Fear Not With Our 22+ Essential Oils for Fear

Imagine finding yourself deep in the heart of a jungle, the rustle of breaking twigs and the calls of fearsome creatures surrounding you. Suddenly, you come face to face with a mighty lion, the king Himself, its golden mane glistening in the sunlight (or is it night time). Fear grips you; a cold shiver runs up your spine. But then you remember something – the bottles of essential oils for fear that your mom lovingly packed for you. You catch a whiff of a calming essential oil.

The aroma takes over you, easing your anxiety and boosting your courage and transmogrify you into a super hero. With newfound strength, you face the lion head-on, a battle meant to be etched in the annals of history. And like any story, you emerge victorious. With the scent of the essential oil lingering around you, you ascend to the throne and become the undisputed king of the jungle.

And then you wake up.

But, is this how essential oils for fear is supposed to work? A big fat NOOO.

Picture yourself wanting to ask out that someone special out, but your mouth sealing shut at their mere sight. Fear always gets the better of you; that’s until a wise hermit hand you a vial of essential oils for fear. Just a mere whiff of the soothing fragrance and your anxiety melts away, replaced by newfound confidence. Emboldened by this secret weapon, you approach the person of your affection and ask them out. To your surprise, they agree. Your journey together begins, leaving you with a hope for a happily ever after.

So, is this how essential oils for fear is supposed to work? Well, maybe.

Last one. You are in a room full of eager candidates taking the same interview or exam that you are there for, the pressure building as you await your turn. The butterflies in your stomach are tickling your insides at a rapid pace. Nervousness takes hold, and it casts a shadow of doubt over your abilities. And it is in this crucial juncture that you reach for the essential oil for fear.

You inhale deeply to capture its calming essence. Closing your eyes, you meditate, allowing the soothing aroma to get rid of the negativity and fear. Now you have a newfound sense of calm; you confidently step forward to face the interview (or exam). Do you crack the interview? Do you pass the exam with flying colors? Well, that’s not what essential oils for fear are meant for?

Let’s start with how we always do.

What is Fear?

Have you ever felt fear or are you the one who knocks? Fear is a natural and powerful emotion characterized by a sense of unease, anxiety, or apprehension in response to perceived threats, danger, or uncertainty. Did you ever realize that when you faced fear? What fear does is that it triggers physiological and psychological reactions. It prepares the body to confront or avoid the threat that is perceived.

How Fear Affects Performance?

Fear or panic attack can have an impact on the performance in various ways, both physically and mentally. Here are some common effects of fear on performance:

·     Physical Symptoms: It leads to physical changes including increased heart rate, more adrenaline, heavy breathing, and sweating because of the body’s fight or flight response. While these responses prepares the body for what may come it does interfere with motor skills and coordination.

·     Decision-Making issues: Fear may cloud judgment and impair decision-making, especially excessive fear.

·     Lesser Focus: Fear can cause a heightened state of alertness, but it may also result in difficulty maintaining focus on tasks at hand.

·     Bad Memory: The hormones released by the body when it is affected with fear and stress can influence memory formation and memory retrieval.

·     Drop in Creativity: Fear can stifle creativity and innovation. In a state of fear, individuals may become more rigid in their thinking, less open to new ideas.

·     Social Anxiety: Fear can lead to social performance anxiety; who has not had those embarrassing sweaty armpits.

·     Delaying tasks: Fear of failure can lead to procrastination. This can result in missed deadlines and a decline in overall performance.

·     Impact on Confidence: Persistent fear can have a negative impact on self-confidence.

Do Essential Oils For Fear Really Work?

The effectiveness of the best essential oils for fear and anxiety varies from person to person. Also, before treading further, it is important to know that scientific evidence supporting its efficacy is limited. While some individuals report positive experiences with essential oils in promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, ergo fear, it’s important to note that the effects are often subjective and may be influenced by individual preferences and circumstances.

Certain essential oils are believed to have calming properties that may alleviate feelings of fear or anxiety. Examples include lavender, chamomile, bergamot, and frankincense oil. These oils, which are a blessing, are commonly used in aromatherapy, where the aroma is inhaled or applied to the skin.

The potential benefits of essential oils in managing fear can be attributed to the following factors:

·     Aromatherapy: Inhaling the pleasant scents of certain essential oils may have a calming effect on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety levels. The oils contain compounds that affcets teh limbic system.

·     Associative Memory: The brain can forge associations between specific scents and situations. Certain aromas may result in a sense of calmness.

·     Placebo Effect: Just believing in the efficacy of essential oils can create a placebo effect. Believing that the oils will work influences subjective experiences and reduce fear and phobias.

While some people find relief through essential oils, it’s essential to approach their use with an understanding of their limitations. Those coping with severe anxiety or fear should not consider Essential oils as a substitute for medications and care.

Individuals considering the use of essential oils for fear should keep the following in mind:

·     Personal Sensitivity: People react differently to scents, and what works for one person may not have the same effect on another.

·     Quality of the Essential Oil: The purity and quality of essential oils can vary. Using high-quality, natural oils is essential to maximize potential benefits.

·     Safety Precautions: Essential oils should be used with caution, as some individuals may be sensitive or allergic to certain compounds. Dilution and patch testing are recommended.

While essential oils may contribute to relaxation and well-being for some individuals, it’s advisable to consult with a professional for a comprehensive approach to managing fear or anxiety, especially in cases of severe or chronic symptoms.

22 Essential Oils For Fear

Here’s a list of essential oils for fear that one can use when fear grips.

1. Rosemary Essential Oil for Fear

Rosemary oil has a refreshing, herbaceous aroma. Native to the Mediterranean, it is known for its invigorating scent. Rosemary oil is believed to enhance mental clarity, alleviate fear, and boost focus, making it effective against anxiety and nervousness. 

On April 2018, the Alexandria Journal of Medicine published the results of a study that investigated the effect of rosemary oil on human short-term memory. It showed that inhaling rosemary essential oil improved the memorization process. [1]

2. Lemon Essential Oil for Fear

With a refreshing citrusy aroma, lemon oil belongs to the rejuvenating citrus oils category. It is known to uplift moods and promote a sense of freshness. Lemon oil’s invigorating scent combats anxiety, and create a positive atmosphere, leading to a calm state of mind. There are few techniques for applying the oil like inhalation or topical application.

3. Neroli Essential Oil for Fear

Neroli oil is derived from orange blossoms and boasts a sweet and floral fragrance. Native to regions like Morocco and Tunisia, it is famous for its calming effects. Neroli oil when diffused may reduce anxiety, alleviate stress, and uplift the spirit, making it an excellent choice for combating fear and promoting relaxation.

4. Lavender Essential Oil for Fear

Lavender oil, native to the Mediterranean region has a sweet, floral aroma. This oil is widely recognized for its calming effects, which may reduce anxiety, and nervousness. Lavender oil promotes relaxation, and is useful for jitterbugs. The April 2016 edition of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology published a study that showed that controlled use of Lavandula angustifolia essential oil hindered the formation of contextual fear memories, but not those associated with tone fear conditioning. Additionally, it exhibited an anxiety-reducing effect in an animal model of conditioned anxiety. [2]

5. Bergamot Essential Oil for Fear

With a citrusy, uplifting scent, bergamot oil derived from the peel of bergamot oranges belongs to the citrus category. It is native to Italy, and is known to relieve stress and anxiety during aromatherapy. Bergamot oil has mood-enhancing qualities, making it effective in promoting a positive mindset and reducing feelings of fear.

6. Lime Essential Oil for Fear

Lime oil, with its fresh and zesty aroma, and extracted from lime peels, is good for driving fear away. Native to Southeast Asia, it is invigorating and can uplift the mood. Lime oil is believed to combat fear and fatigue, thereby promoting a sense of revitalization and clarity.

7. Sweet Orange Essential Oil for Fear

Derived from orange peels, sweet orange oil has a bright and fruity fragrance. Native to China, it is valued for its uplifting properties. Sweet orange oil is known to reduce anxiety, elevate mood, and create a cheerful atmosphere, making it beneficial for combating fear and stress. The Faseb Journal published a study on April 2016 that showed that orange essential oil may help in forgetting fearful memories. [3]

8. Frankincense Essential Oil for Fear

Frankincense has a warm and resinous scent. It originates from the Middle East. Known for its grounding and calming effects, it helps alleviate stress and anxiety. Frankincense oil is often used in meditation practices as it promotes a sense of tranquility and emotional balance.

9. Cypress Essential Oil for Fear

Cypress oil has a woody and fresh aroma and is native to the Mediterranean region. Renowned for its grounding properties, it can help ease feelings of anxiety and stress. Cypress oil is thought to provide a sense of stability and strength, making it beneficial for emotional well-being.

10. Mandarin Essential Oil for Fear

Mandarin essential oil, with its sweet and citrusy aroma, is derived from mandarin oranges. Native to Southeast Asia, it is known for its uplifting and calming properties. Mandarin oil can bring about a sense of happiness and relaxation.

11. Tangerine Essential Oil for Fear

Tangerine oil has a bright and tangy scent, originating from tangerine peels. Native to China, it is valued for its refreshing qualities. Tangerine oil is believed to reduce stress, anxiety, and promote a positive mood.

12. Blood Orange Essential Oil for Fear

With a rich, citrusy aroma, blood orange oil is derived from blood oranges, primarily found in Italy. With subtle similarity to sweet orange oil, this oil is known for its mood-enhancing and energizing effects. Blood orange oil is believed to alleviate tension.

13. Grapefruit Essential Oil for Fear

Grapefruit oil has a fresh and invigorating citrus scent and is extracted from grapefruit peels. Native to the Americas, it is diffused for its uplifting qualities. Grapefruit oil can help reduce stress, boost mood, and create a sense of positivity.

14. Petitgrain Essential Oil for Fear

Petitgrain oil, a milder substitute for neroli oil, is extracted from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree, offering a fresh and floral scent. Native to Southeast Asia, it is known for its calming and balancing effects. Petitgrain oil is believed to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

15. Blue Tansy Essential Oil for Fear

Blue Tansy oil, with its mild, sweet and herbaceous aroma, is extracted from the blue tansy flower. Native to Morocco, it is valued for its calming and soothing properties. Blue Tansy oil is believed to ease anxiety, and promote a sense of tranquility.

16. Jasmine Essential Oil for Fear

The sweet Jasmine oil, known for its rich and floral fragrance, is extracted from jasmine flowers. Native to regions like India and China, it is ever-so-popular for its uplifting and aphrodisiac properties. Jasmine oil is believed to reduce fear, uplift mood, and promote emotional well-being.

17. Vanilla Essential Oil for Fear

The uber popular Vanilla oil, with its sweet and warm aroma, is extracted from vanilla beans. Native to Mexico, it is known for its comforting and calming effects. Vanilla oil is believed to reduce nervousness, anxiety, and create a soothing atmosphere, promoting relaxation.

18. Basil Essential Oil for Fear

The traditional Basil oil, with its fresh and herbal aroma, is derived from basil leaves. Native to Asia and Africa, it is known for its invigorating and uplifting properties. Basil oil is used to alleviate mental fatigue, reduce anxiety, and promote mental wellbeing.

19. Juniper Berry Essential Oil for Fear

Juniper Berry oil has a crisp and woody fragrance, extracted from juniper berries. Native to Europe, it is valued for its grounding and calming effects. Juniper Berry oil is believed to ease stress, anxiety, and promote emotional balance.

20. Chamomile Essential Oil for Fear

Chamomile oil, extracted from chamomile flowers, has sweet and apple-like scent. Roman chamomile is native to Europe and Asia and is renowned for its calming and soothing properties. Chamomile oil is believed to reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve sleep conditions.

21. Sandalwood Essential Oil for Fear

Sandalwood oil has not only a rich and woody aroma, but also rich in traditions. It is derived from the heartwood of sandalwood trees. Native to India, it is known for its grounding and meditative effects. Sandalwood oil is believed to reduce anxiety, promote mental clarity, and induce a sense of calm.

22. Vetiver Essential Oil for Fear

The essential oil of Vetiver, with its earthy and smoky fragrance, is extracted from vetiver grass. Native to India, it is revered for its grounding and balancing properties. Vetiver oil is believed to alleviate fear, calm nervousness, and promote emotional stability.

23. Lemon Balm Essential Oil for Fear

Lemon Balm oil or Melissa oil has a citrusy and lemon-like scent, extracted from lemon balm leaves. Native to Europe, it is valued for its calming and mood-enhancing effects. Lemon Balm oil is believed to lift spirits, and promote a sense of relaxation.

DIY Blends For Essential Oils For Fear

Here are some DIY blends using essential oils that are believed to help alleviate fear and promote a sense of calm. Please note that individual responses to essential oils can vary, and these blends are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always dilute essential oils properly and perform a patch test before widespread use. Essential oils are better  for dealing with fear when used in blends as it has quicker reaction time.

Confidence Citrus Blend:


  • 4 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil
  • 1 drop Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 2 tablespoons Jojoba or Sweet Almond oil


  1. In a small glass bottle, combine the oils to make a homogeneous essential oil blend.
  2. Add the carrier oil to the bottle.
  3. Close the bottle and shake well to ensure thorough mixing.
  4. Apply a small amount of the blend to your wrists, neck, or temples whenever you feel anxious or fearful.
  5. Take deep breaths to inhale the calming aroma.

Balancing Herby Blend:


  • 3 drops Vetiver Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Basil Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Chamomile Essential Oil
  • 1 drop Cedarwood Essential Oil
  • 2 drops of clary sage essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons olive or Fractionated Coconut Oil


  1. Combine the drops of each essential oil in a small glass bowl.
  2. Add the carrier oil to the bottle.
  3. Close the bottle and shake well to blend the oils thoroughly.
  4. Apply a small amount to the soles of your feet, back of the neck, or pulse points.
  5. Take a moment to breathe deeply and let the grounding aroma calm your nerves.

Fear-beating Floral Harmony:


  • 4 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Jasmine Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Neroli Essential Oil
  • 1 drop Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
  • 2 tablespoons Grapeseed oil


  1. Combine the drops of each essential oil in a small glass bottle.
  2. Pour the carrier oil into the bottle.
  3. Seal the bottle and shake well to ensure the oils are thoroughly mixed.
  4. Apply a small amount to your wrists, behind the ears, or the chest.
  5. Inhale deeply and allow the calming floral aroma to envelop you.

How To Use Essential Oils for Fear

Diffuse the Aromatic Molecules: Fill your diffuser with a calming blend like Lavender, Sweet Orange, and Ylang Ylang oils (see below for more blends). Breathe in the relaxing aroma for 20-30 minutes for creating a fearless ambience.

Inhale on-the-go: Dab a calming oil like Bergamot or Grapefruit on a cotton ball or handkerchief. Inhale deeply whenever anxiety or fear arises for a quick fear buster. its is considered a best way these oils for fear can help during exams and interviews.

Soothe Your Senses: Dilute calming oils like Vetiver or Sandalwood in a carrier oil. Apply to wrists, temples, or soles of feet (of course after a patch test!) and inhale its aroma. It takes some practice to use the aroma to your benefit.

Unwind in a Bath: Add a relaxing blend to a warm bath with Epsom salts. Soak for 15-20 minutes, inhaling the aroma and letting the warmth drive fear away.

Precautions To Follow While Using Essential Oils for Fear

While certain essential oils may have calming and grounding properties, it is crucial to prioritize safety and consult an aromatherapist or physician before using them for managing fear, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

·     Always dilute essential oils before applying them to the skin. Essential oils are highly concentrated and can irritate the skin if applied undiluted. A safe dilution ratio is typically 2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 teaspoon of carrier oil, such as jojoba oil or almond oil.

·     Do a patch test before using any new essential oil. Apply a diluted amount of the oil to a small area of your inner arm and wait 24 hours to see if there is any unwanted reaction. If you experience any redness, itching, or burning, do not use the oil.

·     Avoid using essential oils on sensitive areas like the eyes, nose, and mouth. Essential oils can be irritating to these areas.

·     Some essential oils can interact with certain medications or health conditions. Be aware of potential interactions with medications or other health conditions. If you have any concerns, talk to your doctor before using essential oils. 

·     Do not use essential oils with children or pets without the guidance of an aromatherapist. Essential oils may be toxic to children and pets, and cause confusion in inhaled in excess. Ingesting these oils can cause distress in digestive system.

·     Store essential oils properly. Essential oils should be stored in dark, cool containers out of the reach of children and pets.

·   The statements here are for informational purposes. They are neither evaluated by the FDA nor to be construed as helpful medical advice / substitute for advice. Although essential oils can help with fear and anxiety, they are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Seek a qualified health care professional for professional advice.


Essential oils can prove to be valuable allies in the quest for emotional well-being by offering calming and soothing properties. While individual responses may vary, many people find comfort in the aromas of oils like lavender, chamomile, and citrus varieties to help alleviate fear and stress.

Incorporating these oils into your routine, whether through diffusion, topical application, or aromatherapy, can create a fragrant sanctuary, fostering a sense of peace and tranquility amid life’s challenges. Always remember to use essential oils mindfully and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or specific health conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What essential oil is good for fear?

The essential oils that can be used to overcome fear include neroli essential oil, lavender essential oil, lime essential oil, blood orange essential oil, and cypress essential oil.

Where do you put essential oil for fear?

Essential oils for fear can be applied topically (after dilution) to various pulse points on the body or diffused via an aroma diffuser to create a calming atmosphere. Pulse points include the wrists, temples, neck, and chest. 

How do I overcome fear with essential oil?

To overcome fear with essential oils, inhale calming scents like lavender, chamomile, or bergamot by diffusing them in a room or inhaling them directly from the bottle. You can also dilute these oils with a carrier oil and apply them to pulse points on the body.

  • Filiptsova, O.V., Gazzavi-Rogozina, L.V., Timoshyna, I.A., Naboka, O.I., Dyomina, Y.V. and Ochkur, A.V., 2018. The effect of the essential oils of lavender and rosemary on the human short-term memory. Alexandria Journal of Medicine, 54(1), pp.41-44.
  • Coelho, L.S., Correa-Netto, N.F., Masukawa, M.Y., Lima, A.C., Maluf, S., Linardi, A. and Santos-Junior, J.G., 2018. Inhaled Lavandula angustifolia essential oil inhibits consolidation of contextual-but not tone-fear conditioning in rats. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 215, pp.34-41.
  • Moshfegh, C., Swiercz, A.P., Hopkins, L. and Marvar, P.J., 2016. Effects of Essential Oil on Fear Memory and the Immune Response; A Potential Alternative Therapy for Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD). The FASEB Journal, 30, pp.1238-5.