Essential Oils for Teething Babies As Per Age

Parenting is undoubtedly one of the toughest jobs out there. It’s a role that demands not just love and patience, but also a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of a child’s needs. From the moment a baby is born, parents are faced with countless responsibilities, which involves every aspect of their child’s growth and well-being. Challenges, from sleepless nights to figuring out the best ways to soothe and care for a baby are a common event for parents. Every parent must carefully consider each stage of their child’s development, ensuring they are supporting their growth in the most effective and nurturing ways possible, and their babies keep smiling.

Babies truly have the most adorable laughter in the world, a sound that melts hearts and brightens even the toughest days. Imagine the joy of seeing your baby’s sweet smile, with those precious little teeth making their debut. Every parent dreams of their child having a smile that lights up a room, with teeth that come in perfectly and without any trouble.

The sight of your baby’s cheerful grin and the sound of their infectious giggles are some of the greatest rewards of parenthood. It’s natural to want to ensure that this beautiful stage of their development is as smooth and pleasant as possible. After all, who wouldn’t want their child to have a radiant smile and a happy, healthy start to life?

Absolutely, starting early is key when it comes to ensuring that your baby’s teething process is as smooth as possible. Teething is a significant milestone in a baby’s development, and it can sometimes come with discomfort and fussiness. By addressing teething issues early on, you can help ease your baby’s discomfort and support their overall well-being. Implementing soothing techniques and remedies from the very beginning can make a big difference in how your baby experiences this phase.

Aromatherapy Essential oils can be a helpful part of this process, offering natural relief for teething pain and contributing to a more comfortable experience for both baby and parent. Starting early with thoughtful care can help pave the way for a happier, more content baby as those little teeth begin to come through.

What is Teething?

Teething is the process during which a baby’s first set of teeth, known as primary teeth or baby teeth, start to emerge through the gums. This typically begins around six months of age, but it can vary from individual to individual, sorry, baby to baby. As the teeth push through the gums, it can cause discomfort, soreness, and sometimes even a bit of swelling.

The teething process is a normal part of a baby’s development and usually continues until all of the primary teeth have erupted, which is generally by the age of three. While teething is a natural thing, it can sometimes be challenging for both babies and parents, as it can lead to fussiness, trouble sleeping, and a desire to chew on everything in sight.

Are Essential Oils for Teething Safe for Infants and Babies?

Using essential oils for teething can be a soothing option for some parents, but it’s important to approach it with caution. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts and can be very potent, so their use on infants and young children requires some serious deliberation.

Firstly, not all essential oils are safe for babies. Some oils can be too strong or irritating for their delicate skin and respiratory systems. For teething relief, it’s crucial to choose oils that are specifically known to be safe for infants. Oils like chamomile and lavender are often recommended due to their gentle properties.

Secondly, essential oils should always be diluted before use. For babies, diluted solution is necessary to avoid any potential adverse reactions. It’s generally advised to mix essential oils with a carrier oil, such as coconut or almond oil, before applying them. This helps to reduce the concentration of the essential oil and makes it safer for baby’s sensitive skin.

Lastly, it’s always best to do a patch test on a small area of your baby’s skin to check for any allergic reactions or sensitivities before applying the oil more broadly. And, of course, consult with a pediatrician before introducing any new remedies into your baby’s routine to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for their individual needs.

Best Essential Oils for Teething

When it comes to soothing a teething baby, essential oils can offer natural relief and comfort. Choosing the right oils can make a significant difference in easing your little one’s discomfort.

For early teething (3-4 months), lavender and chamomile essential oils are often recommended for their gentle and calming properties. Lavender essential oil is well-known for its soothing effects, which can help ease the discomfort and promote relaxation. Chamomile oil, on the other hand, has anti-inflammatory and calming benefits that can also help alleviate teething pain and irritation. Both these gentle oils, when properly diluted, offer natural relief that can help make the teething process a bit more comfortable for your baby.

Essential Oils for Teething for Babies Over 6 Months

For babies over six months, ginger and marjoram essential oils can provide effective relief during teething. Ginger oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce gum swelling and discomfort associated with teething. It also has a warming effect that can be soothing for your baby. Marjoram oil is another great option; it offers calming and pain-relieving benefits, helping to ease teething pain and promote relaxation. When using these oils, it’s crucial to dilute them properly with a carrier oil to ensure they are gentle enough for your baby’s sensitive skin.

Essential Oils for Teething for Children Over 1 year

For children over one year, clove bud oil and copaiba oil can be particularly effective in managing teething discomfort. Clove bud oil is renowned for its potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a powerful choice for easing teething pain and reducing gum inflammation. Copaiba oil, on the other hand, offers gentle pain relief and has anti-inflammatory benefits that can help soothe irritated gums. Both oils should be used with care; they must be diluted with a carrier oil to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your child’s skin.

How to Apply Essential Oils for Teething

Always dilute essential oils before applying them to your baby’s skin. For babies and young children, a general guideline is to mix 1-2 drops of essential oil with a tablespoon of carrier oil, such as coconut or almond oil. This dilution reduces the potency of the essential oil and minimizes the risk of irritation.

Gently apply the diluted essential oil to the area around the baby’s gums or jawline where teething pain is most intense. Avoid applying the oil directly to the gums, as this can be too strong and may cause irritation.

Use gentle circular motions to massage the area around the gums. This can help soothe the discomfort and provide a calming effect. Blends & mixture recipes also have a good effect.

Dilution Recommendation for Essential Oils for Teething

For teething babies, proper dilution of essential oils is crucial to ensure safety and effectiveness. Here’s a general recommendation for dilution:

  • Infants (6 months to 1 year): Dilute essential oils at a ratio of 1 drop of essential oil to 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. This results in a very mild concentration that is gentle on the baby’s delicate skin.
  • Children (over 1 year): You can use a slightly higher concentration, such as 1-2 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil. This still ensures the solution remains safe and gentle for the child’s sensitive skin.

Precautions While Using Essential Oils for Teething

When using essential oils for teething, there are several precautions to keep in mind to ensure your baby’s safety and well-being. One of the most important steps is to consult a pediatrician before introducing any new remedies. A doctor can provide personalized advice on which essential oils are appropriate, the correct dilution ratios, and any potential risks or interactions. This precaution helps ensure that the essential oils used are safe and suitable for your baby’s specific needs, providing you with the much need assurance and peace of mind.


Getting through with babies’ teething process can be challenging for both babies and parents, but incorporating essential oils into your soothing routine can offer natural relief, and teething remedy. From lavender and chamomile for early teething to ginger, marjoram, clove bud, and copaiba oils for older children, there are various essential oils that can help ease teething discomfort. With careful consideration and the right approach, essential oils can be a helpful addition to your babies’ teething woes.