Essential Oils for Indoor Plants – Oils From Plants For Plants

Yes, you read that right—essential oils for indoor plants. It might sound surprising at first, and you’re probably wondering, “Won’t plants get ruined with these oils?” It’s a valid concern because we’re often told to be cautious when using anything that isn’t water or fertilizer on plants. After all, indoor plants are delicate, and they require just the right balance of sunlight, water, and nutrients to thrive. Adding anything else to the mix—especially something like oil—might seem like a recipe for disaster. But here’s the thing: when used correctly, essential oils can actually support the health of your indoor plants (and garden herbs) rather than harm them.

It’s important to understand that we’re not suggesting you engulf your plants in essential oil or pour it directly on the leaves. That could indeed damage the plant by clogging pores or disrupting its natural processes. But, when diluted properly and used in the right way, essential oils can serve a variety of beneficial purposes. Whether it’s keeping pests at bay, supporting growth, or even improving the overall ground around the plant, essential oils can offer a natural, non-toxic way to enhance the wellbeing of your indoor greenery. So no, your plants won’t get ruined when you use essential oils with care—they might actually thrive!

Are Essential Oils for Indoor Plants Safe?

Are essential oils for indoor plants safe? This is a question that often comes up when people first hear about using essential oils on plants. It’s understandable to feel a bit skeptical—after all, plants have specific needs, and introducing anything unfamiliar can seem risky. And it hurts to see the plants that we cared so much dry up and eventually just becomes a stick. The good news is that, yes, essential oils can be safe for indoor plants when used properly. The key here is understanding how to use them without harming the plant.

Essential oils, by nature, are highly concentrated, so it’s crucial to dilute them before applying. A small amount goes a long way, and when you use them correctly, they can help protect your plants from pests, fungus, and other issues that might otherwise harm them. Some oils, like tea tree or peppermint, have antifungal or antibacterial properties that can prevent mold or mildew from developing in the soil or on the leaves. And since they’re natural, they don’t introduce harsh chemicals into your home or the plant’s environment, making them a safer alternative to store bought pesticides or treatments.

That said, not all essential oils are safe for every plant (just like for people). Certain oils may be too strong or harsh for more sensitive varieties, so it’s important to do a little research or test a small area before fully applying any essential oil treatment to your plants. Properly diluted, essential oils can indeed be a safe and effective way to support the health of your indoor plants, but as with anything, moderation and proper application are key.

Best Essential Oils for Indoor Plants

1. Clove Essential Oil for Indoor Plants

Clove essential oil is a powerful natural remedy for indoor plants, particularly in deterring pests like aphids, mites, and fungus gnats. Its antifungal properties also help prevent mold and mildew, making it an excellent addition to your plant care routine when diluted properly.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil for Indoor Plants

Peppermint essential oil is known for its ability to repel insects such as ants, spiders, and mosquitoes, creating a pest-free environment for your indoor plants. Its invigorating scent also helps refresh the air, enhancing the overall atmosphere around your greenery.

3. Rosemary Essential Oil for Indoor Plants

Rosemary essential oil not only acts as a natural pesticide, but also promotes plant health by stimulating growth. When diluted and sprayed around the plant, it can help deter pests like whiteflies and aphids while supporting strong, healthy growth.

4. Basil Essential Oil for Indoor Plants

Basil essential oil is a natural insect repellent, especially effective against pests like aphids, mites, and beetles that may harm your indoor plants. It also supports plant health by improving the surrounding air quality, offering a fresh, herbaceous aroma that enhances the indoor environment.

5. Lavender Essential Oil for Indoor Plants

Lavender essential oil is a gentle, calming option for both plants and the air in your home. It helps keep pests like flies, moths, and mosquitoes away, while its antifungal properties can prevent mold from developing in the soil. Plus, it brings a soothing scent to your indoor space.

6. Tea Tree Essential Oil for Indoor Plant Bugs

Tea tree essential oil is an excellent choice for combating common indoor plant bugs like aphids, spider mites, and fungus gnats. Its potent antifungal and antibacterial properties also protect plants from fungal infections and root rot, helping keep them healthy and pest-free when used properly.

7. Eucalyptus Essential Oil for Indoor Plants

Eucalyptus essential oil is a strong natural insect repellent, particularly effective against pests like spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies that can damage indoor plants. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties also help protect plants from infections, while its fresh scent uplifts the indoor environment.

8. Spearmint Essential Oil for Indoor Plants

Spearmint essential oil is a milder alternative to peppermint, but still effective in repelling insects such as ants and flies. When diluted and sprayed, it helps protect your indoor plants from pests while adding a refreshing, minty fragrance to your space.

9. Lemongrass Essential Oil for Indoor Plants for Pests

Lemongrass essential oil is a powerful natural insecticide, ideal for keeping pests like mosquitoes, fruit flies, and ants away from your indoor plants. Its strong citrus aroma also helps mask odors and freshens the air, offering dual benefits for both plant health and indoor ambiance.

10. Sage Essential Oil for Indoor Plants

Sage essential oil is known for its antifungal and antimicrobial properties, making it useful in preventing mold, mildew, and fungal infections in indoor plants. It also helps deter pests like flies and beetles, while its earthy scent adds a calming atmosphere to your indoor plant setup. It is also said to attract pollinators who may repel pests.

11. Cedarwood Essential Oil for Indoor Plants

Cedarwood essential oil is a highly effective natural pest repellent, known for keeping insects like ants, aphids, and moths away from indoor plants. Its antifungal properties help prevent mold and mildew from developing on plants or in the soil. In addition to its protective qualities, cedarwood’s warm, woody aroma adds a calming and grounding element to your indoor space, creating a peaceful environment while supporting plant health.

How to Use Essential Oils for Indoor Plants

The best way to use essential oils for indoor plants is by mixing them with water in a spray bottle. This allows for even distribution and ensures that the oils are diluted enough to prevent any potential harm to the plants. It’s easy – add a few drops of essential oil to water, shake the bottle well, and lightly mist the plants. This method helps repel pests, prevent mold, and promote plant health without overwhelming the delicate leaves and soil. Regular, but moderate application is key to achieving the best results.

Are There Any Benefits Of Using Essential Oils For Indoor Plants Besides Driving Away Pests?

Yes, there are several benefits to using essential oils for indoor plants beyond just driving away pests! Essential oils can also promote overall plant health by preventing fungal infections like mold and mildew, thanks to their antiinflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties. Oils like tea tree or lavender can help keep the plant’s environment clean and healthy by preventing harmful microbes from affecting growth. Additionally, certain essential oils can even stimulate plant growth and improve the soil quality.

Another often overlooked benefit is the improvement of the air quality around your plants. Essential oils like eucalyptus, peppermint, and lemongrass freshen the air and create a pleasant aroma, which can enhance the atmosphere of your indoor space. Some oils, such as rosemary or basil, can be applied on the stems to boost the plant’s resilience, helping them grow stronger by supporting their natural defenses. So, essential oils don’t just protect plants; they can actually help them thrive and contribute to a healthier indoor environment!

Precautions While using Essential Oils for Plants

One important precaution while using essential oils for plants is to always use the right amount—never more than recommended. Essential oils are highly concentrated, and using too much can overwhelm or even damage the plant, potentially causing leaves to burn or pores to clog. Always dilute the oils properly with water and start with just a few drops in a spray bottle. A little goes a long way, so less is definitely more when it comes to using essential oils for indoor plants.


Essential oils can be a powerful, natural tool for supporting the health of your indoor plants. Whether you’re using them to repel pests, prevent fungal infections, or simply enhance the overall environment with their pleasant aromas, these oils offer numerous benefits when used correctly. The key is to dilute them properly and use the right amount to avoid any potential harm to your plants. With the right approach, essential oils can not only protect your plants, but also help them thrive, creating a healthier, more vibrant indoor space for you and your greenery.