8 Essential Oils for Hives – Natural Aromatic Oils for Skin

The use of essential oils in managing hives is a natural, soothing approach to alleviate discomfort and inflammation. These aromatic plant extracts, renowned for their health-based properties, have shown promise in calming irritated skin and reducing the itching and redness associated with hives. Let’s explore some of these beneficial essential oils for hives and their specific contributions to hives relief.

What are hives?

Let’s start with the definition of hives. Hives (also known as urticaria) are a skin condition characterized by raised, itchy welts or bumps on the skin. The condition is worse for those with Trypophobia. They can vary in size and shape and often appear red or pink. Hives can occur due to various factors such as allergic reactions to certain foods, medications, insect stings, pollen, pet dander, or environmental triggers.

Stress, infections, and underlying health conditions can also contribute to their occurrence. These welts typically appear out of the blue and may disappear within hours or persist for days before fading away. Hives are generally harmless, but can cause discomfort and itching. In severe cases, they might be accompanied by swelling, known as angioedema, which can affect deeper layers of the skin and mucous membranes.

What Causes Hives All Over the Body?

Hives all over the body can occur due to various triggers. Some common causes include:

  • Allergies: Reactions to certain foods (like nuts or shellfish), medications (such as antibiotics), insect stings, pollen, pet dander, or latex can lead to widespread hives.
  • Infections: Viral or bacterial infections, like the common cold or urinary tract infections, might prompt the body to produce hives.
  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to extreme temperatures, sunlight, water, pressure on the skin, or even stress can trigger hives all over the body.
  • Underlying Conditions: Conditions like autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, or chronic illnesses might be linked to chronic hives that appear across the body without a clear trigger.
  • Stress-induced hives: Yes, stress can result in hives. The peer-reviewed general medical journal The Lancet published a study that looked into new type of autonomic-system-dependent urticaria, which developed at times of stress. [1]

Identifying the specific cause often requires observation, medical history review, and sometimes allergy testing or medical consultation to determine the underlying trigger.

Are Essential Oils Effective Against Hives?

Pure essential oils can offer relief from hives’ symptoms, such as itching and inflammation, due to their natural anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic, and soothing properties. However, their effectiveness varies among individuals, and they might not work for everyone or in severe cases. EOs may be able to treat hives and ailments as well. Before reading further, always consult a doctor before using essential oils for hives.

Certain essential oils like lavender, chamomile, tea tree, and peppermint are believed to have calming effects on irritated skin, reducing itchiness and redness associated with hives. These oils can be diluted with carrier oils like coconut or almond oil and applied topically to affected areas after performing a patch test to check for skin sensitivity or allergic reactions.

These natural oils help relieve itchy skin (itchy sensation), red bumps and even skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis. They also offer other health benefits including stress and anxiety when used in aromatherapy.

Essential oils are extracted from botanical plant parts and contain specific properties that quickly and effectively restore natural health.  While essential oils can complement conventional treatments and offer relief, it’s crucial to use them cautiously and consult a healthcare professional, especially if hives are severe or persistent, to determine the best course of action and avoid potential adverse reactions. Essential oils are natural remedies the effect of which my vary on individuals. 

8 Essential Oils for Hives

1. Lavender Essential Oil For Hives

Lavender essential oil, renowned for its calming properties, can be a soothing remedy for hives. With its anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic qualities, it may alleviate itching and redness associated with hives when diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil and applied topically to affected skin. Its one of the best essential oils that can help outbreak of hives and the symptoms caused by hives.

Its gentle nature makes it a popular choice for calming skin irritations, but it’s essential to perform a patch test and seek medical advice, especially for persistent or severe hives, to ensure suitability and safety in individual cases.

The journal Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências published a study that ratified the properties of lavender essential oil. [2] Most blends include 6-7 drops of lavender essential oil (along with carrier oil of your choice) to deal with skin conditions such as hives. Use lavender oil in a warm bath as it helps you calm those itching sensation.

2. Oregano Essential Oil For Hives

Oregano essential oil possesses potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, potentially offering relief for hives. Its antimicrobial qualities may assist in preventing secondary infections caused by scratching irritated skin. However, owing to its potency, oregano oil should be heavily diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil before applying topically to the affected area.

Due to its strength, a patch test is crucial to assess skin sensitivity, and consulting a healthcare professional is advisable before use, especially for prolonged or severe hives. The oil also has antihistamine properties that can counter the allergen. It can be blended with 2-3 drops of thyme oil and added to a spray bottle, or applied topically with coconut oil.

3. Peppermint Essential Oil For Hives

Peppermint essential oil, known for its cooling sensation and antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, may provide relief for hives. When appropriately diluted with a carrier oil, like almond or jojoba oil, it can be gently applied to the affected skin to potentially alleviate itching and soothe inflammation. Its cooling effect might offer temporary relief from the discomfort associated with hives.

However, caution is advised as peppermint oil can be potent; performing a patch test is essential, and seeking medical guidance, particularly for persistent or severe hives, is advisable before use. Because of its cooling effect, peppermint oil (along with lavender oil) is considered to be one of the 5 best essential oils for hives. A few drops of peppermint essential oil along with lemongrass oil can be diluted and applied directly to the affected area to reduce burning and itching caused by 

4. Geranium Essential Oil For Hives

Geranium essential oil, recognized for its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, could offer relief for hives. When diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil, it can be applied topically to the affected skin to potentially reduce inflammation and soothe itching.

Geranium oil’s gentle nature makes it a favorable choice for skin-related issues, but it’s crucial to conduct a patch test beforehand to ensure skin compatibility. Consulting a healthcare professional is advisable, especially for chronic or severe hives, to determine individual suitability and safety prior to use.

5. Helichrysum Essential Oil For Hives

Helichrysum essential oil possesses anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing properties, making it a potential option for addressing hives. When appropriately diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil, helichrysum oil can be applied topically to affected areas, potentially aiding in reducing inflammation and calming irritated skin.

Its reputed ability to promote skin regeneration may also assist in healing the affected areas. However, given the potency of essential oils, a patch test is essential to check for skin sensitivity. Consulting a healthcare professional before use, particularly for persistent or severe hives, is recommended for personalized guidance and safety precautions.

6. Roman Chamomile Essential Oil For Hives

Roman Chamomile essential oil, known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, can be beneficial for alleviating hives. Diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil, it can be gently applied to the affected skin to potentially reduce inflammation, relieve itching, and promote skin comfort.

Its calming nature makes it suitable for sensitive skin, but as with all essential oils, conducting a patch test is crucial to ensure skin compatibility. Seeking guidance from a healthcare professional, especially for chronic or severe hives, is advisable to determine individual suitability and safety before using Roman Chamomile oil.

7. Tea Tree Essential Oil For Hives

Tea Tree essential oil, renowned for its antimicrobial, anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties, may offer relief for hives. Diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil, it can be applied topically to the affected skin to potentially alleviate itching and soothe inflammation.

Tea Tree oil’s natural antibacterial qualities might also assist in preventing infections from scratching irritated areas. However, it’s vital to perform a patch test beforehand to ensure skin tolerance. Consulting a healthcare professional, particularly for persistent or severe hives, is advisable before using Tea Tree oil to ensure suitability and safety for individual cases.

8. Frankincense Essential Oil For Hives

Frankincense essential oil, prized for its anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing properties, holds potential for managing hives. When appropriately diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil, it can be applied topically to the affected skin, potentially reducing inflammation and easing discomfort associated with hives. Its reputed ability to support skin health and regeneration might aid in soothing irritated areas.

Nevertheless, conducting a patch test is crucial to check for any adverse reactions, especially for sensitive skin. Consulting a healthcare professional, particularly for chronic or severe hives, is advisable to ensure individual suitability and safety before using Frankincense oil.

How to Use Essential Oils for Hives

Using essential oils for hives should be approached with care. Here’s a general guide:

  • Dilution: Essential oils are potent and should be diluted with a carrier oil (like coconut, jojoba, or almond oil) before application. A common dilution ratio is 1-2% essential oil to carrier oil.
  • Patch Test: Perform a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any allergic reactions or sensitivity to the essential oil. Wait 24 hours to observe any adverse reactions before broader application.
  • Topical Application: Once diluted, apply the essential oil blend gently to the affected areas using clean hands or a cotton swab. Ensure the skin is clean and dry before application.
  • Frequency: Apply the diluted essential oil blend to the hives a few times a day or as needed, but avoid excessive use.
  • Consultation: If hives persist or worsen, or if you have any concerns, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance and ensure the chosen essential oils are safe for your specific situation.

Remember, essential oils are complementary treatments and might not work the same way for everyone. It’s essential to use them cautiously and consult a professional, especially for chronic or severe hives, to ensure safety and efficacy.

DIY Recipe of Essential Oils for Hives

Here’s a simple DIY recipe for a soothing essential oil blend for hives:


  • 1 tablespoon of carrier oil (coconut, olive, jojoba, almond)
  • 3 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil
  • 2 drops Tea Tree essential oil


  1. Prepare the Blend: In a small, clean container, mix the carrier oil with the specified drops of Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Tea Tree essential oils. Stir gently to ensure they’re well combined.
  2. Patch Test: Before widespread application, perform a patch test. Apply a small amount of the diluted blend to a small area of clean, dry skin and wait for 24 hours to check for any adverse reactions.
  3. Application: If the patch test shows no adverse reactions, gently apply the diluted blend to the affected areas of hives using clean fingers or a cotton swab. Remember to avoid excessive rubbing or scratching the irritated skin.
  4. Usage: Apply the blend a few times a day or as needed, ensuring not to overuse it.
  5. Consultation: If there are concerns, persistent hives, or adverse reactions, seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

Precautions Using Essential Oils for Hives

When using essential oils for hives, some precautions ensure safe and effective application. Here’s what one should follow:

  • Patch Test: Always test a small amount on your skin (forearms or thighs) before using any new essential oil to check for allergic reactions.
  • Dilution: Mix essential oils with a carrier oil before applying to avoid skin irritation. Follow recommended dilution ratios.
  • Skin Sensitivity: Everyone’s skin is different; stop using an oil if it causes irritation or redness.
  • Avoid Sensitive Areas: Keep oils away from eyes, ears, and broken skin.
  • Consult a Pro: If pregnant, nursing, or with health issues, ask a doctor before using essential oils.
  • Quality Matters: Choose high-quality oils from trusted sources.
  • Moderation: Don’t use too much oil; follow guidelines for safe usage.
  • Watch for Reactions: Check for any discomfort or worsening of symptoms after using an oil.
  • Combining with Meds: Talk to a doctor if using medications alongside essential oils to avoid interactions.
  • Expert Advice: Seek guidance from a professional, especially for severe or long-lasting hives.

Conclusion – Essential Oils for Hives

Essential oils can offer a natural and soothing approach to managing hives. However, caution and proper dilution are key to ensuring their safe and effective use.

While these oils may provide relief for some, individual reactions vary, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended, especially for chronic or severe cases of hives.

Integrating essential oils into a well-informed skincare routine can potentially complement traditional treatments and aid in alleviating the discomfort associated with hives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What essential oils are good for hives?

Some of the essential oils that are good for hives or can combat hives are peppermint oil, lavender oil, oregano oil, and helichrysum oil.

How to use essential oils for hives?

After thoroughly diluting the essential oil for hives it can be topically applied or used as a spray or used in baths.

  • Shelley, W. and Shelley, E.D., 1985. Adrenergic urticaria: a new form of stress-induced hives. The Lancet, 326(8463), pp.1031-1033.
  • SILVA, G.L., Luft, C., Lunardelli, A., Amaral, R.H., MELO, D.A., Donadio, M.V., Nunes, F.B., AZAMBUJA, M.S., Santana, J.C., Moraes, C. and Mello, R.O., 2015. Antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of lavender essential oil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 87, pp.1397-1408.