Cedarwood Essential Oil For Sleep – Benefits & How To Use

When it comes to getting better sleep naturally, essential oils are like organic weapons. These oils, extracted from plants, don’t just smell nice; they can also help us relax and sleep better. Imagine yourself lying on smooth grass in the wilderness with the aroma of flowers and plants giving you comfort. The plant oils are reminiscent of nature. One such oil that’s popular is Cedarwood essential oil. It’s known for its calming effect and how it can make us feel peaceful. Here, we’ll explore how essential oils, especially Cedarwood oil, can help us sleep better.

How Essential Oils Induce Sleep?

Essential oils can help induce sleep through various mechanisms:

  • Calming Effect: Many essential oils have soothing properties that can help calm the mind and body. When we inhale the aroma of these oils, it can result in a relaxation response, making it easier to fall asleep.
  •  Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is a practice that involves inhaling the scent of essential oils to promote overall well-being, including sleep. Certain aromas, like lavender, vetiver or cedarwood, have been found to have a sedative effect, helping to create an environment for sleep.
  • Stress Reduction: Essential oils have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, which are common causes of sleep disturbances. By reducing stress levels, these oils can help promote a sense of calmness that is essential for falling asleep.
  • Regulating Circadian Rhythms: Some essential oils, such as chamomile, cedarwood or bergamot, may help regulate circadian rhythms, which is the body’s internal clock that controls sleep-wake cycles. By promoting a more balanced sleep-wake cycle, these oils can help improve overall sleep quality.
  • Muscle Relaxation: Certain essential oils, like cedarwood, peppermint or eucalyptus, have muscle-relaxing properties that can alleviate tension and promote physical relaxation, making it easier to unwind and prepare for sleep.

Properties of Cedarwood Essential Oil for Sleep

Cedarwood essential oil is extracted from the wood of the cedar (cedrus) tree, of which there are several species. It has a warm, woody scent that often has a grounding and relaxing effect. Cedarwood essential oil has a number of properties that make it beneficial for a variety of purposes. Cedarwood essential oil benefits include restful sleep, skincare, blood pressure control and hair loss control.

  • Antiseptic and antifungal properties: Cedarwood essential oil may combat bacteria and fungus. This makes it a useful addition to cleaning products and can also be helpful for treating skin conditions including acne and athlete’s foot.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Cedarwood essential oil can help to reduce inflammation. This can be helpful for treating conditions such as arthritis, muscle pain, and headaches. A research published in 2020 shows the anti-inflammatory properties of cedarwood oil. [1]
  • Insecticidal properties: Cedarwood essential oil can repel insects. This makes it a useful natural insect repellent. A room devoid of those pestering bugs and mosquitoes is good for sleep.
  • Aromatherapy: Cedarwood essential oil is commonly used in aromatherapy. It is believed to have a calming and relaxing effect, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. It may also help to improve sleep. Inhaling cedarwood oil fragrance will provide relief from anxiety and deal with insomnia.
  • Hair care: Cedarwood essential oil is sometimes used in hair care products. It is believed to help promote hair growth and scalp health. It is also used to relieve issues like eczema.

It is important to note that cedarwood essential oil is a concentrated oil and should be diluted before use. It can be irritating to the skin, so it is important to do a patch test before using it topically. And Cedarwood essential oil (like all essential oils) should also not be ingested.

How to Use Cedarwood Essential Oil for Sleep

Using Cedarwood essential oil for sleep is simple and can be incorporated into your bedtime routine in various ways:

  • Diffusion: Add a few drops of Cedarwood essential oil to an aromatherapy diffuser filled with water. (There are different diffusers available.) Let the diffuser diffuse the oil’s aroma throughout your bedroom for 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime to create a relaxing atmosphere conducive to sleep.
  • Topical Application: Dilute Cedarwood essential oil with a carrier oil, including coconut oil or sweet almond oil. Add 2-3 drops of Cedarwood oil per tablespoon of carrier oil. Massage the diluted mixture onto your wrists, temples, neck, or the bottoms of your feet before bedtime for a calming effect.
  • Bedding Spray: Create a homemade bedding spray by combining Cedarwood essential oil with water in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle and slightly mist your pillows, sheets, and blankets with the spray before getting into bed to enjoy the soothing scent throughout the night.
  • Inhalation: Place a drop or two of Cedarwood essential oil onto a cotton ball or tissue or hanky and tuck it under your pillow or near your bedside. As you breathe in the aroma while relaxing in bed, it can create an ambience suitable for relaxation and ease you into a peaceful sleep. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study that shows the effect of essential oils on sleep. [2]
  • Bath Soak: Add a few drops of Cedarwood essential oil to a warm bath along with Epsom salts for a luxurious and relaxing soak before bedtime. The warm water will help to release the oil’s aroma, promoting relaxation and preparing your body for sleep.

DIY Recipes with Cedarwood Essential Oil for Sleep

Cedarwood essential oil’s calming and relaxing properties make it a great choice for sleep-promoting DIY recipes. Here are four ideas to get you started:

Diffuser Blend:

This diffuser blend combines the grounding scent of cedarwood with other well-known sleep aids like lavender and bergamot essential oil for sleep.


  • 3 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 3 drops Cedarwood essential oil
  • 2 drops Bergamot essential oil

How to use – Add these drops to your diffuser with water and run it for 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime. The calming scents will help create a relaxing atmosphere to ease you into sleep.

Sleep Temple Rub:

This recipe creates a relaxing balm you can massage on your temples to promote sleepiness.


  • 1 tablespoon carrier oil (like jojoba oil or sweet almond oil)
  • 3 drops Cedarwood essential oil
  • 2 drops peppermint essential oil

How to use – Mix the carrier oil and essential oils in a small container. Before bed, massage a small amount onto your temples and inhale the calming scent.

Calming Linen Spray:

This linen spray creates a relaxing environment for sleep by infusing your bedding with a soothing scent.


  • 2 cups distilled water
  • 1/4 cup witch hazel (acts as a preservative)
  • 15 drops Cedarwood essential oil
  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil (optional, for extra calming effect)


  • Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle.
  • Shake well before each use.
  • Lightly mist your pillows and bedsheets 15-30 minutes before bedtime.

Safety Note: Avoid over-spraying, as too much can leave a damp feeling. Test on a small area of fabric first to ensure no staining occurs.

Relaxing Bath Soak:

This bath soak combines the grounding properties of cedarwood with the muscle-soothing benefits of Epsom salts for a truly restful pre-bedtime ritual.


  • 1 cup Epsom salts
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 10 drops Cedarwood essential oil
  • 5 drops Clary Sage essential oil (optional, for hormonal balance and relaxation)
  • 5 drops of ylang ylang essential oil


  • Combine the Epsom salts and baking soda in a bowl.
  • Add the essential oils.
  • Mix well and store in an airtight container.
  • Before bedtime, add 1/2 cup of the mixture to a warm bath and soak for 20-30 minutes.

Precautions Using Cedarwood Essential Oil for Sleep

While Cedarwood essential oil can be beneficial for promoting sleep, it’s important to follow some precautions to ensure safe and effective use:

  • Before applying Cedarwood essential oil topically, always perform a patch test. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil.
  • If you are pregnant or nursing, consult with a healthcare professional before using Cedarwood essential oil or any other essential oils.
  • Always keep oils out of reach of children and pets, and consider diffusing oils in well-ventilated areas.
  • Avoid getting Cedarwood essential oil into your eyes or mucous membranes.
  • Store Cedarwood essential oil in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • Choose high-quality Cedarwood essential oil from reputable brands.
  • If you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication, consult with a professional before using Cedarwood essential oil or any other natural remedies for sleep.