Best Essential Oils for Constipation Relief

Have you been dealing with constipation? Have you been looking for natural solution to this problem? If yes, then don’t worry, you’ve come to right place. In today’s blog, we will explore the world of essential oils for constipation relief.

This might sound weird to you and you might be thinking how to use essential oils for constipation to find relief from abdominal pain, and if it actually even works. Today, we will delve into the benefits of 5 best essential oils such as peppermint essential oil, lemon essential oil, ginger essential oil, fennel oil and rosemary essential oil. 

Constipation can be a real pain, causing abdominal discomfort and, in some cases, even chronic constipation. But fear not! These oils have been popular for their wonderful usage to relieve constipation pain, and improve digestion. 

Now, it’s time to say goodbye to constipation and hello to relief from abdominal discomfort as we explore the world of essential oils for constipation relief. 

5 Essential Oils For Constipation? Do They Actually Work?

Let’s explore the wide array of essential oils that can help you find relief from constipation.

1. Peppermint Essential Oil For Constipation

Among the top essential oils for treating constipation, peppermint and spearmint oils stand out. Their natural properties may help relieve constipation and improve digestion. In fact in Vol. 39, Issue 6 of Digestive and Liver Disease published by Science Direct, it was concluded that a 4-week treatment with peppermint oil can be effective for constipation and other digestive & abdominal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

2. Lemon Essential Oil For Constipation

Highly concentrated, drop of lemon essential oil is highly recommended as a powerful home remedy for constipation. These essential oils have been used for centuries to help with constipation, including constipation caused by various factors.

The acids present in lemon essential oil helps clear the excretory system by washing and cleaning off the tracts, just like some acids are used to clean floor and toilets. Even the aroma of lemon is used in traditional medicines to offer relief from stomach related ailments.

In traditional medicine, lemon juice was used in proper proportions to soothe stomach issues. However, the acidity of lemon can have varying effects on stomach health, depending on the individual and their specific conditions. While lemon juice is acidic, it becomes alkaline in the body once metabolized.

This alkalizing effect may help balance the body’s pH levels, which is often considered beneficial for overall health. Lemon oil, on the other hand, must not be taken orally. In case a person needs to consume lemon oil (or any other essential oils), he or she must first consult a physician.

3. Ginger Essential Oil For Constipation

Ginger oil is another powerhouse among effective essential oils for constipation and improving digestion. This essential oil is highly concentrated, making it an effective choice for those seeking relief from constipation. Ginger essential oil stimulates digestion and promotes healthy bowel movements.

In ancient times, ginger was revered for its digestive benefits. It was commonly used to alleviate indigestion, bloating, and constipation.

Whether consumed as a tea, incorporated into meals, or chewed raw, ginger’s natural compounds acted as a digestive aid, soothing discomfort and promoting smoother digestion. Essential oils must not be consumed; however, a good massage with ginger oil on the abdomen will give relief from indigestion.

Ginger essential oil is also considered one of the top essential oils for diarrhea when used aromatically or topically. Its soothing, warming properties can help relieve stomach inflammation and discomfort associated with diarrhea.

4. Fennel Essential Oil For Constipation

Fennel essential oil is a powerful and effective treatment that may provide relief from constipation. Its organic properties make it a safe option for adults looking to get relief from constipation.

Fennel essential oil is known for its role in addressing a range of stomach related issues and for promoting digestive health. This aromatic oil acts as a digestive aid, potentially easing discomfort associated with indigestion and even bloating by supporting the smooth movement of food through the digestive system. (Perhaps this is why fennel is eaten after food in some countries.) Fennel oil’s ability to relax gastrointestinal muscles may offer relief from stomach cramps and spasms.

Additionally, it has been used to regulate appetite and may contribute to gastric health as it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Whether it is for providing relief from nausea or for supporting overall digestive health, fennel essential oil is a versatile and natural remedy for various stomach-related concerns.

5. Rosemary Essential Oil For Constipation

Rosemary oil is yet another potent member of the essential oil family that can contribute to relieving constipation and promoting better digestion. This essential oil, derived from the aromatic herb rosemary, is well-regarded for its potential digestive benefits. 

These organic essential oils can help treat constipation and there are certain best ways to use them. Using these essential oils directly can lead to problems that might make the problem worse. To avoid such situations, use the oils only how they are mentioned below, or how your medical professional advices. 

Benefits Of Using Essential Oils For Constipation Relief

1. Improved Digestion

Essential oils such as peppermint, ginger, and fennel have natural digestive properties. They can help stimulate the digestive system, improve bowel movements, and relieve constipation.

2. Muscle Relaxation

Essential oils like lavender and chamomile possess muscle-relaxing properties. When applied topically or inhaled, they can help relax the muscles of the digestive tract, reducing abdominal discomfort associated with constipation.

3. Anti-inflammatory Effects

Some essential oils, such as ginger and rosemary, have anti-inflammatory properties. These oils can help reduce inflammation in the digestive system, potentially easing the symptoms of constipation.

4. Relief from Abdominal Pain

Essential oils like lemon and peppermint may provide relief from abdominal pain and discomfort caused by constipation. They can soothe the digestive tract and alleviate cramps and bloating.

5. Improved Bowel Motility

Certain essential oils, such as fennel and holy basil, can help improve bowel motility, making it easier for stools to pass through the intestines and reducing the risk of constipation.

6. Aromatherapy Benefits

Inhaling the aroma of essential oils can have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body. This can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can be contributing factors to constipation. Another addition for better treatment can be adding plant extracts for relief from constipation. 

7. Natural and Non-Invasive

Essential oils offer a natural and non-invasive approach to constipation relief. They can be used topically, inhaled, or added to baths without the need for medications or invasive treatment for constipation.

8. Versatility

Essential oils should be used individually or can be used in combination of essential oils to create customized solutions for constipation relief. This versatility allows you to tailor your approach to your specific needs and preferences.

9. Holistic Approach

Using essential oils for relief of constipation is part of a holistic approach to digestive health. It complements other lifestyle changes such as dietary modifications, increased water intake, and regular exercise.

10. Safe for Adults to Use

When used properly and following dilution guidelines, essential oils are generally safe for most adults. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns about their use.

DIY Best Essential Oils Blends For Constipation

Blend 1: Digestive Relief


  • 4 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 3 drops of Ginger Essential Oil
  • 2 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
  • 2 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • 1 ounce of Carrier Oil (e.g., Coconut Oil)


  1. Mix the essential oils in a glass bottle.
  2. Add the carrier oil to the blend and shake well to combine.
  3. Apply a few drops of this blend to your abdomen and gently massage it in a clockwise motion to promote digestion.

Blend 2: Constipation Soother


  • 4 drops of Fennel Essential Oil
  • 3 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil
  • 2 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 1 drop of Holy Basil Essential Oil
  • 1 ounce of Carrier Oil (e.g., Jojoba Oil)


  1. Combine the essential oils in a glass bottle.
  2. Pour in the carrier oil and shake thoroughly to mix.
  3. Massage a small amount of this blend onto your abdomen to ease constipation discomfort.

Blend 3: Relax and Relieve


  • 4 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
  • 3 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • 2 drops of Chamomile Essential Oil
  • 1 drop of Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 1 ounce of Carrier Oil (e.g., Almond Oil)


  1. Blend the essential oils in a glass container.
  2. Add the carrier oil and mix well.
  3. Apply this soothing blend to your abdomen or use it for an aromatherapy massage to help relax your digestive system.

Blend 4: Citrus Fresh


  • 4 drops of Orange Essential Oil
  • 3 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
  • 2 drops of Grapefruit Essential Oil
  • 1 drop of Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 1 ounce of Carrier Oil (e.g., Olive Oil)


  1. Combine the essential oils in a glass bottle.
  2. Add the carrier oil and shake to blend.
  3. Apply this refreshing blend topically to your abdomen or enjoy its invigorating scent through a diffuser.

Blend 5: Digestive Oils Blend


  • 4 drops of Peppermint essential oil
  • 4 drops of Ginger essential oil
  • 4 drops of Fennel essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon (or 15 ml) of a carrier oil (such as fractionated coconut oil or sweet almond oil)


  1. Prepare a clean, empty glass bottle or rollerball container to mix and store your essential oil blend.
  2. Add the specified number of drops of each essential oil (Peppermint, Ginger, and Fennel) to the chosen container.
  3. Pour in the carrier oil using a filter, if necessary. Carrier oils help dilute the essential oils and are gentler on the skin.
  4. Seal the container tightly and shake it gently to mix the oils thoroughly.
  5. To use the blend, apply a small amount to your abdominal area, then gently massage in a clockwise direction. This can be done in a circular motion around your navel.
  6. Allow the blend to absorb into your skin, and the aromatic properties of the oils can be inhaled for added benefits.
  7. Store the blend in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.

How To Use Essential Oils for Constipation 

As mentioned above, there are certain ways to use essential oils, let’s go through them.

1. Dilute with Carrier Oil:

Certain oils used to treat constipation and diarrhea are highly concentrated and should be diluted with an ounce of carrier oil like coconut oil before use. This ensures that the essential oils are safe for topical application and gentle on the skin.

2. Aromatherapy Massage:

Combine the use of essential oils with the soothing practice of aromatherapy massage for the relief from constipation. Dilute a few drops of your chosen essential oil, such as lavender essential oil, in a carrier oil, and gently massage it onto your abdomen in a clockwise motion for best results. This can help stimulate digestion and provide relief from constipation.

3. Warm Bath:

Add a few drops of your preferred essential oil, like ginger or peppermint, to a warm bath. The steam and absorption through the skin can relax your digestive muscles, potentially helping with constipation.

4. Inhalation:

Inhaling the aroma of essential oils may also be beneficial. Place a few drops of essential oil on a tissue or in an essential oil diffuser. Breathing in the aroma can help relax your body and may provide relief from constipation.

5. Combinations:

Consider blending different essential oils to create powerful essential oil blends. For example, a combination of peppermint or spearmint oils with lemon essential oil can be particularly effective in addressing digestive issues.

6. Holistic Approach:

Keep in mind that essential oils are just one part of a holistic approach to constipation relief. Maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and addressing lifestyle factors that cause constipation are essential for long-term digestive health.

7. Consult a Professional:

If you have chronic or severe constipation, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help identify the underlying cause of constipation and provide guidance on the best treatment options.

Safety Precautions

For effective treatment for constipation, use the above-mentioned essential oils, follow the guide on ways to use, use your favorite oil, and you can see the best results. However, there are many precautions that one needs to take in order to have the best treatment. If you don’t follow these safety precautions, and take a misstep, then the constipation may get worse, and lead to bad stomach problems. 

  1. Dilution: Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil to prevent skin irritation.
  2. Patch Test: Perform a skin patch test before using a new essential oil. 
  3. Ingestion Caution: Avoid ingesting essential oils without professional guidance.
  4. Pregnancy and Children: Use essential oils cautiously during pregnancy or with young children.
  5. Medical Conditions: Consult a healthcare professional if you have underlying medical conditions or take medications.
  6. Allergies: Be aware of allergies to specific essential oils or their components.
  7. Storage: Store essential oils in dark, cool places away from sunlight and children.
  8. Use Moderation: Start with a minimal amount and avoid overusing essential oils. These oils should be used in moderation as they are highly concentrated. 
  9. Quality Matters: Choose high-quality, pure essential oils from reputable sources.
  10. Seek Professional Guidance: Consult an aromatherapist or healthcare practitioner for guidance.

Conclusion: Effective Essential Oils for Constipation

In the quest for natural constipation relief, use the best essential oils that offer promising benefits. Peppermint, lemon, ginger, fennel, and rosemary oils can alleviate discomfort and enhance digestion. These highly concentrated extracts, when diluted with carrier oils, can improve bowel movements, relax muscles, and soothe abdominal pain.

Aromatherapy benefits from these oils also reduce stress, a contributing factor to constipation. However, caution is vital. Dilution, patch tests, and expert guidance ensure safe usage. When combined with a balanced lifestyle, including diet, hydration, and exercise, essential oils provide a holistic approach to digestive wellness. Persistent or severe constipation warrants consultation with healthcare professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What essential oils help with constipation?

Essential oils that may help with constipation include peppermint, cumin, ginger, and fennel oils. These oils can be diluted and applied topically or inhaled for relief. 

How to use essential oils for constipation?

To use essential oils for constipation, dilute them with a carrier oil and apply the mixture (preferably in a clockwise direction) as an abdominal massage or use them in a warm compress. You can also inhale their aroma through a diffuser. Drink plenty of water for best results.

Does peppermint oil help with constipation?

Yes, peppermint essential oil is one of the few oils that can be used to help with constipation. The oil can be either topically applied or inhaled.

Does castor oil help with constipation?

Yes, castor oil can help with constipation by acting as a natural laxative. However, it should be used with caution as excessive use can lead to dehydration and other side effects.