Is Tea Tree Oil For Cats? How Cats React To The Potent Tea Tree Essential Oil

Cats share a unique bond with humans, forming deep and affectionate connections over time. Their companionship goes back centuries, becoming cherished members of countless households worldwide.

Caring for these feline companions involves several facets to ensure their well-being and contentment. Providing a balanced diet, regular vet check-ups, and a safe, stimulating environment are vital. Grooming routines, including brushing their fur and maintaining cleanliness, contribute to their physical comfort and strengthen the bond between cats and their owners. Cats love being pampered. There are so many videos of cute cat expressions when they are being taken care of by humans. (Check them out after you read this article.)

Some essential oils have been used in feline grooming practices. When used cautiously and in diluted forms, certain essential oils are believed to offer benefits in cat care. These oils are thought to help repel fleas, soothe skin irritations, or even aid in relaxation during stressful times for cats. While the use of essential oils in feline grooming is a common practice, it’s crucial to note that while some oils can be beneficial, others can pose risks to a cat’s health. Tea tree oil, for instance, is a controversial oil due to its potential toxicity to cats, especially when used improperly.

What is Tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil, derived from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant (native to Australia), is a potent essential oil with a variety of health-based properties. It’s well known for its antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory qualities. (It is a popular oil for humans; but, what about cats? Let find out.)

The oil itself contains compounds like terpinen-4-ol, which are believed to be responsible for its health-based effects. It’s commonly used in skincare products, hair care, and even in household cleaning due to its natural antibacterial properties. Tea tree oil is praised for its ability to combat acne, soothe skin irritations, and treat fungal infections.

However, while it has numerous benefits for humans, its use on pets, especially cats, requires caution and careful consideration due to potential toxicity concerns. When used undiluted or in high concentrations, tea tree oil can be harmful to cats, causing adverse reactions, and in extreme cases, even poisoning.

The skin of a cat absorbs substances more than it does so in humans. Hence, they are more sensitive to concentrated oils. Tea tree oil, if ingested or applied undiluted on a cat’s skin, can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, drooling, weakness, difficulty walking, tremors, and in severe cases, even liver damage or coma.

Due to these potential risks, it’s better to consult a veterinarian before using tea tree oil (or any essential oil for that matter) on cats. Dilution, appropriate dosage, and following guidance are important to ensure the safety of your feline companions when considering the use of any essential oil.

Is Tea Tree Oil Safe For Cats – Let’s Find Out

Although recent scientific studies have found that tea tree oil may be extremely beneficial for treating a variety a variety of conditions in people, it is known to cause severe toxicity in cats.

Possible Side Effects of Tea Tree Oil for Cats

Tea tree oil, when used in high concentrations or without following instructions, can pose significant risks to cats, potentially leading to a range of adverse reactions and symptoms. Some of the side effects and symptoms of tea tree oil toxicity in cats may include:

Skin Irritation

Direct application of undiluted tea tree oil on a cat’s skin can cause severe irritation, leading to redness, itching, blistering, and potentially even burns. In such cases, immediate veterinary attention is required to alleviate discomfort and prevent further damage.

Gastrointestinal Distress

Ingestion of tea tree oil might induce vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, abdominal pain, and a loss of appetite in cats. This may lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances if not promptly dealt with by a veterinarian.

Neurological Symptoms

Cats affected by tea tree oil toxicity may display weakness, muscle tremors, and an unsteady walking. It may escalate to seizures or paralysis in severe cases, thus requiring urgent medical intervention to stabilize their condition and manage neurological symptoms.

Respiratory Issues

Inhalation of concentrated tea tree oil vapors could trigger respiratory distress, including stifled breathing, coughing, or wheezing. If it occurs, take the cat away from the exposure source and consult with a professional.

Central Nervous System Effects

In advanced stages of toxicity, cats might exhibit signs of depression, disorientation, aggression, seizures, or even lapses into a comatose state. Of course, in such cases rush to a veterinarian immediately.

The peer reviewed Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association published a research on the toxicity of tea tree essential oil on cats and dogs. It concluded that highly concentrated oil if tea tree may cause depression and tremors in cats. [1].

Liver Damage

Prolonged or high-level exposure to tea tree oil can potentially lead to liver damage (or failure) in cats. Some of the symptoms to watch out for are jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and gums), profound weakness, and a decline in overall health. Again, in such cases rush to a veterinarian immediately.

What To Do If Your Cat Ingests Tea Tree Oil?

If your cat ingests tea tree oil, it’s crucial to act swiftly and seek immediate veterinary assistance. Here’s what you should do:

Contact Your Veterinarian

Call your vet immediately or take the cat to the nearest veterinary clinic. Carry the bottle of tea tree oil or provide details about the quantity and strength of the tea tree oil ingested, along with any observed symptoms in your cat.

Do NOT Induce Vomiting

Always follow your vet’s guidance. If you have gone through the information on this site, you would understand the problems of forced vomiting. Inducing vomiting in a cat that has ingested tea tree oil is not recommended, as it could potentially cause further irritation or aspiration.

Monitor Your Cat

Keep a close eye on your cat’s symptoms. Note any changes in behavior, such as vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, difficulty breathing, weakness, or any signs of distress.

Avoid Home Remedies

If it is the first time the cat is experiencing the symptoms, refrain from attempting to treat your cat at home with remedies or medications unless specifically advised by your veterinarian. Some home treatments might exacerbate the situation.

Prevent Further Exposure

Remove any sources of tea tree oil from your cat’s environment to prevent additional exposure or accidental ingestion.

Seek Professional Care

If your cat has ingested large amounts of the concentrated oil, take your cat to the vet immediately. Time is critical in cases of toxicity. Your vet will assess your cat’s condition, and recommend appropriate treatments. Some of the treatment methods include supportive care and medications. This will mitigate the effects of tea tree oil toxicity.

Follow Veterinary Recommendations

Follow your vet’s instructions diligently for at-home care and do follow-up visits to monitor your cat’s recovery. Be sure to attend follow-up appointments even if the cat’s is recuperating.

What To Do If Your Cat Gets Concentrated Tea Tree Oil on Its Fur?

If your cat accidentally gets concentrated tea tree oil on its fur, prompt action is essential to minimize any potential harm. A 1998 study looked into the effect of Australian tea tree oil poisoning on purebred cats and found that high concentration of this oil could result in dehydration and hypothermia. [2] Follow these steps if your cat comes in contact with the oil of tea tree:

Act Quickly but Calmly

Use your regular tone and approach your cat calmly to avoid causing further stress. Your safety is also essential, hence use gloves to handle your cat.

Prevent Ingestion

Cats do lick their fur. If your cat is trying to lick the affected area, try to distract them or gently prevent them from ingesting the oil.

Do NOT Use Water

Tea tree oil is not water-soluble, and water may actually spread the oil over a larger area or push it deeper into the skin. Avoid rinsing your cat with water.

Use a Mild Dish Soap

If the oil is still fresh and hasn’t been absorbed, you can carefully apply a mild dish soap (without tea tree oil or other harsh chemicals) to the affected area. Gently lather and then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. Use a damp cloth to wipe away any remaining soap. An animal friendly shampoo can also be used to avoid allergy and other skin conditions. 

Consult a Veterinarian

Contact your veterinarian for guidance. Describe the symptoms or changes in your cat’s behavior and the amount of oil that fell on its fur.

Follow Veterinary Advice

Follow the guidance provided by your vet, which may include monitoring your cat for any adverse reactions.

Monitor Your Cat

Watch for any signs of skin irritation, such as redness, itching, or discomfort. Keep an eye on your cat’s behavior for symptoms of toxicity, like vomiting, drooling, weakness, or difficulty walking.

Seek Professional Grooming Help

If the oil has spread extensively or if your cat’s fur is saturated, professional grooming assistance may be helpful (and necessary).

What To Do If Your Cat Inhales Too Much Of Concentrated Tea Tree Oil?

If your cat has inhaled a significant amount of concentrated tea tree oil, immediate action is essential as the scent can lead to distress. Follow these steps:

Remove Your Cat from the Area

Safely move your cat away from the source of the tea tree oil to a well-ventilated or open area with fresh air. This helps reduce further exposure.

Observe Breathing and Behavior

Monitor your cat’s breathing and behavior closely. Look for signs of distress such as labored breathing, coughing, wheezing, or other unusual behavior.

Do NOT Force Vomiting

As mentioned earlier, inducing vomiting in cases of inhalation is not recommended and could worsen respiratory distress and aspiration of lungs. Focus on creating a calm environment.

Contact Your Veterinarian Immediately

Call your vet or take the cat to the nearest clinic. Describe the situation, the duration of exposure, and symptoms. Follow their guidance promptly.

Seek Emergency Veterinary Care

In case your cat is displaying severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, coughing, or seems distressed, carry them to the vet immediately.

Avoid Further Exposure

Ensure that your cat stays away from the area where the concentrated tea tree oil is present to prevent additional exposure.

Provide Supportive Care

Follow your vet’s instructions. Their recommendation must be followed to ease the cat back to regular health.

Stay Calm and Reassure Your Cat

You should keep your cat calm and reassure them with gentle strokes and soothing words. A calm environment can help alleviate stress and aid in recovery.


Tea tree oil can pose significant risks to cats if inhaled or exposed in concentrated forms. Immediate action and veterinary attention are paramount if you suspect your cat has inhaled too much concentrated tea tree oil.

Remember, prevention is the best approach. Keep tea tree oil and other potentially harmful substances out of reach of your pets. If accidental exposure occurs, quick response and guidance from a veterinarian can make a significant difference in ensuring your cat’s safety and well-being.

Always prioritize your cat’s health by seeking professional veterinary advice whenever there’s a concern about potential toxicity. Being proactive and informed can help safeguard your feline friend from the risks associated with tea tree oil and other hazardous substances.

  • Khan, S.A., McLean, M.K. and Slater, M.R., 2014. Concentrated tea tree oil toxicosis in dogs and cats: 443 cases (2002–2012). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 244(1), pp.95-99.
  • Bischoff, K. and Guale, F., 1998. Australian tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil poisoning in three purebred cats. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 10(2), pp.208-210.