10 DIY Blends of Essential Oil For Bruises

Bruises (Subcutaneous – beneath the skin) are a common occurrence in our daily lives, often resulting from minor accidents or injuries. While they may not be serious, the discomfort (and the ensuing discoloration) they bring can be bothersome. In recent times, essential oils have emerged as a natural and holistic remedy for various ailments, including Bruises (Subcutaneous).

In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating world of essential oils and how they can become your go-to solution for soothing and healing Bruises (Subcutaneous). Discover the gentle yet potent properties that essential oils possess in alleviating bruising and promoting a faster recovery.

Do Essential Oils for Bruises (Subcutaneous) Work?

Many individuals may wonder whether essential oils are genuinely effective in treating Bruises (Subcutaneous); after all, how can oils take care of wounds and Bruises (Subcutaneous). The answer lies in the unique properties inherent in these aromatic botanical extracts. Essential oils have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and may have regenerative characteristics, making them valuable in reducing swelling, alleviating pain, and promoting skin healing.

When applied topically, these oils can penetrate the skin, even reaching the underlying tissues to expedite the healing process. While scientific research on this topic is ongoing, anecdotal evidence and centuries-old practices suggest that essential oils can indeed be a valuable addition to your bruise management toolkit. The peer reviewed medical journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine published a study on May 2017 that investigated the antimicrobial properties of essential oils useful in skincare. [1]

11 Essential Oils For Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Choosing the appropriate essential oils is important to maximize their benefits for bruise relief. There are many essential oils, but the 11 essential oils for Bruises (Subcutaneous) are listed here.

Lavender Essential Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Renowned for its soothing aroma and skin-health abilities, Lavender oil is a versatile option for bruise relief. Beyond its calming scent, Lavender oil promotes the healing of skin cells, and accelerating the recovery from Bruises (Subcutaneous).

Its gentle nature makes it suitable for a variety of skin types, offering a holistic approach to the healing process. Its mild nature makes it one of the best essential oils for Bruises (Subcutaneous). Some essential oils can be irritating, but blending them with lavender and using in a compress reduces pain. 

Additionally, lavender oil’s natural muscle relaxant and pain relieving properties make it one of the best essential oils for alleviating period cramps. It is commonly blended with clary sage and marjoram oils for relief.

Helichrysum Essential Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Boasting anti-bruising and anti-inflammatory effects, Helichrysum oil is a potent choice for addressing Bruises (Subcutaneous). This essential oil is particularly effective in preventing and reducing bruising, contributing to a faster resolution of swelling and discoloration. Helichrysum oil can be a valuable addition to your bruise care routine. The journal Chemistry of Natural Compounds published a study that found the antimicrobial activity of helichrysum oil. [2]

Cypress Essential Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

This oil is known for its ability to promote circulation and reduce inflammation, Cypress oil is a key player in enhancing the healing of Bruises (Subcutaneous). By improving blood circulation, Cypress oil facilitates the efficient removal of collected blood beneath the skin, aiding in a quicker recovery. Its anti-inflammatory effects also contribute to minimizing the impact of Bruises (Subcutaneous).

Frankincense Essential Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

With its anti-inflammatory and skin-regenerating benefits, Frankincense oil is a versatile essential oil for bruise care. By reducing inflammation and supporting the skin’s natural healing processes, Frankincense oil plays a crucial role in promoting overall recovery from Bruises (Subcutaneous). Integrating Frankincense oil into your routine can enhance the efficacy of your bruise management strategy. It is popular in aromatherapy and also help in skin care where it help to heal cuts and Bruises (Subcutaneous).

Geranium Essential Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Geranium essential oil offers a floral and uplifting aroma while providing notable benefits for bruise recovery. With its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, this oil helps reduce swelling and promotes skin tightness, contributing to a quicker healing process for Bruises (Subcutaneous). Geranium oil can be applied topically, diluted with a carrier oil, to the affected area to harness its healing potential.

Lemongrass Essential Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

It has a fresh and citrusy scent. Lemongrass essential oil is a promising option for addressing Bruises (Subcutaneous). It possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in relieving pain and reducing swelling associated with Bruises (Subcutaneous). When applied gently to the bruised area, Lemongrass oil can provide a soothing sensation and aid in the overall recovery process.

Yarrow Essential Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Yarrow essential oil, derived from the yarrow plant, is a potent remedy for Bruises (Subcutaneous) due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-hematoma properties. It can assist in minimizing discoloration and preventing the pooling of blood beneath the skin’s surface. Yarrow oil is often considered a valuable addition to bruise care routines, contributing to the comprehensive healing of various types of Bruises (Subcutaneous). Diluting Yarrow oil with a carrier oil and applying it topically can yield optimal results in promoting recovery.

Turmeric Essential Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Derived from the roots of the Curcuma longa plant, turmeric essential oil stands out as a powerful remedy for Bruises (Subcutaneous), thanks to its robust anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The active compound, curcumin, plays a pivotal role in the oil’s healing capabilities.

In the context of Bruises (Subcutaneous), turmeric essential oil proves to be a valuable asset in promoting recovery. To get the benefits of turmeric essential oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous), it’s advisable to dilute a few drops in a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil. Gently apply the mixture to the bruised area, ensuring a thorough yet gentle massage for optimal absorption. The undiluted oil is good for pain relief and it speed up the healing process.

Wormwood Essential Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Extracted from the Artemisia absinthium plant, wormwood essential oil offers unique medicinal benefits for bruise care. Rich in compounds like absinthin and artemisinin, this oil boasts anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, providing relief from swelling and pain associated with Bruises (Subcutaneous).

Additionally, wormwood essential oil stimulates blood circulation, aiding in the efficient removal of pooled blood beneath the skin. To incorporate this natural remedy into your bruise care routine, dilute a few drops in a carrier oil and gently massage onto the affected area for a holistic approach to healing.

Myrrh Essential Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Sourced from the resin of the Commiphora myrrha tree, myrrh essential oil emerges as a centuries-old remedy, prized for its medicinal virtues in the realm of bruise care. With robust anti-inflammatory properties, myrrh oil efficiently tackles swelling and inflammation accompanying Bruises (Subcutaneous). Its antiseptic characteristics contribute to a clean healing process, warding off potential infections.

Moreover, myrrh oil plays a role in supporting tissue repair and regeneration, fostering an overall accelerated healing process for damaged skin. To integrate myrrh essential oil into your bruise care routine, dilute a few drops in a carrier oil and gently massage the mixture onto the affected area, providing a soothing and effective approach to holistic bruise management. It blends well with peppermint essential oil for subcutaneous bruises.

Arnica Oil for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Arnica oil stands out for its remarkable anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. This essential oil can play a pivotal role in reducing swelling and alleviating the discomfort associated with Bruises (Subcutaneous). By applying Arnica oil topically, one can contribute to a faster healing process, aiding the body in recovering from the impact of the injury.

How to Use Essential Oils For Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Utilizing essential oils for Bruises (Subcutaneous) involves a simple yet effective application process to harness their healing properties.

·     Choose Your Essential Oil: Begin by selecting an essential oil suitable for bruise care. Popular choices include Arnica, Lavender, Helichrysum, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Lemongrass, Yarrow, Turmeric, Wormwood, or Myrrh, each offering unique benefits.

·     Dilution with Carrier Oil: Dilute a few drops of the chosen essential oil in a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or almond oil. This dilution is crucial to prevent skin irritation and ensure safe application.

·     Thorough Mixing: Ensure the essential oil is thoroughly mixed with the carrier oil to create a balanced blend. This allows for even distribution of the essential oil’s healing properties.

·     Gentle Application: Using clean hands or a cotton ball, gently apply the diluted essential oil mixture to the bruised area. Massage the oil into the skin with gentle, circular motions for optimal absorption.

·     Repetition and Consistency: Repeat the application two to three times a day or as needed for the duration of the bruise. Consistency in application is key to experiencing the full benefits of essential oils for bruise care.

·     Observe for Sensitivity: Keep an eye out for any signs of skin sensitivity or irritation. If irritation occurs, discontinue use and consider consulting a healthcare professional.

·     Consider Combinations: Experiment with combining different essential oils to create personalized blends based on your preferences and the specific benefits each oil offers.

Remember, while essential oils can be beneficial for bruise care, it’s essential to approach their usage with care and consideration. If you have underlying health conditions or uncertainties about using essential oils, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable.

DIY Recipe Blends of Essential Oils for Bruises (Subcutaneous)

Soothing Lavender Blend:


·     5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil

·     3 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil

·     2 tablespoons of the carrier oil including Jojoba Oil


1.   In a small, clean container, combine the Lavender and Frankincense essential oils.

2.   Add the Jojoba oil to the essential oil blend and mix thoroughly.

3.   Gently apply the mixture to the bruised area using clean hands or a cotton ball.

4.   Massage the oil into the skin with circular motions for optimal absorption.

5.   Repeat this process 2-3 times a day until the bruise shows signs of improvement.

Healing Helichrysum-Cypress Combo:


·     4 drops of Helichrysum Essential Oil

·     3 drops of Cypress Essential Oil

·     1 tablespoon of the carrier oil like Sweet Almond Oil or rosehip seed oil


1.   Mix the Helichrysum and Cypress essential oils in a small, clean container.

2.   Incorporate the Sweet Almond oil into the essential oil blend and ensure thorough mixing.

3.   Gently apply the mixture to the bruised area, ensuring even coverage.

4.   Massage the oil into the skin using gentle, circular motions.

5.   Repeat the application 2-3 times daily until you observe positive changes in the bruise.

Invigorating Lemongrass-Wormwood Blend:


·     6 drops of Lemongrass Essential Oil

·     4 drops of Wormwood Essential Oil

·     2 tablespoons the carrier oil including Coconut Oil


1.   Combine the Lemongrass and Wormwood essential oils in a clean container.

2.   Add the Coconut oil to the essential oil mixture, ensuring a well-blended consistency.

3.   Apply the blend gently to the bruised area using clean hands or a cotton ball.

4.   Massage the oil into the skin with circular motions to facilitate absorption.

5.   Use this blend 2-3 times daily until the bruise begins to heal.

Cooling Peppermint Blend


  • 4 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Chamomile Essential Oil
  • 1.5 tablespoons Grapeseed Oil (Carrier Oil)


1.   Mix the essential oils with the carrier oil and gently apply to the bruised area.

2.   Peppermint provides a cooling sensation, while chamomile contributes to anti-inflammatory properties.

Calming Chamomile Blend:


  • 5 drops Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Sweet Almond Oil (Carrier Oil)


·     Combine the essential oils with the carrier oil and apply to the bruised area.

·     This blend offers a soothing and calming effect, aiding in both pain relief and the healing process.

Eucalyptus-Citrus Invigorator:


  • 4 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Orange Essential Oil
  • 2 tablespoons Jojoba Oil (Carrier Oil)


1.   Mix the essential oils with the carrier oil and gently massage onto the bruised area.

2.   This refreshing blend combines the anti-inflammatory properties of eucalyptus with the uplifting scent of citrus.

Balancing Geranium Blend:


  • 4 drops Geranium Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Cypress Essential Oil
  • 1.5 tablespoons Coconut Oil (Carrier Oil)


·     Blend the essential oils with the carrier oil and apply to the bruised area.

·     Geranium and cypress together provide a balancing and regenerative effect for the skin.

Soothing Lavender-Rose Blend


  • 4 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Rose Essential Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Argan Oil (Carrier Oil)


·     Combine the essential oils with the carrier oil and gently apply to the bruised area.

·     This blend combines the calming properties of lavender with the skin-nourishing benefits of rose essential oil.

Healing Tea Tree-Mint Fusion


  • 4 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Spearmint Essential Oil
  • 2 tablespoons Apricot Kernel Oil (Carrier Oil)


·     Mix the essential oils with the carrier oil and gently massage onto the bruised area.

·     Tea tree oil provides antimicrobial benefits, while spearmint adds a refreshing touch, creating a blend that supports both healing and a pleasant experience.

These DIY blends are blended to capture the unique properties of each essential oil, providing a holistic approach to bruise care. Adjust the ratios based on personal preferences and skin sensitivity, and always perform a patch test before applying it on the bruised region. If you experience any adverse reactions, stop its use.

Precautions To Follow While Applying Essential Oils For Bruises (Subcutaneous)

While essential oils can offer natural relief for Bruises (Subcutaneous), it’s essential to take certain precautions to ensure their safe and effective use. Here are some of the precautions to follow:


Always dilute essential oils with a suitable vegetable or carrier oil before applying them directly to the skin. This helps prevent skin irritation or sensitivities, especially for individuals with sensitive skin.

Patch Test:

Perform a patch test before widespread application to check for any allergic reactions or skin sensitivities. Apply a small amount of the diluted essential oil blend to a small area of skin and wait 24 hours to observe any adverse reactions.

Avoid Sensitive Areas:

Avoid applying essential oils near sensitive areas such as the eyes, ears, and mucous membranes. If accidental contact occurs, rinse the area with a carrier oil rather than water.

Consultation with Doctor:

If you are pregnant, nursing, or have underlying health conditions, consult with a physician before using essential oils for bruise. Doing so ensures safety and skin compatibility.


Apply the essential oil blend consistently but in moderation. Excessive use may lead to skin irritation.

Phototoxic Oils:

Be cautious with phototoxic essential oils (e.g., citrus oils like lemon, lime, and bergamot) as they may increase sensitivity to sunlight. Avoid sun exposure on treated areas for at least 12-24 hours after application.

Age Issues:

Exercise caution when using essential oils on infants and young children. Some oils may not be suitable for their delicate skin, and it’s advisable to consult with a pediatrician.

Quality of Oils:

Use high-quality, pure essential oils from reputable sources like ours. Lower quality or adulterated oils may cause adverse reactions.

Effect of Medicines:

If you are taking medications, particularly any skin-related or anti-coagulant ones, consult with your doctor before using essential oils, as they may interact with some of these medications.

Cease Use in Case of Irritation:

Discontinue use of essential oils if you experience any irritation, redness, or discomfort. Seek medical advice if necessary.

By following these precautions, you can enjoy the benefits of essential oils for bruise care while minimizing the risk of adverse reactions. Always prioritize safety and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or specific health conditions.


Essential oils present a natural and holistic approach to managing Bruises (Subcutaneous), offering anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and regenerative properties. From Lavender’s soothing effects to Helichrysum’s anti-bruising benefits, these oils provide diverse options for personalized bruise care.

However, caution and adherence to proper dilution and application guidelines are crucial to ensure safety and efficacy. Incorporating essential oils into your bruise care routine can be a soothing and effective way to promote healing, but it’s essential to approach their use with mindfulness and consideration for individual sensitivities and health conditions.

  • Orchard, A. and van Vuuren, S., 2017. Commercial essential oils as potential antimicrobials to treat skin diseases. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017.
  • Mastelic, J., Politeo, O., Jerkovic, I. and Radosevic, N., 2005. Composition and antimicrobial activity of Helichrysum italicum essential oil and its terpene and terpenoid fractions. Chemistry of natural compounds, 41, pp.35-40.