10 Essential Oils For Pregnancy : Benefits, Uses

We can all agree that becoming pregnant is a happy, fulfilling, and transformative experience. But there are also significant choices to be made and unpleasant side effects to deal with. Given all of this, it’s okay to acknowledge that pregnancy can occasionally be stressful and difficult.

Wouldn’t it be lovely if there were alternative treatments for nausea, morning sickness, and stress? Good news: essential oils can be of assistance. But before you take out your credit card, do some research.

It’s crucial to realise that every physician has a different comfort level when discussing essential oil use during pregnancy with patients. Prior to beginning any new exercise regimen before, during, or after pregnancy, please confirm with your doctor.

The first thing to remember is to pick your essential oils carefully. Choose a trustworthy essential oil supplier that offers therapeutic-grade, pure essential oils of the highest quality, with an emphasis on scientific testing and ethical sourcing. Without additives or byproducts, the greatest essential oils are solely obtained from plants. Next, take caution with using essential oils, especially in the first trimester when your body is going through a lot of growth. Read on to know more.

Essential Oils That Are Safe During Pregnancy

1. Cardamom Essential Oil

Early on in a pregnancy, nausea and vomiting, sometimes known as morning sickness, are rather common. You may experience symptoms at any time of the day or night, or you may feel ill all day.

It is uncomfortable to have morning sickness, which can have a big impact on your daily life. These symptoms can be treated by the aroma of cardamom essential oil.[1] This can be added to diffusers or sprayed in the air. The smell is rustic and strong. Inhale and it will make your nausea go away in no time!

2. Ginger Essential Oil

Since ancient times, aromatherapy has employed ginger oil, a warm, spicy essential oil. After the first trimester, dilutions of ginger essential oil can be used to a diffuser to treat minor motion sickness. Lavender and ginger oil mixtures might also be beneficial.

When used as a massage oil, ginger oil’s properties as a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic aid reduce pregnancy-related aches and pains. When used properly, ginger is efficient and has a track record of being safe for usage among pregnant women.[2]

3. Frankincense Essential Oil

Since it offers such a wide range of advantages, frankincense essential oil is one of those essential oils that every birth kit should have. It helps the digestive system, boosts the immune system, and is considered to help babies’ postpartum physiological changes. It is particularly helpful in preventing postpartum blues in new moms.

Peppermint oil together with frankincense oil, which is particularly beneficial for memory and concentration, is excellent for preventing brain-related forgetfulness in pregnant women. This is due to the potent anti-inflammatory properties of frankincense. To improve your memory, diffuse Frankincense together with one or more drops of the essential oils of peppermint, lemon, ginger, or spearmint. It improves overall well-being as well.

In addition, frankincense oil can help prevent and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. It promotes skin elasticity while soothing inflammation and irritation. The skin-regenerating properties of frankincense make it one of the best essential oils for minimizing stubborn stretch marks.

4. Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman chamomile may be useful for Braxton Hicks contractions and sleeplessness during pregnancy. It could be beneficial postpartum for the stress that comes with being a new mother. This is one of those oils that is safest to use during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester. [3]

5. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is safe to use during pregnancy. It can have a calming and relaxing effect on the body. It helps with insomnia among pregnant women. [4] It is one of the most widely used oils during this time.

Lavender oil also increases circulation which can improve mobility in swollen, painful joints. This makes it one of the best oils to massage into joints for pregnant women suffering from inflammation or arthritis

6. Neroli Oil

Neroli oil has been demonstrated to have active ingredients that play a substantial role against inflammation, making it effective for pain treatment. It also possesses antibacterial and antioxidant characteristics. It possesses sedative, relaxing, anti-depressant and therapeutic qualities. 

Most Consequently, neroli oil is commonly used for therapeutic purposes, particularly for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems, tachycardia, and rheumatism, as well as to lessen the effects of central nervous system illnesses.[5]

7. Petitgrain Oil

The bitter orange tree and its different subspecies are the sources of the fresh leaves and young twigs used to make the essential oil known as petitgrain. It is thought that bitter orange, a member of the Rutaceae family, originated in South-East Asia before spreading to China, Burma, and northern India before being transported to Africa, Arabia, and Syria by Arab traders.

The Moors and Crusaders transported it from these areas to the Mediterranean, and by the end of the 12th century, it was being grown in Seville, Spain, giving bitter oranges their popular moniker of “Seville oranges.”

The second journey of Christopher Columbus in 1493 allowed for the introduction of this species as the first “orange” to the new world. This oil is great for massages and is used to treat joint pain, joint stiffness, digestive issues and functions of the heart. [6]

8. Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium essential oil is used in menstruation and menopause related issues. However it is one of the less researched oils compared to the rest. It can be used to relieve stress and anxiety during pregnancy and pre pregnancy stages but it is best to consult a doctor before using these oils. Geranium essential oil, known for its tranquilizing properties and efficacy in addressing menstruation and menopause-related issues, can also serve as a natural hemorrhoid treatment essential oil during pregnancy. [7]

9. Lemon Essential Oil

One item that is entirely natural and may be used as a cure at home is lemon essential oil. Steam extraction or, less frequently, a cold press procedure is used to extract this essential oil.

Lemon essential oils is one of those oils that is widely used during pregnancy and is considered the safest. It is a great oil to use if you’re dealing with things like vomitting and nausea during pregnancy. It not only takes away feelings of uneasiness but also makes you feel better and more at ease at such times.[8]

Additionally, lemon essential oil can aid in managing unpleasant menopause symptoms. Its soothing citrus aroma helps stabilize emotions, lift mood and improve stress – which often trigger menopausal problems. This makes it a one of the best essential oil for menopause relief.

10. Rose Essential Oil

This particular essential oil naturally contains Vitamin A and is thus considered to be safe to use for pregnant women. Back discomfort or aches are extremely typical throughout pregnancy, especially in the beginning.The body’s ligaments naturally soften and stretch throughout pregnancy to get ready for labour. Back discomfort may result from this tension on the lower back and pelvic joints.

This essential oil is typically used to treat pregnancy related back pains.[9]Remember that back discomfort during pregnancy might be an indication of premature labour or a urethral infection. Contact your healthcare professional immediately if you also experience vaginal bleeding, a fever, or burning while urinating with pain in the back. 

Summary: Apart from aromatic benefits, the above listed essential oils provide therepeutic benefits in pregnancy as well. These can help you escape everything from morning sickness to labour pains, from nausea to vomitting. Now you know what to turn to to make your pregnancy a memorable one!

How Do Essential Oils For Pregnancy Work?

It is not recommended to consume essential oils during pregnancy [10] or in any other circumstance. Instead, they are either breathed in or diluted into a solution and used topically, whether as a bath soak or spot therapy. Massage oils or other skin-care treatments applied topically are absorbed via the skin.

When breathed in, the molecules go from the mouth or nose to the lungs, brain, and other bodily components. Once within the nasal cavity, the chemicals communicate chemically with the brain region that controls emotions.[11]

When we smell something, our bodies react in a variety of ways that have an impact on how we feel. Because of this, smelling something tasty might make us hungry or smelling something seductive can make us feel a certain way. Our stress response is activated when we are unwell or uncomfortable, and aromatherapy may be a powerful tool to help change how we react to stress.

Using specific essential oils during pregnancy may be a fantastic option to treating disease and uncomfortable sensations because many pharmaceuticals are contraindicated when you’re expecting, which is exactly why they’re growing in popularity among pregnant women.

Benefits Of Essential Oils For Pregnancy

Let’s start by clarifying that using essential oils while you are pregnant is not entirely forbidden. There is proof that certain essential oils may have therapeutic effects that might ease typical pregnancy discomforts.[12]

Some essential oils may offer the following major advantages when used properly:

1. Aid in reducing nausea and stomach discomfort

2. Relax sore muscles

3. Assist in reducing the discomfort and swelling brought on by hemorrhoids

4. Enhance sleep

5. Make skin more stretchy

6. Lessen the visibility of stretch marks

7. Assist in easing fear throughout childbirth

Guidelines To Use Essential Oils During Pregnancy

To begin with, refrain from using essential oils in the first trimester. The first trimester of pregnancy is the most crucial time, thus any chance of subjecting the foetus to a hazardous drug should be completely avoided. Early in pregnancy, you shouldn’t use essential oils since they could trigger uterine contractions or negatively impact the early stages of your baby’s development.

It’s usually better to be safe than sorry, but further research on the subject is required. Since essential oils are the primary components used in aromatherapy, those who are pregnant should also avoid using aromatherapy products and treatments during the first trimester.

However, while using these essential oils during your pregnancy, bear the following safety precautions in mind.

Do Not Ingest

The primary rule against using essential oils is… consuming them. However, some less credible sources argue that ingesting essential oils can be advantageous for digestion whereas the majority of expert aromatherapists have strong reservations about doing so. Go ahead and use essential oils topically if you enjoy using them for aromatherapy and have visited a doctor or aromatherapist before doing so.

However, despite the fact that essential oils have a lovely scent, these oils shouldn’t be consumed orally except under the close supervision of a professional or physician, even if you aren’t pregnant. When consumed, many essential oils can be hazardous to you and, perhaps, your unborn child.

Aromatherapy Is The Way To Go

The majority of medical professionals concur that aromatherapy is generally safer for pregnant women than topical therapies. Simply put, this implies that you should disperse your essential oils rather than apply them directly to your skin. Aromatherapy is the best way to ease anxiety during labour pains in pregnant women.[14]

Always Dilute

If you choose to apply oils topically, whether you are pregnant or not, you will need what is referred to as a carrier oil to do so securely. This is due to the fact that essential oils should never be applied straight to skin without first diluting them. Due to the strength of essential oils, using them undiluted may result in significant skin discomfort and irritation.

You can safely use your specially created massage oil, lotion, cream, or similar body product by combining and diluting essential oils with milder products without changing the qualities of the essential oils. Dilution contributes to a better physical massage experience.

Due to their high volatility, essential oils vaporise fast. The joy of the experience will last longer on your skin, penetrate deeper, and last longer if you combine them in a more absorbent medium.

Essential oils should be diluted before usage for another very compelling reason in addition to safeguarding the health of your skin. While essential oils smell wonderful when diffused, you don’t want a form of the scent to cling to your skin.

Because of this, combining and diluting essential oils with other items, such carrier oil, might prevent the powerful scent from overpowering your sense of smell. Dilute them with carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil or sweet almond oil etc.

Do Not Exceed The Recommended Dosage

If not diluted properly, these oils can be dangerous and harmful, especially during pregnancy. Therefore, always consult a doctor before using any essential oil.

Essential Oils To Avoid During Pregnancy

1. Sage essential oil

2. Tansy essential oil

3. Tarragon essential oil

4. Rue essential oil

5. Pennyroyal essential oil

6. Basil essential oil

7. Wintergreen essential oil

8. Birch essential oil

9. Clary sage essential oil

10. Oak mass essential oil

As much as it is safe to say that some essential oils are safe to use during pregnancy, others should be avoided. However, we would suggest you to consult a doctor before adding any of these oils to your daily regime.

Which essential oils are safe for pregnancy?

Essential oils are natural products that are generally considered safe for use. However, pregnancy is a time when it is always better to use essential oils with precautions. Always consult a doctor before using essential oils. And talk to a doctor about your medical condition (if any) and the essential oil you intend to use. Now, here are some essential oils that are considered to be safe for use during pregnancy: – 
1. Lavender essential oil 
2. Roman chamomile essential oil 
3. German chamomile essential oil 
4. Geranium essential oil 
5. Neroli essential oil 
6. Lemon essential oil 
7. Cardamom essential oil 
8. Petitgrain essential oil 
9. Frankincense essential oil 
10. Rose essential oil 
11. Rosewood essential oil 
12. Patchouli essential oil 
13. Ginger essential oil 
14. Chamomile essential oil 
15. Wild orange essential oil 
16. Sandalwood essential oil

Are there any essential oils to avoid during pregnancy?

Always consult a doctor before using essential oils during pregnancy. There are several essential that should not be used during pregnancy. The essential oils to avoid during pregnancy are as follows: – 
1. Basil essential oil 
2. Hyssop essential oil 
3. Aniseed essential oil 
4. Oak moss essential oil 
5. Clary sage essential oil 
6. Wintergreen essential oil 
7. Thyme essential oil 
8. Rosemary essential oil 
9. Sage essential oil 
10. Birch essential oil 
11. Tansy essential oil 
12. Thuja essential oil

Is smelling essential oils safe for pregnancy?

Experts believe that it is better to smell or inhale (inhalation aromatherapy) the aroma of essential oils than apply it topically during pregnancy.

Can I use lavender oil while pregnant?

Lavender essential oil is considered to be one of the gentle and mild essential oils with several therapeutic properties. The essential oil of lavender is considered safe for use during pregnancy.

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