How to Use Peppermint Oil for Spider Repellent 

Spiders might give you the heebie-jeebies (or is it jeepers-creepers), but there’s a natural solution that doesn’t involve those ‘em chemicals: peppermint oil. Yep, that same stuff that makes your breath feel fresh can also send spiders packing. (Next time you have a peppermint gum, try breathing on a spider; just kidding, don’t do that.) Let’s dive into how peppermint oil works its magic in keeping these eight-legged critters out of your home.

Essential Oils As Spider Repellent – Peppermint Oil for Spider Repellent

Spiders rely heavily on their strong sense of smell to detect food sources and sense danger. When confronted with the strong aroma of peppermint oil, their olfactory senses are overwhelmed, causing confusion and disorientation. This discourages spiders from entering peppermint sprayed areas and prompts them to seek refuge elsewhere. Additionally, peppermint oil contains compounds like menthol and limonene, which possess natural repellent properties, further enhancing its effectiveness against spiders. These compounds are also cited  as pesticides in some papers.

Using Peppermint Oil Effectively

Using peppermint oil to control spider (infestation) is simple and hassle-free. You can create your own peppermint oil spray by diluting a few drops of peppermint oil in water and spraying it around entry points, corners, and other spider-prone areas. Alternatively, soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them around your homeat specific places to deter spiders. A study published on February 2018 in the Journal of Economic Entomology shows that the mint oil is effective in driving away spiders from two different families of spider. [1] Not just spiders, the mentha piperita L. oil is also renowned for repelling mosquitoes. [2]

Other Essential Oils to Consider for Repelling Spiders

While peppermint oil takes the spotlight for its strong     spider-repelling abilities (and backed by research), several other essential oils can also serve as effective deterrents.

Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antiseptic properties, tea tree oil also possesses insect-repelling qualities. Its strong scent can help deter spiders and other pests from invading your home.

Lavender Oil: Lavender oil not only has a calming effect on humans, but also acts as a natural insect repellent. Its pleasant aroma can keep spiders at bay while promoting relaxation and better sleep.

Citrus Oils (Lemon, Orange, or Citronella): Spiders are known to dislike the scent of citrus oils. You can create a spider-repellent spray by mixing citrus essential oils with water and spraying it around your home. However, some research has shown that citrus oils are not as effective as mint oils in repelling spiders.

How to Use Peppermint Oil for Spider Repellant

Using peppermint oil as a spider repellent is simple and effective. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it:

1. Segrate Your Supplies: You’ll need natural peppermint essential oil, water, and a spray bottle.

2. Dilute the Peppermint Essential Oil: Add a few drops of peppermint oil to water in the spray bottle. The exact ratio can be adjusted and largely depends on personal preference and the potency of the oil. However, a good starting point is around 5-10 drops of oil per cup of water.

3. Shake Well: Close the spray bottle and shake it well to ensure the peppermint oil is thoroughly mixed with the water.

4. Locate the Spider Zones: Locate areas where spiders are likely to enter or frequent, such as doorways, windowsills, baseboards, and corners.

5. Spray Freely: Spray the diluted peppermint oil solution onto these areas, making sure to cover them thoroughly. Focus on entry points where spiders come in to your home. Spiders taste with their legs and are averse to odors; hence spray at all the entry points.

6. Repeat as Needed: Reapply the peppermint oil spray every few days, especially after rain or if you notice spiders returning to treated areas. The scent will gradually dissipate over time, so regular application is key to maintaining its effectiveness.

7. Use as a Preventive Measure: Even if you haven’t spotted any spiders yet, it’s a good idea to use peppermint oil as a preventive measure to deter them from entering your home in the first place.

8. Combine with Other Methods: A good way to keep spiders at bay is by combining peppermint oil with other spider-repelling tactics, such as sealing cracks and crevices, reducing clutter, and keeping your home clean.

By following these simple steps, you can get the power of peppermint oil to create a spider-free environment in your home naturally and safely.

DIY Peppermint Oil for Spider Repellent

Here’s your DIY recipe for a peppermint oil spider repellent:


  • Spray bottle
  • Water (around 16 ounces)
  • 5-10 drops peppermint essential oil
  • Dish soap (a few drops)


  1. Fill the spray bottle with water.
  2. Add 5-10 drops of peppermint essential oil. Remember, a little goes a long way!
  3. Add a few drops of dish soap. This helps disperse the oil in the water, making it more effective.
  4. Shake well to ensure everything is thoroughly mixed.

Using your peppermint spray:

  • Target areas where spiders frequent: windows, doors, corners, baseboards, and anywhere you’ve seen webs.
  • Spray the perimeter of your house outdoors as well.
  • Reapply the spray once a week for best results, or more often if you see spiders returning.

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Peppermint oil’s scent fades over time, so reapplication is key.
  • Glass spray bottles are ideal as peppermint oil can degrade plastic over time.
  • Consider planting peppermint around your house for a longer-lasting repellent effect.
  • Important: Keep pets away from the spray and peppermint plants. Peppermint oil can be toxic to cats and dogs.

Precautions to Follow while Using Peppermint Oil for Spider Repellent

While peppermint oil is generally safe to use, it’s essential to take some precautions to ensure its effective and safe use as a spider repellent. Here are some precautions to follow:

Peppermint oil is highly concentrated and can cause skin irritation or sensitivity if applied directly. Always dilute peppermint oil with water to get rid of fly or bug bite.

Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Peppermint oil can cause irritation if it comes into contact with the eyes or mucous membranes. Avoid spraying it near the face, and wash your hands thoroughly after handling peppermint oil.

Keep out of reach of children and pets. Kid love using the spray bottle. Store peppermint oil and any diluted solutions in a safe place, out of reach of children and pets.

Use in well-ventilated areas. When spraying peppermint oil indoors, ensure adequate ventilation to prevent the buildup of strong fumes. Open windows and doors or use fans to disperse the scent.

Do not use on or near plants. Peppermint oil can be harmful to some plants, so avoid spraying it directly on or near plants. If using peppermint oil outdoors, be mindful of nearby vegetation.

Reapply as needed: The scent of peppermint oil will gradually dissipate over time, so reapply the solution every few days or after rain to maintain its effectiveness as a spider repellent.


Peppermint oil offers a natural and effective solution for repelling spiders without the need for harsh chemicals. By following simple precautions and using peppermint oil in combination with other preventive measures, you can create a spider-free environment in your home while enjoying the refreshing scent of this aromatic essential oil.