Best Essential Oils For Nausea And Vomiting


Nausea is an uncomfortable sensation that many of us have experienced at some point. Whether it’s caused by motion sickness, morning sickness, or digestive discomfort, finding natural ways to alleviate nausea and soothe an upset stomach can significantly improve our well-being. One promising avenue for relief is the use of essential oils. In this article, we’ll explore the world of essential oils and how they can provide effective and natural relief for nausea.

Essential oils are concentrated liquids extracted from plants. They contain aromatic compounds that can have powerful effects on our well-being. Aromatherapy, which involves inhaling these aromatic compounds, has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and overall wellness. 

The way essential oils work to alleviate nausea involves a combination of effects on the digestive system and the relaxation of muscles. These oils can stimulate digestion, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate stress, all of which contribute to reducing the feeling of nausea. 

Certain essential oils are known for their ability to alleviate nausea and provide relief for digestive discomfort. Peppermint oil, with its soothing and cooling properties, ginger oil, known for its anti-nausea effects, and zesty lemon oil, can all contribute to calming an upset stomach. 

What Causes Nausea?

Nausea is a complex physiological response that often leads to the sensation of wanting to vomit. It can be triggered by various factors, including stomach discomfort, motion sickness, and even certain scents. Understanding the triggers and the digestive system’s response to nausea can help us manage and prevent its occurrence.

It has been seen that in patients who received certain chemotherapies, nausea can be a common side effect, and patients who experience nausea as a result of chemotherapy treatment may suffer from decreased quality of life. Patients with cancer or general people use essential oils as a supplementary option for effective relief from nausea due to medications or treatments. 

What Are Some Of The Best Essential Oils For Nausea?

1. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil is a popular choice for its soothing properties. It contains menthol, and using peppermint oil can help relax stomach muscles, easing digestive spasms that contribute to nausea. For relief, mix a few drops of peppermint oil with a carrier oil and gently massage it onto your abdomen or inhale its aroma.

 A study found that inhaling peppermint oil was effective in relieving postoperative nausea and vomiting. The scent of peppermint oil is very fresh, and it has a soothing and calming impact on our senses. It is a great oil for morning sickness. Another study investigated the efficacy of peppermint oil in preventing nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy treatment.

2. Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger oil, derived from the root, is a well-established remedy for nausea. Its active compounds, including gingerol, are known for their anti-nausea effects. It is one of the best ingredients to deal with digestive issues and treat nausea.

study revealed that the use of ginger oil has shown a reduction in the occurrence of nausea and also helps in reducing the chances of severe nausea. Ginger essentials oil for dizziness treatment is a trusted ally. This fragrant oil, derived from ginger root, offers a natural solution for balancing the senses. Inhaling or topically applying ginger oil can help alleviate feelings of lightheadedness, making it a valuable addition to your arsenal of essential oils for dizziness relief.

Ginger oil also helps abdominal surgery patients. Ginger oil also helps treat motion sickness and is considered to be a safe oil that can be used by pregnant women. Dilute a few drops in carrier oil and apply to your wrists or abdomen for relief.

3. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil might not directly address the causes of nausea, but its calming aroma can help manage the stress and anxiety often associated with nausea. Anxiety and pain are also common symptoms of nausea that can be treated with lavender oil. Diffuse the oil in your living space or add a few drops to a warm bath for relaxation.

A placebo study was conducted to evaluate the use of aromatherapy in treating postoperative nausea. According to the patients in the study, it was found that lavender oil help in treating nausea as well as other such symptoms. 

4. Lemon Essential Oil

The invigorating scent of lemon oil can help combat queasiness. Inhale directly from the bottle or use a diffuser to disperse the aroma. Its refreshing nature can uplift your spirits during episodes of nausea. 

5. Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black pepper oil possesses warming and soothing properties that can aid digestion and alleviate nausea. Blend a few drops with carrier oil and gently massage onto your stomach area.

6. Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile is known for its calming effects, making chamomile oil a potential ally against nausea induced by stress or anxiety. Inhale the aroma or add a few drops to a warm cup of herbal tea.

7. Fennel Essential Oil

Fennel oil can help ease digestive discomfort and reduce bloating, that sometimes contributes to nausea. Flatulence and acidity also sometimes cause nausea. Fennel oil is great for these types of stomach issues and thus can help treat nausea. Mix a couple of drops with a carrier oil and massage onto your abdomen.

8. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus oil’s invigorating scent can provide a sense of relief from nausea. Add a few drops to a bowl of hot water, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam.

9. Cardamom Essential Oil

Cardamom oil’s aromatic and digestive properties make it a potential aid against nausea. Its sweet and spicy scent has a very satisfying impact on your mind and body and thus can fight the feelings of nausea. Cardamom may also help you relax and release anxiety or stress due to nausea.

Inhale directly or add a drop to your water or tea for a gentle remedy. You can also make a blend with this oil by including ginger oil and lavender oil and then diffuse it to reduce nausea. Study shows that cardamom oil was used in a blend of other essential oils in a clinical trial for post-operative nausea. 

Also, With its ability to eliminate the parasites that cause diarrhea, cardamom essential oil is regarded as one of the top essential oils for treating diarrhea and reducing recovery time.

10. Spearmint Essential Oil

Similar to peppermint, spearmint oil can help relax stomach muscles and promote better digestion, reducing the likelihood of nausea. Inhale or dilute and apply topically.

11. Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense oil’s soothing and grounding qualities can help manage stress-related nausea. Diffuse the oil or dilute it with carrier oil and apply it to your wrists or temples.

12. Nutmeg Essential Oil

Nutmeg oil has a warm and spicy scent. It is a great oil for soothing stomach issues. And thus, it can be used to get rid of nausea. 

13. Gingergrass Essential Oil

Gingergrass oil, a relative of ginger, possesses a similar anti-nausea effect. Diffuse or apply diluted to your skin for potential relief.

14. Coriander Essential Oil

Coriander oil’s carminative properties can help alleviate gas and bloating that contribute to nausea. Dilute and apply to your abdomen for relief.

15. Mandarin Essential Oil

Mandarin oil’s gentle and uplifting aroma can provide comfort during episodes of nausea. If you are experiencing nausea, then diffuse or add a few drops of this oil to your bath.

16. Clove Essential Oil

Clove oil’s warm and spicy scent can help ease feelings of nausea. Mix with a carrier oil and massage onto your abdomen for potential relief.

17. Camphor Essential Oil

Camphor oil has a very sharp and woodsy scent that helps you feel refreshed and relaxed. Camphor has natural soothing properties that help calm the senses, and thus this is one of the essential oils that can help calm nauseous sensations as well. 

Benefits Of Using Essential Oils For Nausea

1. Natural and Holistic Approach

One of the key benefits of using essential oils for nausea is their natural and holistic nature. These oils are extracted from various plant parts and contain potent compounds that can address discomfort without the use of synthetic chemicals. This makes them an appealing option for individuals seeking a more organic and gentle approach to managing their symptoms.

2. Diverse Range of Options

Essential oils offer a diverse range of options, each with its own unique benefits. From the invigorating aroma of lemon oil to the soothing properties of lavender oil, you have a multitude of choices to explore. This diversity allows you to tailor your approach to your preferences and find the oils that work best for your specific type of nausea.

3. Potential Stress Relief

Stress and anxiety often exacerbate feelings of nausea. Many essential oils, such as lavender and chamomile, possess calming and relaxing properties. Inhaling these oils or using them in aromatherapy can help manage stress, contributing to a reduction in nausea.

4. Minimal Side Effects

When used properly and with caution, essential oils generally have minimal side effects. Unlike some medications that may cause drowsiness or other undesirable effects, essential oils are generally well-tolerated when diluted and used appropriately.

5. Aromatherapy Benefits

In addition to their potential physiological effects, essential oils offer aromatherapy benefits. Inhaling their fragrant aromas can have a positive impact on mood and emotions, creating a more holistic approach to overall well-being.

How To Use Essential Oils For Nausea?

1. Topical Application

This is an effective and efficient way to use essential oils. Dilute a few drops of your chosen essential oil in a carrier oil (such as coconut oil) and apply it to the skin. Focus on areas like the wrists, temples, or abdomen for direct absorption.

2. Aromatherapy/Diffusion

This is one of the most common ways and safest way to use essential oils. Add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser to disperse the aroma throughout a room. Inhale to experience the benefits of the oil’s scent.

3. Inhalation

Inhale the aroma of an essential oil directly from the bottle. You can also add a drop to a tissue and inhale when needed.

4. Massage

Massaging is considered as one of the most effective ways to utilize the benefits of essential oils. Mix a few drops of essential oil with a carrier oil and gently massage it onto your abdomen or other areas of discomfort.

5. Baths

You can add essential oils in your bath and immerse yourself to enjoy its benefits. Add a few drops of essential oil to a warm bath and soak for relaxation. This method combines the benefits of aromatherapy and topical application.

6. Compress

Add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of warm water. Dip a cloth into the mixture, wring it out, and place it on your abdomen for soothing relief.

DIY Essential Oil Blends To Relieve Nausea

Following are the 5 best essential oil blends that one can use if you’re experiencing nausea.

Recipe #1 – Calm and Cool Blend


  • 4 drops Peppermint oil
  • 3 drops Ginger oil
  • 2 drops Lavender oil
  • 2 teaspoons carrier oil (such as jojoba or coconut oil)


  1. In a dark glass bottle, combine the essential oils and carrier oil.
  2. Gently roll the bottle between your palms to mix the oils.

How to Use:

Massage a small amount of the blend onto your abdomen in a clockwise motion. Inhale while massaging for added relaxation.

When to Use:

Use this blend at the onset of nausea or whenever you need a cooling and soothing sensation.


  • Use of peppermint and ginger oils helps relax stomach muscles and ease digestive discomfort, and help decrease nausea feeling.
  • Lavender oil provides a calming aroma, helping manage stress-related nausea.

Recipe #2 – Gentle Ginger Citrus Blend


  • 3 drops Ginger oil
  • 3 drops Lemon oil
  • 2 drops Sweet Orange oil
  • 2 teaspoons carrier oil


  1. Mix the essential oils and carrier oil in a glass bottle.

How to Use:

Apply a few drops of the blend to your wrists and inhale deeply. You can also add a drop to a tissue and inhale as needed.

When to Use:

Use this blend before or during travel to prevent motion sickness or whenever you experience nausea.


  • Ginger oil aids digestion and combats different levels of severity of nausea.
  • Citrus oils like Lemon and Sweet Orange provide an uplifting and refreshing aroma.

Recipe #3 – Soothing Lavender Mint Blend


  • 4 drops of Lavender oil
  • 3 drops Spearmint oil
  • 2 drops Roman Chamomile oil
  • 2 teaspoons carrier oil


  1. Combine the essential oils and carrier oil in a glass bottle.

How to Use:

Diffuse the blend in your living space, or add a few drops to a warm bath for a relaxing soak.

When to Use:

Use this blend in the evening to unwind and alleviate stress-related nausea.


  • Lavender and Roman Chamomile oils promote relaxation and stress relief and are great for mild nausea. 
  • Spearmint oil helps ease digestive discomfort along with nausea and anxiety.

Recipe #4 – Fresh Citrus Twist Blend


  • 3 drops Lemon oil
  • 3 drops Lime oil
  • 2 drops Peppermint oil
  • 1 drop of Spearmint oil
  • 2 teaspoons carrier oil


  1. Mix the essential oils and carrier oil in a glass bottle.

How to Use:

Inhale the aroma directly from the bottle or add a few drops to a diffuser.

When to Use:

Use this blend when you need a quick burst of energy or whenever you feel nauseous.


  • Citrus oils provide an invigorating and uplifting scent.
  • Peppermint and spearmint oil offer soothing relief from nausea.

Recipe #5 – Eucalyptus Breeze Blend


  • 3 drops Eucalyptus oil
  • 3 drops Lavender oil
  • 2 drops of Cardamom oil
  • 2 teaspoons carrier oil


  1. Combine the essential oils and carrier oil in a glass bottle.

How to Use:

Add a few drops of the blend to a bowl of hot water, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam deeply.

When to Use:

Use this blend when you’re experiencing congestion-related nausea or want to refresh your senses.


  • Eucalyptus oil clears the sinuses and provides a refreshing aroma, and also reflects an improvement in nausea.
  • Lavender and Cardamom oils contribute to relaxation and digestive comfort.

If you want, you can also use any of your favorite essential oils to deal with nausea. 

Using Essential Oils Safely for Nausea Relief

As you explore the world of essential oils for nausea relief, it’s crucial to prioritize safety:

  • Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before applying to your skin. Avoid using undiluted essential oils topically, as they can irritate your skin.
  • Perform a patch test to check for allergies or sensitivities. Apply essential oils in small quantities and increase them depending on your requirements. 
  • When using a diffuser, ensure proper ventilation.
  • Avoid ingesting essential oils. It is advised that essential oils should be limited to topical and aromatherapy use only.
  • Avoid using essential oils if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you still want to use it, it is advised to consult your doctor before using essential oils. 
  • Always purchase pure essential oils to ensure their quality and safety.


Nausea is one of the most common issues that is faced by almost everyone at some point in time while traveling, due to indigestion, due to stomach issues, pregnancy, etc. Also, patients receiving chemotherapy also complain about nausea. Essential oils may provide relief from the issue of nausea.

In this article, many different essential oils have been discussed to offer relief from nausea. Even adult patients admitted to the hospitals can use either lemon essential oil or ginger and peppermint essential oil to deal with nausea as a symptom of their treatment. The article has also suggested some DIY recipes that you can use to get rid of that nauseous feeling.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which essential oil is best for nausea?

Essential oils like peppermint oil, ginger oil, lavender oil, lemon oil, black pepper oil, chamomile oil, fennel oil, eucalyptus oil, cardamom oil, spearmint oil, frankincense oil, nutmeg oil, gingergrass oil, coriander oil, mandarin oil, clove oil, and camphor oil are some of the best essential oils for nausea.

Does peppermint oil really help nausea?

Yes, peppermint oil contains menthol that is refreshing and soothing in nature and helps relax stomach muscles, control digestive spasms, and thus helps reduce nausea. 

Where should I put peppermint oil for nausea?

You can inhale directly from the bottle of peppermint oil, or you can dilute peppermint oil with any carrier oil and massage onto your stomach for quick relief from nausea.

Is lemon essential oil good for nausea?

Yes, lemon oil has an invigorating and refreshing scent that helps in relieving nausea and vomiting. 

Where do you rub essential oils for nausea?

You can rub essential oils on your pulse points, and you can also dilute it with any carrier oil and rub on your stomach for relief from nausea.

Is Ginger good for nausea?

Yes, ginger contains a compound called gingerol that contains properties that help treat nausea. 

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