:

Irritation and Redness

Incorrect technique or excessive pressure during dermaplaning can cause skin irritation, redness, or sensitivity.

Ingrown Hairs

If the hair is cut improperly or the skin is not properly prepared, it can lead to ingrown hairs, particularly in areas with thicker hair.

Infection Risk

Using unsterilized tools or performing dermaplaning on skin that’s not properly sanitized can potentially lead to infections.

Scarring or Skin Damage

Aggressive or improper dermaplaning techniques may cause cuts, nicks, or abrasions, potentially resulting in scarring or skin damage.

Exacerbation of Skin Conditions

People with certain skin conditions like active acne, eczema, or rosacea may experience worsening symptoms if dermaplaning is performed without proper consideration.

To minimize these risks, it’s crucial to undergo dermaplaning with a trained professional in a sterile environment. Consulting a skincare specialist before the procedure is essential, especially if you have any existing skin concerns or conditions. Following proper aftercare instructions is also crucial to reduce the likelihood of adverse effects.

Best Oils for Dermaplaning

When selecting oils for dermaplaning, it’s essential to opt for those that suit your skin type and provide the necessary nourishment, all this without clogging pores. Here are some of the popular and best oils for dermaplaning (these oils can also be used after dermaplaning).

Jojoba Oil

Mimicking the skin’s natural sebum, jojoba oil is well-tolerated by most skin types. It’s non-comedogenic, making it suitable for oily and acne-prone skin. Jojoba oil is deeply moisturizing and helps balance skin hydration.

Rosehip Seed Oil

Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, and vitamins A and C, rosehip seed oil may aid in skin regeneration, collagen production, reducing the appearance of scars, fine lines, and wrinkles. It’s lightweight and absorbs easily into the skin, making it suitable for most skin types. The oil smoothens the glide of the blade, thus preventing breakouts during dermaplaning facials. Rosehip oil is an excellent choice for dermaplaning and gives best results.

Argan Oil

Packed with fatty acids and vitamin E, argan oil is highly moisturizing and nourishing. It helps repair the skin’s natural barrier, making it beneficial for dry or mature skin. A 2011 study highlights why the use of argan oil in as a beauty product has increased. [2]

Grapeseed Oil

Lightweight and non-greasy, grapeseed oil is rich in antioxidants and linoleic acid. It’s beneficial for oily or acne-prone skin and absorbs quickly without leaving a heavy residue.

Sweet Almond Oil

With its emollient properties, sweet almond oil is excellent for softening and hydrating the skin. It’s gentle and suitable for most skin types, offering a soothing effect after dermaplaning. This facial oil or face oil is a good choice for dermaplaning as it protects the skin.

Squalane Oil

Derived from olives or sugarcane, squalane oil is highly moisturizing and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin. It helps improve skin elasticity and prevents moisture loss. It is a popular oil to use for dermaplaning and oilplaning.

Health tip – Before using any oil into your skincare routine post-dermaplaning, it’s crucial to perform a patch test to ensure you don’t have any adverse reactions. Again, consult with a skincare professional to determine which oil would best suit your skin’s specific needs.

Some of the other facial oils for dermaplaning are avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, and marula oil.

How To Use Oils For Dermaplaning?

Using oils during or after dermaplaning can help soothe and nourish the skin. Here’s a general guide on incorporating oils into your dermaplaning routine:

During Dermaplaning:

Cleanse the Skin: Begin with a gentle cleanser to remove any makeup, dirt, or impurities from the skin.

Perform Dermaplaning: Using a sterile scalpel, a skincare professional will delicately scrape the skin’s surface to remove dead skin cells and vellus hair.

Application of Oil: In some cases, professionals might apply a thin layer of oil during the dermaplaning process to facilitate smoother movement of the scalpel and to provide some lubrication.

After Dermaplaning:

Cleanse Again: Once dermaplaning is complete, the skin may be gently cleansed again to remove any remaining oil or debris.

Apply Oil: After cleansing, apply a small amount (a few drops) of your chosen oil onto your fingertips.

Gently Massage: Using gentle, upward motions, massage the oil onto the skin. Focus on areas that might feel slightly sensitive or irritated after the procedure.

Allow Absorption: Let the oil absorb into the skin for a few minutes. If desired, follow with a moisturizer or additional skincare products.

Tips for Using Oils After Dermaplaning:

Quantity: Use a minimal amount of oil to avoid overwhelming the skin.

Skin Sensitivity: If your skin is sensitive post-dermaplaning, opt for oils that are known for their soothing properties.

Avoid Heavy Fragrance: Fragrance-free or naturally scented oils might be preferable to avoid irritation.

Always follow any specific instructions provided by a professional. If you’re performing dermaplaning at home, ensure you’re using clean, sterile tools and following proper hygiene practices to minimize the risk of infections or adverse reactions. Additionally, if you’re uncertain about which oils to use or how to incorporate them into your skincare routine, consult with a specialist / dermatologist.

DIY Blends with Best Oils for Dermaplaning

Creating your DIY oil blend for dermaplaning allows customization based on your skin’s needs and preferences. Here’s a simple guide to crafting your own blend using some of the best oils for dermaplaning:

1. Basic DIY Oil Blend:

You can create a blend using a few drops of each oil. Adjust quantities based on your skin’s reaction and personal preferences.


  • Jojoba Oil: 1 tablespoon (suitable for most skin types)
  • Rosehip Seed Oil / rosehip oil: 1 tablespoon (beneficial for rejuvenation)
  • Argan Oil: 1 tablespoon (great for moisturization)

Optional: Essential Oils (like Lavender or Chamomile): A few drops for added fragrance or specific skin benefits (ensure they’re skin-safe and properly diluted).


  • Mix the oils in a clean, dry container. Use a glass dropper bottle for easy application.
  • Close the bottle and shake gently to combine the oils.

2. Enhanced DIY Blend:

For a more targeted approach or if you have specific skin concerns, you can modify the blend by adding other oils known for their beneficial properties:


  • Grapeseed Oil: 1 tablespoon (suitable for oily/acne-prone skin)
  • Sweet Almond Oil: 1 tablespoon (for hydration and soothing)
  • Squalane Oil: 1 tablespoon (for added moisture and skin barrier repair)
  • Tea Tree Oil: 2-3 drops (if dealing with acne or blemishes)
  • Frankincense Oil: 2-3 drops (for anti-aging benefits)


  • Combine the oils in a clean container, adjusting quantities to fit your preferences.
  • Ensure the container is tightly sealed and gently shake to mix the oils.

Usage Tips:

  • Patch Test: Before using the blend on your face, perform a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for any adverse reactions.
  • Application: Apply a few drops of your DIY blend onto cleansed skin after dermaplaning, gently massaging it in until absorbed.
  • Storage: Store the blend in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to preserve its efficacy. Check for any signs of spoilage or changes in smell/color over time.

Customizing your oil blend allows you to tailor it to your skin’s needs, providing hydration, nourishment, and potentially addressing specific skin concerns. Adjust the ingredients based on what works best for your skin type and preferences. If you’re uncertain about which oils to use or their concentrations, consult with a skincare professional for personalized guidance.

Conclusion – Best Oils for Dermaplaning

When it comes to dermaplaning, the choice of oils becomes a crucial for nurturing and revitalizing the skin. From the light touch of jojoba oil to the reparative qualities of rosehip seed oil, these natural botanicals give a personalized path to radiance and renewal.

Carefully selected oils not only complement the dermaplaning process, but serve as allies in a holistic skincare journey, enriching the complexion with hydration, nourishment, and a luminous, refined glow.

With the right blend of oils, dermaplaning transcends a mere skincare ritual, becoming an artful symphony of nature’s bounty, unveiling the inherent beauty of our skin.

What oil to use for dermaplaning at home?

For at-home dermaplaning, opt for a lightweight and slippery oil like jojoba, sweet almond, or grapeseed oil. These oils facilitate smooth blade movement across the skin.

Is it better to Dermaplane with oil or dry?

Dermaplaning with oil is generally preferred as it helps the blade glide smoothly across the skin. Lubrication reduces the risk of irritation or cuts. However, some individuals may choose to dermaplane with a dry blade, especially if they have oily skin. Ultimately, the choice between oil or dry dermaplaning depends on personal preference and skin type.

Should I Dermaplane with or without oil?

Whether to dermaplane with or without oil depends on personal preference and skin type. However, using oil can help the blade glide smoothly across the skin, reducing the risk of irritation or cuts. Oil also provides hydration and nourishment to the skin. But, in the end it all comes down to personal preference.

Can I Dermaplane with coconut oil?

Coconut oil is a popular choice for dermaplaning as it is lightweight, slippery, and provides hydration to the skin. However, coconut oil may clog the pores, hence ensure that the oil is applied properly in a thin layer.

Is olive oil good for dermaplaning?

Olive oil can be used for dermaplaning, but it may not be the best choice for everyone. It is moisturizing and provides slip for the blade, but olive oil is heavier, which could make the dermaplaning process less comfortable and effective. It may not be suitable for acne-prone skin types.

Should I oil my skin before dermaplaning?

Yes, oiling the skin before dermaplaning is generally recommended. Applying a thin layer of oil helps the blade glide smoothly across the skin. However, to oil or not to oil comes down to your preference.

Is jojoba oil good for dermaplaning?

Jojoba oil is an excellent option for dermaplaning. It closely resembles the skin’s natural oils, making it well-tolerated by most skin types.

Can I use rosehip oil to Dermaplane?

Yes, rosehip oil can be used for dermaplaning. It is lightweight, non-comedogenic, and provides slip for the dermaplaning blade. Rosehip oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which can help nourish and hydrate the skin during the dermaplaning process.

  • Pryor, L., Gordon, C.R., Swanson, E.W., Reish, R.G., Horton-Beeman, K. and Cohen, S.R., 2011. Dermaplaning, topical oxygen, and photodynamic therapy: a systematic review of the literature. Aesthetic plastic surgery, 35, pp.1151-1159.
  • Guillaume, D. and Charrouf, Z., 2011. Argan oil and other argan products: Use in dermocosmetology. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 113(4), pp.403-408.