Should You Pop It Or Use Tea Tree Oil For Blisters?

Blisters – it is fun poking at them, isn’t it? Well, at least not for everyone. Blisters, those pesky pockets of fluid beneath the skin’s surface, have a remarkable knack for turning the simplest tasks into uncomfortable ordeals. From wearing new shoes to wielding a new garden tool, blisters can pop up at the most inconvenient times and oddest of places, making every step a painful reminder of their presence.

Modern medicines do have answers for blisters, but the number of individuals seeking natural, holistic remedies are on the rise. Essential oils, revered for their diverse health-related properties, have emerged as a focal point in this quest for alternative therapies. Among these natural remedies, tea tree oil stands out as a potent contender in the battle against blisters.

In this information piece, we will look into the use of tea tree oil for blisters. From its historical usage to its scientific backing, we’ll explore how this natural wonder might just be the natural solution to your blister woes. So, allow us to unravel the wonders of tea tree oil in the context of blister treatment.

What Are Blisters?

Blister are those tiny, yet bothersome, bubbles beneath the skin’s surface, which often arise due to repeated friction, heat, or sometimes as a reaction to certain irritants. They show up as pockets of fluid – usually clear or at times reddish with blood – enclosed by the upper layers of skin.

What Are the Causes of Blisters:

  • Friction: Constant rubbing or pressure on the skin, often from ill-fitting shoes or prolonged manual activities, is a primary cause.
  • Heat: Exposure to intense heat, including sunburns or contact with scalding surfaces, can trigger blister formation.
  • Chemicalsand other Irritants: Certain chemicals or irritants can prompt the skin to react, resulting in blistering.

What Are the Symptoms of Blisters:

  • Fluid-filled Bumps: Blisters are visible as raised bubbles filled with clear or bloody fluid.
  • Tenderness of the area: They’re often accompanied by discomfort, tenderness, or pain.
  • Skin Sensitivity: The surrounding skin might appear red, inflamed, or irritated.

What Are the Risks of Blisters:

  • Infection: Blisters, when popped or left untreated, can become susceptible to infection, leading to further complications.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Larger blisters or those in sensitive areas can cause considerable discomfort, hindering mobility and daily activities.

Reactions of People to Blisters:

People react differently to blisters based on their size, location, and overall pain tolerance. Some may find them merely bothersome, while others experience significant discomfort and difficulty carrying out routine tasks. Ignoring blisters or treating them improperly can exacerbate the issue, leading to infection or prolonged discomfort.

Understanding these aspects of blisters sets the stage for exploring how tea tree oil can potentially offer relief and aid in their management.

What is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil, derived from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant and native to Australia, is a potent essential oil well known for its versatile health-based properties. For centuries, indigenous Australians used this oil for its health-related benefits, recognizing its natural antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory characteristics. The Australian tea tree oil has been used for ages in dealing with issues like dandruff, thrush and dryness of skin. It helps prevent bacterial infections of the skin and has acne-fighting properties.

The American Journal of Infection Control published a study on November 2004 which investigated the antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil. The study concluded that tea tree oil has properties that make it a good adjunctive wound therapy oil. However, more evidence-based research is needed. [1]

The oil is extracted through steam distillation of the tea tree’s leaves, yielding a pale yellow or almost clear liquid with a distinctive, fresh, medicinal aroma. Its potency lies in a compound called terpinen-4-ol, known for its antimicrobial effects.

Properties of Tea Tree Oil:

  • Antibacterial: It possesses the ability to combat a wide array of bacteria, making it valuable for treating various skin conditions and infections.
  • Antifungal: Effective against fungal infections like athlete’s foot and nail fungus.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation and soothes irritated skin.
  • Antiseptic: Helps cleanse wounds and prevent infection. A 2012 study published in the International Journal of Dermatology showed that tea tree oil accelerated the wound healing process. [2]

Common Uses of Tea Tree Oil:

  • Skincare: Tea tree oil is a popular ingredient in skincare products for acne, eczema, and general skin health.
  • Haircare: Tea tree essential oil is often included in shampoos or scalp treatments for its anti-dandruff and scalp-soothing properties.
  • First Aid: Applied topically to minor cuts, scrapes, and insect bites to aid healing and prevent infection.

Its natural and diverse healing properties make tea tree oil a sought-after remedy for various skin ailments, and its potential in managing blisters is a promising area that has gained attention in recent times.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil For Blisters

When it comes to using tea tree oil for blisters, it’s essential to approach it with care and follow specific guidelines to maximize its potential benefits. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use tea tree oil effectively for treating blisters:

Materials Needed:

  • Tea Tree Oil: Ensure it’s high-quality (and from Gya Labs), natural tea tree oil, appropriately diluted to prevent skin irritation.
  • Carrier Oil: Such as coconut oil or olive oil, to dilute the tea tree oil.
  • Clean Cotton Swabs or Pads: For application.
  • Bandages or Gauze: To cover the treated area, if necessary.

Steps to Use Tea Tree oil Blend for Blisters:

1.   Clean the Area: Before applying any remedy, gently clean the blister and the surrounding skin with mild soap and water. Pat the area with a clean towel till it is dry.

2.   Dilution: Tea tree oil is potent and can cause skin irritation if applied on the skin undiluted. Mix a few drops (usually 1-2 drops) of tea tree oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil, jojoba oil or olive oil. This dilution reduces the concentration while retaining its benefits.

3.   Application: Using a clean cotton swab or pad, apply the diluted tea tree oil mixture directly to the blister. Be gentle to avoid aggravating the blister.

4.   Allow Absorption: Allow the oil mixture to absorb into the skin naturally. It’s best to leave it uncovered to promote air circulation, but if the blister is in an area prone to friction, covering it lightly with a bandage or gauze can provide protection.

5.   Repeat as Needed: You can reapply the diluted tea tree oil mixture a few times a day, but monitor the skin for any signs of irritation. If irritation occurs, discontinue use.

Precautions While Using Tea Tree Oil For Blisters

Using tea tree oil for blisters aligns with its natural healing properties, but it’s crucial to use it cautiously and in moderation to prevent skin irritation or adverse reactions.

·    Patch Test: Before using tea tree oil on a larger area or on sensitive area, conduct a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any adverse reactions. When undiluted tea tree oil is used or applied directly to the skin it can aggravate the blister.

·     Avoid Popping Blisters: It’s fun, but stop. It’s generally advised not to pop blisters as it increases the risk of infection.

·     Consultation: If the blister is severe, infected, or if you have any doubts, it’s wise to consult a professional for proper guidance. Experts recommend Tea tree oil for louse and ringworm as well; but consultation is key.

DIY Tea Tree Oil Blend for Blisters:


  • 2-3 drops of Tea Tree essential oil
  • 2-3 drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon of Coconut oil (or any available carrier oil)


1.   Prepare the Mixture: In a small, clean container, mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and 2-3 drops of lavender oil with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (or your preferred carrier oil). This dilutes the tea tree oil while adding the calming properties of lavender.

2.   Blend Thoroughly: Stir or shake the mixture well to ensure the oils are evenly distributed.

3.   Application: Using a clean cotton swab or pad, apply a small amount of the blended oil directly to the blister. Gently massage the mixture onto the affected area.

4.   Allow Absorption: Let the blend absorb naturally into the skin. You can leave it uncovered or lightly cover it with a bandage if necessary.

5.   Reapplication: Reapply the blend 2-3 times a day or as needed, making sure to monitor the skin for any signs of irritation.

Benefits of this Tea Tree Oil Blend For Blisters:

  • Tea Tree Oil: Provides antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to aid in healing. Tea  tree oil helps heal itching, redness and scar.
  • Lavender Oil: Offers soothing and calming effects, potentially reducing discomfort and promoting skin recovery.
  • Coconut Oil: Acts as a carrier oil to dilute the essential oils and provides moisture to the skin.

This DIY blend harnesses the health-based properties of tea tree and lavender oils to create a gentle yet effective solution for managing blisters. Adjust the ratio of oils based on skin sensitivity, and always perform a patch test before widespread application to ensure compatibility with your skin.

Summary – Tea Tree Oil For Blisters

Blisters, common yet bothersome, result from friction, heat, or irritants. Seeking natural remedies, many turn to tea tree oil for blisters for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The article details using tea tree oil for blisters, emphasizing caution in its application. There is also a DIY blend of tea tree and lavender oils diluted in coconut oil for effective treatment, highlighting its soothing and healing potential.

  • Halcón, L. and Milkus, K., 2004. Staphylococcus aureus and wounds: a review of tea tree oil as a promising antimicrobial. American journal of infection control, 32(7), pp.402-408.
  • Pazyar, N., Yaghoobi, R., Bagherani, N. and Kazerouni, A., 2013. A review of applications of tea tree oil in dermatology. International journal of dermatology, 52(7), pp.784-790.