Is Eucalyptus Essential Oil Safe For Cats? Essential Oils and Cats

Cat people know all too well that cats are peculiar creatures. Every little detail about their environment, their food, and even their grooming routine – all of it needs special attention. Cats are unlike other pets—they’re independent, mysterious, and, more than anything, incredibly sensitive. When it comes to health and wellness, especially regarding the use of essential oils like eucalyptus and its oils, cat lovers are often left wondering: is it safe? Should we take extra precautions? This concern arises because cats, being delicate animals, often require far more careful consideration than other pets.

For cat owners, understanding that their feline companions react differently to substances and scents is key. While something might seem harmless for humans or even dogs, cats’ process things in a completely different way. This is why it’s important to explore if eucalyptus essential oil is safe for cats, especially given its popularity in households for its fresh, invigorating scent and its extensive use in aromatherapy and other wellness routines.

What is Eucalyptus Essential Oil?

Eucalyptus essential oil is a highly concentrated oil extracted from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, specifically species like Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus radiata. Known for its refreshing and invigorating aroma, eucalyptus oil has been widely used in both traditional and modern practices for various purposes. It contains compounds like eucalyptol (or cineole), which is responsible for its strong, distinct fragrance as well as its therapeutic benefits. People often use eucalyptus essential oil in diffusers to purify the air, as an ingredient in personal care products like balms or lotions for respiratory relief, and in cleaning products for its natural antibacterial properties.

But while this oil might seem like a miracle for humans, especially for clearing congestion or freshening up a room, the question remains: Is eucalyptus essential oil safe for cats? The answer is not as simple as it may seem. This popular essential oil, which we humans adore for its versatility, could pose risks for our furry companions. It’s essential to dive deeper into the potential hazards before using it in homes with cats.

Is Eucalyptus Essential Oil Safe For Cats – For Inhalation?

No, eucalyptus essential oil is not safe for cats to inhale. While humans may enjoy the refreshing and revitalizing scent of eucalyptus oil diffusing in the air, cats are much more vulnerable to its effects. Inhalation is one of the most common ways for cats to come into contact with this oil, especially if it’s used in a diffuser. Even though diffused eucalyptus oil might seem harmless because it’s diluted in the air, the tiny oil particles can still be dangerous when inhaled by a cat. Their respiratory systems are highly sensitive to strong scents and chemicals, and the compounds in eucalyptus oil can cause severe irritation.

If a cat inhales eucalyptus oil, they might exhibit signs of respiratory distress, such as coughing, wheezing, or labored breathing. The oil can cause discomfort, irritation to the mucous membranes, and in severe cases, it can lead to more serious conditions such as chemical pneumonia. The answer is clear: eucalyptus essential oil is unsafe for cats to inhale, and even indirect exposure should be avoided.

Is Eucalyptus Essential Oil Safe For Cats – For Topical Application?

Topical application of eucalyptus essential oil on or near cats is also highly unsafe. Applying eucalyptus oil directly to a cat’s fur or skin can lead to irritation, allergic reactions, and even toxic effects. Cats are known for their grooming habits—they constantly lick their fur to keep themselves clean. (Fur ball alert!) So, if eucalyptus oil is applied topically, it’s very likely that your cat will ingest it through grooming, making the situation even more dangerous.

The compounds in eucalyptus oil are absorbed quickly through a cat’s skin, and because their liver cannot metabolize these compounds efficiently, it can result in toxic buildup. This can cause symptoms such as skin irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, and lethargy. Topical use of eucalyptus essential oil on cats is never recommended. Even if it’s diluted, the risk of harmful side effects is far too high.

Is Eucalyptus Essential Oil Safe For Cats – For Ingestion?

No, eucalyptus essential oil is extremely dangerous for cats if ingested. Ingesting eucalyptus oil—whether directly from a bottle, by licking treated fur, or from surfaces where the oil has been applied—can lead to serious poisoning in cats. Eucalyptol, the active compound in the oil, is highly toxic to cats when ingested, even in very small amounts. Cats that ingest eucalyptus oil may show symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, or weakness. In severe cases, ingestion can lead to liver damage, tremors, seizures, or even death.

Due to their grooming habits, even indirect ingestion is possible, making it critical to keep eucalyptus oil far away from any surface your cat could come into contact with. Ingestion of eucalyptus oil is one of the most dangerous forms of exposure for cats, and it should be avoided at all costs.

What To Do If Cat Ingests Eucalyptus Oil?

If your cat ingests eucalyptus oil, act quickly, as eucalyptus oil can be highly toxic to cats. Here’s what you should do if you suspect your cat has come into contact with or ingested eucalyptus essential oil:

1. Stop Continued Exposure

    The first step is to prevent further exposure. If your cat has ingested eucalyptus oil directly from a bottle or by licking a surface or its fur, take them away from the area immediately. Make sure to clean up any remaining oil spills to avoid additional ingestion or contact.

    2. Do Not Induce Vomiting

      Unlike in humans, inducing vomiting in cats without proper guidance can sometimes cause more harm than good. It’s best not to attempt this unless a vet advises it specifically.

      3. Check for Symptoms

        Monitor your cat closely for symptoms of eucalyptus oil poisoning including:

        • Excess saliva
        • Vomiting or diarrhea
        • Lethargy or weakness
        • Tremors or seizures
        • Difficulty breathing
        • Uncoordinated movements
        • Skin irritation (if they’ve come into topical contact)

        4. Contact a Veterinarian

          Contact your veterinarian or an emergency animal clinic immediately. Be prepared with details about the oil, and how much of it got ingested. It is better to take your cat to a doctor even if your cat isn’t showing symptoms.

          5. Prevent Future Incidents

            After the incident, ensure that eucalyptus essential oil is stored safely away from your cat’s reach. Avoid using eucalyptus oil in diffusers or on surfaces that your cat may come into contact with. Basically, do not diffuse the oil from eucalyptus plant around cats.

            Acting swiftly can make a significant difference when a cat ingests eucalyptus oil, and immediate veterinary attention is always the best course of action to protect your cat’s health.


            Eucalyptus essential oil is not safe for cats, whether through inhalation, topical application, or ingestion. Cats are highly sensitive to the compounds in eucalyptus, and exposure can lead to serious health issues. To ensure your cat’s safety, it’s best to avoid using eucalyptus oil in any form around them and consult a vet for safer alternatives.