Best Essential Oils For COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) 

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) encompasses a group of lung diseases that pose challenges to breathing. Common symptoms include persistent coughing, frequent throat clearing, and shortness of breath, often accompanied by conditions like emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

The development of COPD can be attributed to prolonged exposure to pollutants or toxins, with cigarette smoke being a prominent source. Genetic factors may also contribute to its onset. 

Typically, doctors prescribe a regimen of medications and treatments to sustain healthy breathing in COPD patients. But people are seeking more natural and holistic approach in overcoming the issue of COPD. One such natural remedy is essential oil. 

Essential oils have the potential to alleviate symptoms associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or complement existing therapies.  Essential oils, for instance, play a role in alleviating cough and cold symptoms by providing throat comfort, combating bacteria, and reducing inflammation.  

Incorporating natural treatments into the management of this respiratory condition is crucial as they align with the body’s innate healing processes and typically entail minimal to no side effects.

Best Essential Oils For COPD

1. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Derived from the eucalyptus tree, eucalyptus oil is a respiratory powerhouse. Its key component, cineole, acts as a bronchodilator, promoting easier breathing by widening airways. This makes it a go-to for managing COPD symptoms.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil

Known for its invigorating scent, peppermint oil contains menthol, which provides a cooling sensation. This not only soothes the airways but also helps alleviate respiratory discomfort. Incorporating it into your routine can be a refreshing and effective COPD management strategy.

3. Lavender Essential Oil

Beyond its renowned calming properties, lavender oil demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects. This makes it a valuable asset for COPD patients, as it may help reduce inflammation in the respiratory system, contributing to improved breathing. This essential oil can also help ease symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.

4. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Another oil beneficial to COPD is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a popular essential oil that is widely used for its health and skin benefits. Renowned for its antimicrobial properties, tea tree oil can assist COPD patients by preventing respiratory infections. A few drops in a diffuser can purify the air, creating an environment that supports respiratory health.

Tea tree oil is also considered one of the best essential oils for breathing difficulties thanks to its natural anti-inflammatory and expectorant abilities. It can help open airways and make breathing easier when inhaled.

5. Frankincense Essential Oil

Rich in boswellic acids, frankincense oil offers anti-inflammatory benefits that may aid in managing COPD symptoms. Additionally, its aromatic profile can enhance mental clarity, promoting overall well-being. If you want to use frankincense directly on your skin, dilute it with a carrier oil. 

6. Thyme Essential Oil

Dealing with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often involves addressing breathing difficulties, essential oil can work wonders for this. Thyme oil a natural expectorant, contains thymol, a compound known for breaking down mucus. This makes it a valuable ally for COPD patients, facilitating the expulsion of phlegm and easing respiratory discomfort.

7. Oregano Essential Oil

One of the major symptoms of COPD include shortness of breath, oregano can help with this symptom. Packed with antimicrobial compounds, oregano oil serves as a potent defender against respiratory infections. Incorporating it into your wellness routine may contribute to a strengthened immune system, vital for COPD management.

8. Rosemary Essential Oil

Beyond its culinary uses, rosemary oil boasts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Inhaling its aroma may support improved respiratory function, making it a noteworthy inclusion in the COPD management toolkit.

9. Cypress Essential Oil

Known for its ability to improve circulation, cypress oil can indirectly benefit COPD patients by enhancing oxygenation. Improved blood flow supports respiratory efficiency, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.

10. Bergamot Essential Oil

Derived from the bergamot orange, bergamot oil combines a citrusy aroma with potential respiratory benefits. Its uplifting scent may positively influence mood, offering a holistic approach to COPD management.

Essential oils, specifically chosen for their therapeutic properties, can be utilized to help manage symptoms of COPD effectively. Breathing exercises, complemented by the use of essential oils, become integral components of a holistic approach to COPD management. 

What Are The Benefits Of Using Essential Oils For Treating COPD?

1. Facilitating Easier Breathing

Essential oil contains properties that help make breathing more effortless for COPD patients. Essential oils like eucalyptus oil contains active compound like cineole that improves airway. Also thyme oil contains thymol which is a natural expectorant.

This quality proves invaluable in breaking down mucus, easing congestion, and promoting clearer airways. Regular use may contribute to enhanced respiratory function and a tangible reduction in discomfort. COPD sufferers can find relief in thyme oil’s ability to address the challenges of persistent phlegm.

2. Alleviating Inflammation

Essential oils are rich in anti-inflammatory properties that may aid in reducing inflammation in the respiratory system. For COPD patients dealing with inflammatory stress, essential oils like chamomile oil, rosemary oil, frankincense oil, lavender oil, etc. provides a soothing remedy.

3. Guarding Against Infections

Essential oils like tea tree oil stands as a natural antiseptic, boasting remarkable antimicrobial properties. By introducing tea tree oil into the environment through diffusion, COPD patients create a shield against respiratory infections, safeguarding their health.

Also, essential oil like oregano oil, is rich in antimicrobial compounds, plays a dual role by not only defending against infections but also fortifying the immune system. For COPD patients prone to respiratory challenges, the immune-boosting properties of oregano oil are invaluable.

4. Elevating Mood and Mental Clarity

Essential oil like bergamot oil not only holds potential respiratory benefits but also imparts a refreshing citrusy aroma. This uplifting quality positively influences mood, contributing to a holistic approach in COPD management.

Another essential oil like rosemary oil enhances cognitive function. Inhaling its invigorating aroma may not only support respiratory health but also contribute to improved mental focus and clarity.

5. Boosting Immunity

Essential oil contains immune boosting properties. Essential oil of oregano contains antimicrobial compounds not only combat infections but also contribute to a resilient immune system. For COPD patients, maintaining a robust immune response is crucial for overall health and resistance against respiratory challenges.

How To Use Essential Oils To Treat COPD?

Essential oil can be used in many different forms. Following are some of the different ways to use essential oils:

Inhalation for Immediate Relief

a. Direct Inhalation

One of the quickest ways to experience the benefits of essential oils is through direct inhalation. Place a drop of your chosen oil on a tissue or cloth and inhale deeply. This method allows the aromatic compounds to reach your respiratory system swiftly, providing instant relief.

b. Steam Inhalation

Create a DIY spa for your respiratory system by adding a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel, lean over the bowl, and inhale deeply. Steam inhalation helps open up airways, making it particularly effective for COPD sufferers.

Diffusion for Continuous Support

Investing in a quality diffuser can transform your living space into a respiratory oasis. Add a few drops of your preferred essential oil, and let the diffuser disperse the therapeutic aroma throughout the room. This method ensures a constant supply of beneficial compounds, supporting respiratory health.

Topical Application for Targeted Relief

Certain essential oils can be applied directly to the skin for targeted relief. However, it’s crucial to dilute them with a carrier oil to avoid skin sensitivity. Gently massage the diluted mixture onto the chest and upper back to promote respiratory comfort.

Aromatherapy on the Go

For those constantly on the move, portable inhalers or aromatherapy jewelry offer a convenient way to enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Inhaling the aroma throughout the day can provide a continuous layer of respiratory support.

Custom Blends for Personalized Care

Unlock the full potential of essential oils by creating custom blends tailored to your specific needs. Combine oils with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and soothing properties to address the unique challenges of COPD. Experimentation allows you to find the perfect synergy for your respiratory well-being.

Bedtime Rituals for Restful Breathing

Enhance your nighttime routine by incorporating essential oils into your bedtime rituals. Diffuse calming oils like lavender or chamomile to promote relaxation, creating an environment conducive to restful sleep—a crucial element in COPD management.

Consult with Experts for Optimal Results

While essential oils can be a valuable asset in COPD management, consulting with healthcare professionals or aromatherapists is essential. Their expertise ensures a personalized approach, considering your medical history and the compatibility of essential oils with your existing treatment plan.

DIY Recipes Using Essential Oil Blends To Treat COPD

Following are 5 essential oil blends that you can try for COPD:

Recipe #1 – Soothing Respiratory Blend


  • Eucalyptus essential oil (5 drops)
  • Peppermint essential oil (3 drops)
  • Lavender essential oil (3 drops)
  • Carrier oil (such as jojoba or coconut oil) (1 tablespoon)


  1. In a small bowl, combine the specified drops of eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender essential oils.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of carrier oil to the blend.
  3. Mix the oils thoroughly to create a well-blended solution.

How to Use:

  • This blend can be applied to the skin by gently massaging it onto the chest and upper back.
  • For optimal results, apply the blend twice a day.


  • Eucalyptus essential oil is renowned for its ability to open airways and make breathing easier.
  • Peppermint essential oil contributes a cooling sensation, providing relief and helping ease symptoms.
  • Lavender essential oil brings anti-inflammatory properties, assisting in helping with cough-related inflammation.

Recipe #2 – Citrus Breathe Easy Blend


  • Orange essential oil (5 drops)
  • Frankincense essential oil (3 drops)
  • Lemon essential oil (3 drops)
  • Carrier oil (1 tablespoon)


  1. Combine the specified drops of orange, frankincense, and lemon essential oils in a small container.
  2. Integrate 1 tablespoon of carrier oil into the mixture.
  3. Ensure thorough blending for a consistent solution.

How to Use:

  • This blend can help with COPD. It can be applied to the skin, targeting the chest and throat area.
  • Apply the blend as needed, especially during times of breathing difficulty.


  • Orange essential oil provides a refreshing aroma and may help reduce the frequency of respiratory challenges.
  • Frankincense essential oil, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can be beneficial in managing severe breathing difficulties.
  • Lemon essential oil adds a cleansing element, contributing to overall respiratory health.

Recipe #3 – Calming Respiratory Support


  • Lavender essential oil (4 drops)
  • Tea Tree essential oil (3 drops)
  • Cypress essential oil (3 drops)
  • Carrier oil (1.5 tablespoons)


  1. Mix the specified drops of lavender, tea tree, and cypress essential oils in a container.
  2. Integrate 1.5 tablespoons of carrier oil into the blend.
  3. Stir the ingredients thoroughly for a well-combined mixture.

How to Use:

  • This blend can be applied to the skin by gently massaging it onto the chest and neck.
  • Use the blend regularly to help manage COPD symptoms and promote respiratory well-being.


  • Lavender essential oil contributes to the blend’s calming effect, aiding in breathe easier.
  • Tea Tree essential oil provides antimicrobial properties, assisting in helping manage COPD by preventing infections.
  • Cypress essential oil enhances circulation, potentially alleviating breathing difficulties associated with COPD.

Recipe #4 – Anti-Inflammatory Relief Blend


  • Oregano essential oil (2 drops)
  • Rosemary essential oil (3 drops)
  • Thyme essential oil (4 drops)
  • Carrier oil (1.5 tablespoons)


  1. Combine the specified drops of oregano, rosemary, and thyme essential oils in a small mixing bowl.
  2. Integrate 1.5 tablespoons of carrier oil into the blend.
  3. Thoroughly mix the oils for a well-blended solution.

How to Use:

  • This blend can be diluted with a carrier oil and applied to the skin, focusing on the chest and upper back.
  • Apply the blend regularly to harness its potential in reducing inflammation and assisting with severe breathing difficulties.


  • Oregano essential oil brings antimicrobial properties and can be an effective treatment for COPD by helping with cough-related inflammation.
  • Rosemary essential oil offers cognitive enhancement and may assist in making breathing easier by promoting mental clarity.
  • Thyme essential oil serves as a natural expectorant, aiding in clearing mucus and supporting overall respiratory health.

Recipe #5 – Immune-Boosting Respiratory Elixir


  • Bergamot essential oil (4 drops)
  • Lemon essential oil (3 drops)
  • Tea Tree essential oil (3 drops)
  • Carrier oil (1.5 tablespoons)


  1. Blend the specified drops of bergamot, lemon, and tea tree essential oils in a small container.
  2. Integrate 1.5 tablespoons of carrier oil into the mixture.
  3. Ensure the oils are thoroughly mixed to create a harmonious elixir.

How to Use:

  • This elixir can be applied to the skin through gentle massage on the chest and throat area.
  • Regular application may contribute to boosting the immune system and assisting people with COPD in breathing easier.


  • Bergamot essential oil provides a citrusy uplift, positively influencing mood and potentially helping manage COPD symptoms.
  • Lemon essential oil adds a cleansing element, contributing to overall respiratory health and helping ease symptoms.
  • Tea Tree essential oil not only offers antimicrobial properties but can also be beneficial to COPD sufferers by preventing respiratory infections.

Risks and Precautions 

Skin Sensitivity and Allergies

  • Risk: Essential oils are potent and may cause skin sensitivity or allergic reactions in some individuals.
  • Precaution: Always perform a patch test before applying essential oils to the skin. Dilute oils with a carrier oil to minimize the risk of irritation.

Direct Inhalation Risks

  • Risk: Inhaling concentrated essential oils directly may trigger respiratory irritation, especially for those with pre-existing respiratory conditions like COPD.
  • Precaution: Opt for diffusing essential oils in well-ventilated spaces rather than direct inhalation. Consult with a healthcare professional before using inhalation methods.

Interaction with Medications

  • Risk: Essential oils may interact with medications, affecting their efficacy or causing adverse reactions.
  • Precaution: Inform your healthcare provider about your use of essential oils to ensure compatibility with any prescribed medications.

Choice of Essential Oils

  • Risk: Not all essential oils are suitable for COPD management, and some may exacerbate symptoms.
  • Precaution: Research and select oils known for their respiratory benefits. Consult with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional for guidance.

Purity and Quality

  • Risk: Poor-quality or adulterated essential oils may contain harmful substances.
  • Precaution: Purchase pure essential oils from reputable sources that provide information on purity and quality. 

Overuse and Overexposure

  • Risk: Excessive use of essential oils may lead to overexposure, potentially causing adverse effects.
  • Precaution: Follow recommended guidelines for dilution and application. Moderation is key to avoid overexposure.

Pregnancy and Underlying Health Conditions

  • Risk: Pregnant individuals and those with specific health conditions may be more susceptible to adverse effects.
  • Precaution: Consult with a healthcare professional, especially during pregnancy or if you have pre-existing health conditions, before using essential oils.

Children and Pets

  • Risk: Essential oils may be too strong for children or pets, leading to unintended side effects.
  • Precaution: Exercise caution when using essential oils around children or pets. Some oils are not suitable for their sensitive systems.


When we think of herbal treatments for COPD, the significance of essential oils to manage respiratory challenges stands out prominently. Essential oils can help manage symptoms of COPD. Essential oils may provide a natural and holistic avenue for COPD sufferers, offering a complementary approach to conventional treatments. 

In the above article, we have discussed some of the essential oils that may benefit with respiratory issue. In the field of aromatherapy, essential oil inhalation suppresses allergic airway responses, showcasing the potential of these natural remedies to address not only the symptoms but the underlying triggers. 

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