How Does Peppermint Essential Oils for Spider Repellent Work?

If you take a poll on the five creepiest bugs, spiders will likely rank among the top two or three. Their quick, silent movements, the way they lurk in dark corners, and the intricate web they weave often trigger a sense of unease and irritation in most people. While they play a vital role in controlling other pests, the sight of a spider in the home can still cause a shudder. For those looking to keep these eight-legged invaders at bay without resorting to harsh chemicals, peppermint essential oil offers a natural, effective solution that spiders simply can’t stand. (But, will it deter Spidermen from the Multiverse? Well, that’s a topic for another day.)

Just imagine—you’re all alone in the dark, and suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you see the shadow of an eight-legged creature creeping across the wall. Without doubt, a wave of fear overcomes you. Now, wouldn’t you wish you had a bottle of peppermint essential oil right there with you? The potent scent could keep that creepy crawly far away, and its minty fresh aroma would give you peace of mind in an instant.

How Do Spiders Smell?

We need to discuss this first. How do spiders smell? It’s fascinating to think that these tiny creatures, which seem so alien, have their own way of sensing the world. Spiders don’t have noses like humans, but they do have specialized hairs and tiny receptors on their legs that allow them to detect smells. These microscopic hairs, known as “sensilla,” pick up chemical signals in the air, including pheromones and other odors, helping them navigate their environment and find prey. Spiders use their sense of smell to detect nearby threats, food, and even mates. The strong aroma of substances like peppermint essential oil can overwhelm these delicate receptors, making it difficult for spiders to function, which is why they avoid areas where these scents are present. So, while we might associate peppermint with freshness, to spiders, it’s more like a sensory overload that they can’t tolerate!

How Does Peppermint Essential Oils for Spider Repellent Work?

Peppermint essential oil works as a spider repellent by targeting their highly sensitive sense of smell. Spiders, as mentioned above, rely on tiny hairs and receptors on their legs to detect chemical signals in their surroundings, and the strong, intense aroma of peppermint is simply overwhelming for them. When you diffuse peppermint oil or apply it around areas prone to spider activity, the pungent scent acts as a barrier that spiders cannot easily cross. The menthol in peppermint disrupts their navigation, making the environment unbearable for these eight-legged creatures.

The oil doesn’t just repel spiders by overwhelming their senses; it also creates an inhospitable atmosphere. Spiders are repelled by strong smells, particularly those that interfere with their natural ability to hunt and communicate. Peppermint oil, with its sharp, minty aroma, makes it difficult for them to stay in the same space. Simply put, peppermint essential oil confuses and overwhelms spiders, driving them to seek refuge elsewhere. It’s a natural, non-toxic alternative to chemical sprays, making it safe to use around the home, while keeping spiders at bay. It is not only a natural spider repellent, but works as a remedy against insect and as a general pest management.

How To Apply Peppermint Essential Oils for Spider Repellent?

Applying peppermint essential oil as a spider repellent is easy and effective, making it a go-to solution for keeping your home spider-free. Here are some simple methods to use:

  • Peppermint Oil Spray: The most popular method is creating a peppermint oil spray. Simply mix 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil with water in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of dish soap to help the oil mix with water. Shake it well and spray the mixture in areas where spiders tend to hide or enter—such as window sills, door frames, corners, and dark spaces like closets or basements.
  • Cotton Ball Method: For more concentrated results, soak a few cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them in areas where spiders are likely to appear. Tuck them in behind furniture, under the sink, or in small crevices that you can’t easily reach with the spray.
  • Diffusing Peppermint Oil: Using a diffuser to disperse peppermint oil throughout a room is another excellent option. This will not only keep spiders at bay, but also leave your space smelling fresh. Just add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to your diffuser and let the scent fill the air, particularly in rooms where spiders are commonly found.
  • Wipe Down Surfaces: You can also add a few drops of peppermint oil to a damp cloth and use it to wipe down surfaces like counters, shelves, or floorboards. This method will create a peppermint-scented barrier that spiders will want to avoid.
  • Peppermint Oil Sachets: If you’re looking for a more long-term solution, create sachets filled with dried peppermint leaves and a few drops of peppermint oil. Place these sachets in drawers, closets, or anywhere spiders are likely to frequent.

By applying peppermint oil regularly via one or more of these methods, you create an invisible yet highly effective barrier that spiders simply cannot tolerate. It’s a natural, eco-friendly solution to keep your home spider-free!

Where To Apply Peppermint Essential Oils for Spider Repellent?

Knowing where to apply peppermint essential oil for spider repellent is crucial to ensuring its effectiveness in keeping these eight-legged intruders at bay. Here are some of the best places to apply peppermint oil to maximize its repellent power:

  • Windowsills and Door Frames: Spiders often enter homes through tiny gaps in windows and doors. Apply peppermint oil along windowsills and door frames to create a strong barrier that deters them from coming inside.
  • Corners of Rooms: Spiders love dark, undisturbed corners. Spray or place peppermint-infused cotton balls in the corners of rooms, especially in areas that don’t get much traffic like basements, attics, and storage rooms.
  • Under Furniture: Large furniture pieces like sofas, beds, and tables are prime hiding spots for spiders. Applying peppermint oil under and behind these items can prevent them from nesting in these hard-to-reach areas.
  • Closets and Drawers: Closets are another favorite hiding spot for spiders due to their dark, enclosed environment. You can place cotton balls or sachets soaked with peppermint oil in drawers, closets, and wardrobes to keep spiders from making themselves comfortable among your clothes and shoes.
  • Vents and Air Ducts: Spiders often enter homes through air vents and ducts. Spraying or wiping down the edges of these openings with peppermint oil can help stop them from sneaking in unnoticed.
  • Around Baseboards: Since spiders frequently crawl along baseboards to navigate their surroundings, applying peppermint oil along these areas ensures a consistent line of defense throughout your home. It can also be applied on plant environment, of course, after you dilute it.
  • Garage and Storage Areas: These spaces, filled with boxes and less frequently visited, are ideal for spiders to spin webs. Spraying peppermint oil around the garage or any outdoor storage areas can keep spiders from taking up residence.
  • Entry Points: Apply peppermint oil around cracks, gaps, or other potential entry points where spiders may sneak inside your home. This includes spaces around plumbing, electrical outlets, and vents.

By strategically applying / placing peppermint essential oil to these locations, you can effectively create a spider-repellent shield throughout your home, keeping them away from areas where you least want to see them!

Does Peppermint Essential Oils for Spider Repellent Kill Spiders?

Peppermint essential oil does not kill spiders; rather, it repels them. The strong, pungent scent of peppermint overwhelms spiders’ sensitive olfactory systems, making the environment uncomfortable and driving them away. While it creates an inhospitable area that discourages spiders from lingering, it doesn’t have insecticidal properties that would eliminate them. For killing spiders, you would need a different approach or product specifically designed to target and eliminate pests.

DIY Recipes with Peppermint Essential Oils for Spider Repellent

Here are two simple DIY recipes using peppermint essential oil to make your own spider repellent at home:

1. Peppermint Essential Oil Spray

This easy-to-make spray can be used to target specific areas where spiders tend to hide.


  • 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1-2 tablespoons of white vinegar (optional for extra strength)
  • 1 teaspoon of dish soap (optional, helps oil mix with water)
  • Spray bottle


  1. Fill your spray bottle with 1 cup of water.
  2. Add 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil. You can adjust the number of drops depending on how strong you want the scent.
  3. For an extra boost, add 1-2 tablespoons of white vinegar. This enhances the spider-repelling effect, but it’s optional if you’re sensitive to vinegar smells.
  4. Add 1 teaspoon of dish soap to help the oil mix better with water.
  5. Shake the bottle thoroughly before each use to ensure the ingredients are well-blended.
  6. Spray in areas like windowsills, door frames, room corners, closets, and any spider-prone spaces.
  7. Reapply every few days or whenever the scent fades for continued protection.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil Cotton Ball Method

This is a great long-lasting and simple method to keep spiders away from specific areas.


  • 5-6 cotton balls
  • 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • Small airtight container (to store if needed)


  1. Take 5-6 cotton balls and place them in a small bowl.
  2. Drip 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil onto each cotton ball.
  3. Let the cotton balls absorb the oil for a few minutes.
  4. Place the peppermint-scented cotton balls in areas where spiders are frequently seen, such as closets, under furniture, dark corners, basements, or any spider-prone spot.
  5. Replace the cotton balls with freshly soaked ones every 2-3 weeks or when the scent starts to fade.
  6. If you make extras, store the cotton balls in an airtight container to keep them fresh until needed.

These simple DIY recipes are a natural, non-toxic way to keep spiders out of your home while leaving a pleasant peppermint aroma in the air!

Precautions While Using Peppermint Essential Oils for Spider Repellent

When using peppermint essential oil as a spider repellent, it’s important to keep a few precautions in mind to ensure safe and effective use:

  • Keep Away from Pets: Peppermint oil can be harmful to pets, especially cats and dogs. Avoid spraying it in areas they frequent, and ensure that cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil are placed out of their reach. Use peppermint oil in place of pesticide, but with caution.
  • Avoid Contact with Eyes and Skin: Peppermint oil is potent and can cause irritation if it comes into direct contact with your eyes or sensitive skin. Always wash your hands after handling it and avoid touching your face.
  • Test on Surfaces: Before applying peppermint oil spray on furniture, fabrics, or wood surfaces, test a small area to make sure it doesn’t cause staining or damage.
  • Ventilate the Area: Although peppermint oil has a refreshing scent, it can be overpowering in enclosed spaces. Ensure the area is well-ventilated after applying, especially if you’re using a concentrated spray.
  • Keep Out of Reach of Children: Always store peppermint essential oil and any homemade sprays or cotton balls in places where children cannot access them, as essential oils can be harmful if ingested. Undiluted peppermint oil may cause adverse reactions. 

Following these precautions will help ensure safe and effective use of peppermint oil as a spider repellent while keeping your household and pets protected.


Peppermint essential oil offers a natural, effective solution for keeping spiders at bay with its strong, overwhelming scent that these eight-legged creatures avoid. By using simple DIY methods like sprays and cotton balls, you can create a spider-free environment in your home while enjoying the refreshing aroma of peppermint. Just remember to follow safety precautions to ensure the best results and protect your household.