Epsom Salt Bath For Infants – How Safe Is It & How To Do It

Have you ever Googled seeking alternative remedies to ease your infant’s discomfort? How many of the results thrown at you by the search engine have Epsom salt or Epsom salt baths for babies. The next search would of course be, “Epsom salt bath for infants” and “is Epsom salt bath safe for infants”.

But what exactly are Epsom salt baths, and are they a safe option for your little one? How do they work, and what benefits do they promise? These questions often arise when exploring unconventional approaches to soothe your baby. Let’s Sherlock our way to unravel the mysteries surrounding Epsom salt baths and discover whether they are indeed a safe and effective solution for your infant’s well-being.

What is Epsom Salt? (A li’l bit Technical Explanation)

Epsom salt, chemically known as magnesium sulfate, is a mineral compound long used and cherished for its health-based properties. Au contraire to its name, it’s not the omnipresent table salt found in kitchens. Instead, it’s a naturally occurring mineral composed of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. It is named after a saline spring in Epsom, England, where it was first discovered. This Epsom salt has gained popularity for its versatile uses, ranging from medicinal to cosmetic applications.

Its high magnesium content is key to its myriad benefits. Magnesium plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, regulating blood sugar levels, and supporting the immune system. Sulfate, the other component of Epsom salt, aids in nutrient absorption, drives out toxins, and may have mild antibacterial properties.

The unique molecular structure of Epsom salt allows it to be easily absorbed through the skin, making it a popular choice for external use in baths to potentially combat certain health issues.

Is Epsom Salt Bath Safe For Infants?

Let’s deal with the elephant in the room first. Is Epsom salt bath really safe for babies? Ensuring the safety of our little ones is always a top priority as parents. When it comes to using Epsom salt baths for babies, the question of safety arises – quite natural. Generally, Epsom salt is considered safe for adults when used in moderation and if proper guidelines are followed. However, when it comes to infants, there are essential considerations and potential risks to keep in mind.

Pediatricians often advise against using Epsom salt in baths for babies without consulting them first. The keyword here is “without consulting them first”. The delicate nature of an infant’s skin and their developing systems requires extra caution when introducing any new substances.

The main primary concern is the risk of excessive absorption of magnesium through the skin, potentially causing an imbalance in electrolytes. Additionally, babies might accidentally ingest bathwater, leading to further concerns about the intake of Epsom salt, which could affect their health.

The young ‘uns have thinner and more sensitive skin compared to adults. While Epsom salt is generally gentle, it might cause skin irritation or dryness in some infants. It’s crucial to consider these factors and seek guidance from a paediatrician before introducing Epsom salt baths into an infant’s routine.

a, the safety of Epsom salt baths for babies hinges on several factors, including the infant’s age, overall health, and any existing medical conditions. Consulting a paediatrician before incorporating Epsom salt baths into your baby’s care routine is strongly recommended to ensure their safety and well-being.

How Does Epsom Salt Bath Work?

By understanding how an Epsom salt bath operates one can shed light on its potential benefits, especially in the current context i.e. of soothing an infant.

When Epsom salt, composed of magnesium sulfate, is dissolved in warm bathwater, it creates a solution that permits the absorption of magnesium through the skin. This process, technically known as transdermal absorption, facilitates the entry of magnesium into the body. Magnesium, a vital mineral, plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including muscle relaxation and stress reduction.

When absorbed through the skin during an Epsom salt bath, it’s believed that the magnesium may help alleviate muscle tension, promote relaxation, and potentially soothe minor aches or discomfort. “Soak” infants and children in warm epsom salt bath (with pure epsom salt) and their skin will absorb the magnesium and sulfate ions.

For infants, who might experience occasional discomfort, the relaxation induced by an Epsom salt bath could offer a soothing effect. However, it’s essential to note that while this mechanism is well-known for adults, its impact on infants might differ due to their smaller size, developing systems, and varying tolerance levels.

Additionally, the warm water itself can be comforting for infants, mimicking the sensation of being in the womb and providing a calming effect. The combination of warm water and the potential effects of the dissolved Epsom salt creates an environment that some believe might be beneficial for an infant’s relaxation.

Despite these potential benefits, it’s crucial to approach the use of Epsom salt baths for infants with caution and under the guidance of an expert nurse to ensure their safety and effectiveness.

Benefits Of Epsom Salt Bath For Infants

Let’s explore the potential benefits of Epsom salt baths for babies and unveil various aspects that caregivers find intriguing.

1. Soothing Irritated Skin

Epsom salt’s gentle nature might help soothe minor skin irritations, which is common in infants, such as diaper rash or dry patches. The solution’s magnesium content, when absorbed, generally eases discomfort. This wonder salt bath for kids may also act as a nutrition source.

2. Promoting Relaxation and Sleep

Many parents find that a warm bath before bedtime can help babies relax and potentially improve their sleep. The calming effect of warm water combined with the soothing properties of Epsom salt could contribute to this relaxation, thus setting up a bedtime routine.

3. Assisting with Digestive Discomfort

Some caregivers believe that the relaxation induced by an Epsom salt bath might help soothe a gassy baby, thereby offering a sense of relief, for both the baby and parents.

4. A Bonding Time

Bath time can serve as a wonderful bonding experience between mothers and their new born. That is the time when you can start with lullabies and nursery rhymes. The gentle nature of an Epsom salt bath, if used safely and appropriately, can enhance this bonding ritual.

5. Soothing Irritated Skin

Epsom salt’s gentle nature might help soothe minor skin irritations common in infants, such as dry patches. The solution’s magnesium content, when absorbed, could contribute to easing discomfort.

6. Muscle Relaxation

Do babies experience muscle stress? After all they just lie at one place all day. Though infants don’t experience muscle tension like adults do, the relaxation induced by warm water and potentially by the magnesium present in Epsom salt baths might offer a calming effect, aiding in easing any discomfort from normal activities or growth-related changes.

Possible Benefits of Epsom Salt Bath For Infants

1. Baby Detox

Some believe that Epsom salt baths aid in the removal of toxins from the body. While this notion exists, it’s crucial to approach it with caution and consult a paediatrician to ensure the safety and effectiveness of any detoxification approach for infants.

2. Baby Diaper Rash

Epsom salt’s soothing properties might offer relief for mild cases of diaper rash. However, it’s essential to use caution and consult with experts. This should be followed as each baby’s skin sensitivity varies, and severe diaper rash might require specific medical attention.

3. Baby Cold

For babies experiencing mild congestion or discomfort due to a cold, the warm water in an Epsom salt bath might offer temporary relief. Again, a paediatrician should be consulted to know more about methods for managing a baby’s cold.

4. Baby Fever

Epsom salt baths are not recommended for managing or reducing a baby’s fever. However, this mineral rich solution is often used to hydrate the skin and draw out toxins. So, it may be used as a supplemental method of managing fever.

5. Baby Eczema

Caregivers sometimes consider Epsom salt baths as a potential natural remedy for soothing the symptoms of baby eczema. However, the sensitivity of eczema-prone skin varies, and it’s crucial to seek advice from (guess who) a paediatrician to determine suitable skincare approaches for babies with eczema.

How To Make DIY Epsom Salt Bath For Babies?

Creating a DIY Epsom salt bath for babies involves careful preparation to ensure a safe and comfortable experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Ingredients and Materials:

  1. Epsom Salt: Use the optimal quality Epsom salt, ensuring it’s pure and without added fragrances or dyes.
  2. Warm Water: Ensure the water temperature is comfortably warm. As a universal law, dip your elbow into the water to ensure it does not hurt the skin.
  3. Baby Bathtub or Basin: Use a clean, baby-friendly tub or basin for bath time.
  4. Soft & Clean Towels: Have these ready for drying and gentle cleansing.
  5. Optional: Baby-Safe Essential Oils or Moisturizing Additives: Consult paediatrician before adding any additional elements to the bathwater. And when you do add a drop or two (of lavender or eucalyptus), make sure you have Gya Labs essential oil(s).


  1. Fill the Bathtub or Baby Basin: Start by filling the baby’s bathtub or basin with warm water to the appropriate depth. Ensure the water level is safe and comfortable for the baby. Cover their body without submerging them completely (goes without saying).
  2. Add Epsom Salt: Measure the appropriate amount of Epsom salt based on the instructions or as indicated on the product packaging. Typically, a recommended ratio is around 1-2 tablespoons of Epsom salt per gallon of water. Slowly add the measured salt to the warm water, stirring gently to dissolve it completely.
  3. Dissolve Thoroughly: Ensure the Epsom salt is entirely dissolved in the water to avoid any granules that could potentially irritate the baby’s skin.
  4. Check Water Temperature: Verify that the temperature of the bathwater remains comfortably warm and suitable for the baby’s sensitive skin. Use your elbow or a bath thermometer to confirm the temperature before placing the baby in the bath.

Bathing Process:

  1. Prepare the Baby: Undress the baby and gently place them into the prepared Epsom salt bath. Support their head and body throughout the bath.
  2. Monitor the Baby: Observe the baby’s comfort during the bath. Be mindful of any signs of discomfort, skin irritation, or allergies. If the baby shows signs of distress or discomfort, remove them from the bath immediately.
  3. Gentle Bathing: Use this time to gently cleanse the baby with mild, baby-friendly soap or cleansers if needed. Avoid using harsh soaps or scrubbing the skin vigorously.
  4. Duration: Limit the duration of the bath to around 10-15 minutes. Extended periods in water might lead to skin dryness, especially for infants.
  5. Rinse and Dry: Once the bath is complete, gently rinse the baby’s body with clean, warm water to remove any residue. Pat the baby’s skin dry with a soft towel, paying extra attention to delicate areas.

 Precaution While Using Epsom Salt Bath For Babies

Certainly, when considering Epsom salt baths for babies, it’s crucial to prioritize their safety. Here are essential precautions to keep in mind:

1.   Consult Healthcare Providers: Before introducing Epsom salt baths to an infant’s routine, seek advice from pediatricians or healthcare professionals. They can provide personalized guidance based on the baby’s health, any existing conditions, and potential sensitivities. The many benefits of child’s epsom salt bath have anecdotal evidence, hence consultation is always advised.

2.   Dosage and Concentration: Follow recommended guidelines for the amount of Epsom salt to use per gallon of water in the bath. Avoid using excessive amounts as it may lead to potential issues with skin irritation or absorption of magnesium. Taking an epsom salt bath has medicinal benefits including healthy skin cells. It may reduce inflammation caused itchiness. Hence, be mindful of the dosage.

3.   Water Temperature: Ensure the bathwater temperature is comfortably warm, similar to the baby’s usual bath temperature, around 37°C (98.6°F). Use a thermometer or your elbow to check the water temperature before placing the baby in the bath.

4.   Observation and Monitoring: Watch the baby closely during the bath for any signs of discomfort, allergic reactions, or skin irritation. If the baby seems uncomfortable or develops any adverse reactions, promptly remove them from the bath.

5.   Bath Duration: Limit the duration of the Epsom salt bath to around 10-15 minutes. Prolonged exposure to water, especially with added salts, might lead to skin dryness in infants.

6.   Avoid Ingestion: Ensure the baby doesn’t ingest the bathwater. Babies often explore the world by putting things in their mouths, so supervision is crucial to prevent accidental ingestion of Epsom salt water.

7.   Moisturize After Bath: After the bath, gently pat the baby’s skin dry and apply a mild, baby-safe moisturizer to prevent skin dryness or irritation.

8.   Pre-existing Conditions: If the baby has any skin conditions, allergies, or medical issues, consult healthcare providers to determine whether Epsom salt baths are suitable and safe.

9.   Frequency: Use Epsom salt baths sparingly and on an occasional basis. Daily use or excessive frequency might lead to potential issues with skin drying or irritation.

10.   Discontinue if Necessary: If the baby shows any signs of discomfort, skin irritation, redness, or allergic reactions, discontinue the use of Epsom salt baths immediately and seek medical advice.


In essence, while Epsom salt baths for infants hold promise for soothing and relaxation, their use demands careful consideration and professional guidance. Prioritizing safety and moderation in dosage, coupled with close monitoring for any adverse reactions, is crucial.

As a caregiver (parenting), consulting healthcare professionals ensures the safe incorporation of Epsom salt baths into an infant’s routine, potentially offering comfort without compromising their well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bathe my baby in Epsom salt?

At Gya Labs we always recommend consulting a pediatrician before introducing any new products or practices for your baby’s bath routine.

Are Epsom salts safe for bathing?

Epsom salts are generally considered safe for bathing when used appropriately. They are known for their potential benefits; however, it’s essential to follow recommended usage guidelines, avoid prolonged exposure, and consult a healthcare provider.

How much Epsom salt do I put in my baby’s bath?

For babies and infants, it’s crucial to be cautious with additives in their baths. Typically, a very minimal amount, such as half a cup or less, is advised for a full baby bath. However, always consult with a pediatrician to get precise instructions tailored to your baby’s specific needs